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Posts posted by tazolover

  1. GB TOTALLY picked through, so nothing there. Found some Baby Thank You notes on Clearance and one of those Plug and Play games, this one is an Elmo bongo type game. Never seen it before, rang up for $4.98. BONUS! No juice boxes, no Valentines stuff which surprises me. I'll have to check a neighboring store next week. Not a lot of Clearance overall. Still looking for the mini fridge.


    Th See Dollar Save area, will it start being marked before Easter or after? Almost started buying things, but stopped myself.

  2. So dissappointed. Went to a Target in another town, and found Christmas storage boxes. I scanned them, and were on Clearance, but still only at 30%. So I took them up front and inquired, turns out they wouldn't budge on the price since they were received after Christmas. OK. . .

    But, DH did score a cool tape measure normally $24.95 down to $6.97. Black and Decker and it is automatic, not the kind that snaps back. Cool if you don't have someone to hold the other side.

    Saw some camping lanterns on Clearance (only 30%) but were Coleman, so good quality. No toys but a lot of the bulk foods, cleaning supplies and personal toiletries were on Clearance. 196 Size 1 and 2 Pampers for $20

  3. We have the HD Tivo series and let me tell you, if I had to do it all over again, I would wait until all the bugs have been worked out. It infuriates me that we still have the bugs that we do (can't FF rewind, tuners are always needing to be reset, etc).


    Sorry to rant! :o We did get ours through DirecTV. You may want to check with them to see if they have any deals. I think we paid $199 for ours and that was back when it first came out, just in time for DH's precious football season. He did win his Fantasy Football league this year, so I guess it was well worth it! ;)

  4. Le Crueset are great, but they are SO EXPENSIVE. You can get good deals on them sometimes through Amazon, but they are rare.


    I have a set of Circulon from my wedding almost 11 years ago. I really liked them, but am looking to change in the next year or so.


    Thanks for the Consumer Report info. Some great stuff that I can keep an eye out for. For me, the most important is how you can clean them. I honestly do not have the time nor patience to only hand wash my pots and pans. Esp after making beans, rice and tamales! ;)

  5. Wallflowers are a BBW product (White Barn is the BBW Company)


    Currently, they are on sale for $5 for a new set or 2 refills. That is a GREAT DEAL!


    They are supposed to last between 30-45 days, I just think it depends on where you use them.


    These make great teacher gifts (I just bought 3 of the apple diffuser sets for end of the year presents for teachers), so if you have a BBW nearby or even online, this is a great time to stock up. Also, their room fragrance sprays are on sale for $2.50 which is also a fantastic deal.


    Good Luck

  6. Do you have any friends or family members who are in a union? Like with a school district or work for the government? I know my mom who is a teacher gets discounted tickets through her union.


    Good Luck and I hope you all have a wonderful time (which of course you will!)

  7. My next venture (LOL)...getting a mug that keeps my coffee INFERNO HOT. I can't stand drinking lukewarm coffee... I may just end up buying a decent looking thermos. I don't drink coffee fast and I can't stand going to the microwave to heat it up. :)

    They have coffee warmers which are little burners you can rest your coffee mug on. Perfect for use at a desk or up on a counter away from little hands. I use mine all the time for candles. Instead of having an open flame, I just warm the candles on the mug warmer.

  8. So glad you found something that works for you! I took the Cuisinart Grind and Brew back today and bought a Kitchen Aid on sale at Kohls. Hopefully the blasted thing will be less loud and actually work! The Cuisinart gave up after being used maybe 6 times and it started to leak. I felt so horrible that DH didn't have coffee in the morning, I was running out to Starbucks every morning this week. Had to end that expense, so I really hope the Kitchen Aid one I bought works!


    P.S. We have a Bodum press, but honestly, it isn't something that is convenient when making coffee during the week. Great for weekends, but not for regular use. Just my opinion of course.

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