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Posts posted by tazolover

  1. I bought the Leapster for my son when he was 3. It got very little use, until now (age 5) he won't put it down! I purchased one at WalMart this year for my 3 year old daughter because she always wants to play with her brother's. There was a bundle deal at WalMart where you bought the Leapster and received a carrying case as well as the "Letterpillar" game for less than $60.
  2. Well, before we get into the whole conscience issue, plain and simple the person packing your items made a mistake. You ordered something OL, and they sent you the wrong item. How is that your fault?


    Now, if I am in a B&M store, and I see a blatant mistake, I will say/do something. If I get overcharged, undercharged (hasn't happened yet) and esp correct change, I speak up. Because honestly, the extra $2 the cashier gives me by mistake is not worth them loosing their job over because their till is under.


    And hey, there is no way my DH would EVER contact buy.com to tell them the mistake they made with us. They sent us a PSP bundle package last year by mistake when I had ordered a PS2 wireless controller for my DH. Had no idea of the mistake until I was wrapping the package Christmas Eve. And I feel I am a very honest person and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.


    Consider it a little extra bonus this season, and to offset your kharma, do a nice deed for someone this holiday season! :)

  3. I understand you not wanting to make a big stink, but I think Amazon should know that some of their merchants lack customer service skills/proper reviewing before posting an item. That error was blatant, and someone needs to know that the merchants are hurting the rep of Amazon. JMO, I know, but customer service is a big deal for me. :o
  4. I found a Kawasaki 9" portable DVD player on clearance tonight. It was marked original price 179.99 on clearance for 89.99. Scanned it and it came up $0.00. Tried to talk cashier into $44.98 but she called manager. They said it would have to be $89.99 even though it was no longer in the system. I didn't buy it. Will check back later and see if it comes down more.

    I'm sure that either the manager or employee got a great deal after you left. BUMMER!

  5. I have found games like Over the Hedge and Cars for PS2 for $19.99 at BB, but that is during their Wednesday sales and were a few weeks ago. I'll let you know if I find any other deals.


    If you are looking for older games, I have seen some on Clearance through Circuit City and BB. Cheap, but a lot of shooting games.


    Good Luck!

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