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Everything posted by Booterbunz

  1. www.amazon.com Handle Haulers Sonny Semi $9.99 Ships FREE by itself. Buy ONE select Little Tikes toy and get a second Little Tikes toy priced up to $24.99 for free. Put both in your cart and use code TYRTSFREELTT Also MB games are on sale both at Amazon and at TRU! *Borrowed*
  2. Yeah, it wasn't too shabby. Dd has plenty of cereal and snacks for a good bit of time! LOL Plus I don't have to buy milk this week!!! :) That sucks that your Albertson's aren't that great. They're Ok here but better back home in Seattle. I dont' normally shop at Albertson's, only when they have good sales...especially around the holidays, I get a nice turkey for about $3-5!
  3. Check if you local Albertson's grocery store has the 5 Kelloggs cereals for $10 and get 2 free gallons of milk on your next purchase. They also have Quaker products, chips and dips 10 for $15 with an additional $3 off by using your card. I made my first purchase of Kelloggs for my free milk coupon, then the 2nd transaction I got the 10 for $15 and redeemed for milk. I spent $21 (I also had an additional $1 coupon for the Quaker Breakfast Cookies) and saved $44.77!!!
  4. Go figure, I just got mine on the 11th from Best Buy for $70 AR..and then I was going to wait a month or so to see how I liked it to try for the lifetime subscription deal! ARGH! Always a day late and a dollar short!!! LOL
  5. Yeah, I went to Target yesterday and nothing was left hardly at 75% but I did score 3 oils that I wanted and the last 3 porcini pasta's they had at the 2nd Target! I knew nothing would be there today..bummer! I remember there being alot left last year at 90% at a few of "my" Targets but it all got soaked up between 30-50% off!! Grr! LOL
  6. LOL I picked up a bag of lollipops for dd for $1.50! Woohoo!!
  7. I went at lunch time yesterday and found myself the pink frosting that I wanted for dd's birthday cake and a mini heart springform set of 3, an outfit for dd, and hubby found some chocolate that he "just had to have"! LOL Valentine's stuff didn't impress me much this year. I'm holding out for the global oils and pasta's to be marked down. The lady that I asked yesterday said that it's rumored to be marked to 50% on sunday or monday!
  8. I think they may run a tad bit bigger in the jeans and a bit smaller in the tops. I think anyways! :)
  9. I got followed about 2 weeks ago at Target! LOL Hubby got mad and called and spoke to the manager. I didn't even have my purse or a cart while I was looking at things but the security guy was all over me and made if obvious, my husband was the one that had our dd, cart, and the diaper bag so I had nowhere to put anything! LOL The manager just said that he'd check into it!
  10. I got 5 pairs of shoes for dd for less than $20!!! I was so happy but I know that when hubby comes home from hunting that he'll roll his eyes! LOL My dd has entirely way too many shoes, but for the prices I paid, ya can't beat it! LOL
  11. I need a job there too Cheri! LOL I "only" have $50 worth of Gymbucks. Hopefully I'll find some cute stuff on clearance..and hopefully I can hold out until the garden themed stuff (don't know the name of that line) goes on sale!
  12. I went to one Target today as I was out paying bills and Christmas was 90% off but what urked me was that a lady right infront of me literally grabbed EVERY single clothing item that was marked down..about 50 shirts regardless of sizes and same with the kids clothing! I was so mad!!! She didn't even offer a shirt or pair of pants to me or the other lady next to me gasping that she took everything and had her cart in the middle so we couldn't get past her!! ARGH! I didn't get any 90% stuff, just a couple of valentines things for dd. Blah!
  13. I got this email this morning, and it took everything I had to NOT order!!! LOL Hubby thinks that I'm a shopaholic now! :)
  14. I got some cute Disney Princess wrapping paper for $.74 at Walmart.. couldn't pass those up! LOL Also got a brush set, some other inexpensive wrapping paper for $.22, 2 lighted tree's $1.24 (the small white plastic ones for the yard) and a lighted reindeer. At Target I got lucky, I went by the toys and I found the pink couch for dd, originally $69.99 and I got it for $17.xx..I was thrilled! LOL I got the carwash set for $7.49, a buttload of plastic cups and plates for $.62 each..no dishes for a while! LOL I also got a few more wrapping papers that were really cute that won't make 90% off! Um, what else? LOL The fleece like blankets (2) for $3.24 each, a hat/mitten set for $2.50, and some sprinkles and frosting to make some cakes with. Then at the px, they were having a 1 day sale and I scored some kswiss and keds, leather jacket, full outfit, and turtleneck for dd and a pair of nike's for me for a total of $58.xx..that made me quite happy!
  15. Yeah, I love Targets markdown at 75 and 90% for wrapping paper which is mostly what's left by then! LOL
  16. I'll probably hit up walmart to see what they have as far as gift sets and lighted displays then possibly to target and then to the mall if hubby wants to join me! :)
  17. Wow, that's great!! Good to know that Amazon was so willing to keep you happy instead of being horrible about their customer service, especially at this time of the year! LOL
  18. Hubby, dd, and I stood at walmart last night and watched that thing for like 10 minutes! LOL It was $88 last night! If I can find it for $40, I'll pick one up for hubby since he's a hunter and dd loves dancing to it! Plus, you can talk thru a mic on it and sing kaoroke (sp?) thru it!
  19. http://www.olay.com/newsandsamples/TEswap.htm Trade in your department store moisturizer by mail and get a free Total Effects 7x facial moisturizer..even if it's empty or has been used!
  20. Hmm, do they have a princess bed?? LOL ...off to check it out now....
  21. My mom enjoys going overboard. I think next year that she's going to have so many lights on her house that a plane is going to try and land in her yard! LOL I only have 4 strands of lights on my tree and a sign in the bedroom window telling Santa to stop here! LOL Woohoo
  22. I usually get my 2 cats and dog small gifts. I got them the pet stockings that Target had last year in the dollar spot and then got the cats new collars and treats since they don't like toys and I hate stepping on them! LOL Then the dog got some chews and treats! :) We don't go overboard on them, it's the usual stuff that you buy your pets but we just save it in their stocking!! LOL
  23. Booterbunz

    Best Deodorant

    I use Secret and Lady SpeedStick but I wanna change to something different...maybe I'll go to a aerosol?!.
  24. Booterbunz


    I got an inexpensive machine from sears a few years ago. It does it's job and is easy to take over to a friends house for a party! LOL I know Walmart carries them and I think that Best Buy may also?!.
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