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Everything posted by Shortness

  1. I have three and typically spend about $75-$150 each. Sometimes it's more and sometimes less. We try not to raise our kids to be expectant of lots or expensive gifts at Christmas.
  2. Very nice! I bet the kids love it each year. Do they help? We also do different rooms, however, I've pretty much quit with the outside due to living where nobody can see:( --and giving my husband a break with helping and electric bill.... We do have a big blowup Santa, Tree, Snowman thing, but that's about it.
  3. We played that at my work--and my dh plays it as his. We don't refer to it as Dirty Santa though--It's more like a White Elephant thing here.
  4. So, does anyone know if this is Tuesday only, or just starting Tuesday?
  5. I do a gift basket for my folks sometimes--this year I'm going to as well. I put in lots of food/snack items that they love and other things--like a certain kind of olives, flavored gourmet coffee (they love coffees), chocolates, essential oil soaps, certain kind of hot sauce, movie tickets (they enjoy movies), tea, calendar, etc. I'll just see different things when I'm out and about that I know they like and I'll buy something here and there. I started doing it from my grandma too--she loves dried fruit, nuts and teas--and always loves getting practical things that she would buy anyway.
  6. Thank you. I hope I can get in there. My son's had his system for awhile, but we were planning on some new games for Christmas. The cheapest I've seen them is at WalMart.com has them 2 for $33.
  7. It's very weird. Ever since we got our Super Wal Mart, which is about 6 minutes from my house, I have not gotten one flyer.
  8. I'm not "posh" enough to shop here...
  9. So, with the WM Razr, who is the 2 year contract with? If it's with someone you already have a contract with, do they just add it to your current package and then extend the time? Sorry for the ignorance, never dealt with this from a store, but wanting to get a phone for my dd. I'd rather just add her to our current package--and wouldn't bother me to extend the time.
  10. Although we don't have a KBToys around here, I'm happy to hear of a midnight opening. I'm a LATE person, and those hourse work for me much more than early morning...
  11. That's my secret! Well, and the admins...
  12. Thanks! I took advantage of a similar sale of theirs a few months ago. It was awesome! Kept me in business for awhile.
  13. Great find, thanks! Hmmm.. When I click on each shirt to add to the bag, it gives me the $8.50 price... OK, the navy blue is $3.97, the rest are $8.50 unless you buy two.
  14. I probably spend about that much. I have 3 kids.
  15. Funny thread--have to say Marc has never let us down in visuals, has he? I'd seriously have to wear Depends or something, however, I don't see myself even doing that. But, I've always had to potty every 20 minutes or so, so I will never be able to do a line for hours by myself...
  16. Well, I got a couple PSP2 games for $5.97--spent $14.41 total with shipping. Two Christmas gifts done! Thanks OP!
  17. I finally qualified for a survey---it was for my ds, about legos. It said it was affiliated with Greenfield. Of course, qualified for the survey, finished it (was promised 30 points = $3.00), and when I entered my email to verify points, it said invalid survey. This is becoming so common--every time with Greenfield... Lately, same with Lightspeed.
  18. The thing I've mostly seen them do is offer rebates. If that's the case BEWARE, as we recently bought a couple 5 gallon buckets during a rebate time. Ends up the rebate form they gave me was the wrong one, so no rebate for us. Of course we didn't find out until it was way too late to reapply.
  19. I've never subscribed to threads. Is there an option when you go into a thread? Sorry, I've never noticed or known about this. I'll try to figure that out and I'll do that from now on. Thanks guys-
  20. Well, ok. But, I posted a thread. A few different times, people had posted it to it, but I didn't know, since it wasn't bold. I felt bad because I didn't know they posted--and they probably thought I ignored them. Guess I'm not making sense. Sorry. Oh well, I'll just try to scan everything carefully. Thanks anyhow.
  21. I'm wondering- When I go into areas, I look for the things that are bold, as (I thought) those are threads I haven't read or they've updated since reading them last. Well, lately, I'm finding threads that have never been bold to me that are days old. I've never seen them, yet they are places I visit daily. So--some things are, but some aren't... Am I wrong about how this works? I especially feel bad if I've started a thread and people reply and I don't go back into it because it's not bold.
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