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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. I dont go there mostly because they suck. I have had tons of issues with many different stores. Plus, i have worked for them. They treat thier employees orribly. google wal mart sucks and see what you get........
  2. Yep, that DVD player is in my kids room.....it has a rough life with a 4 & 6 year old, but it has been good!
  3. fairydustcrissy


    It was pretty freakin cold here....around 35 or so if I remember correctly. It was colder than the weather said it was gonna be.....
  4. $19 DVD player from sears last year is working great!
  5. Thanks Pam! I will keep an eye out for this, my dad can use one! BTW, what is the diff in pkg? Just so I know which one I'm looking for!
  6. We all go to my grandmas for thanksgiving dinner. The men watch the kids while the women make a game plan. We write down what we want at each store, and when they open. We all go home, and meet up around 3:30 for coffee the next morning.
  7. Here, even at the mall, there are signs posted on all the doors letting you know which ONE door will be the one that opens.
  8. My Target seems to run a week behind a target thats about 20 miles away. Odd, isnt it?
  9. But...SOny has a bad habit of not shipping enough around the holidays. I'd say its a possibilty, but not necessarily gonna happen. Really depends on how good the bundles are this year.
  10. I agree....one line only.
  11. The only way to get one now would be wait in line at Target or WM, as they dont do pre-orders. But be prepared for a long line, and to wait a long time. As for deals, no way. There wont be any systems, so they cant sell them if tehy dont have them.
  12. My kids (and DH) loves games as well. Thats where DH's employee discount comes in handy!
  13. Yep, what he said. I forgot to answer that part, sorry. But he is right, the core system is really more expensive in the long run. But, for some that is easier. We have been paying on ours since they were in the computer at EB. Otherwise, we would buy the core and then get accessories as we could afford. Too bad hubby doesnt get a discount on new systems! Darn!
  14. The price is $300 or $400, depending on which version you want. The less-expensive core system will feature only the Xbox 360 console with a controller, which has to be plugged into the system to play games. The $400 option will come with a 20 GB hard drive, a wireless controller, a headset (used for talking with other players online) that stylistically matches the Xbox 360 and, for a limited time, a remote control allowing users to more easily access the machine's multimedia functions.
  15. They are expected to only have enough for pre-orders. My hubby (EB manager) has already sold out his 1st and 2nd shipments. MS said the 1st shipment will be avail on the 22nd, but no guarantee the 2nd will be in by Christmas. If you havent pre-ordered, better be at WM at midnight!
  16. I am ususally with at least 3 otherpeople, but somehow we always end up talking to everyone around us. i guess we just like to talk :)
  17. No, but i have to go about 1.5 hrs away to get to the good stores.
  18. I usually do the tree about halfway thru Dec, but this year we have a fake that I got for 25.00 at Home Depot last year. Maybe a couple of days after thanksgiving...thats how long it takes me to recover.
  19. No prob! Hope you find what you are looking for! Also, if they dont have it, just wait. They do REALLY awesome sales about 4 times a year...Thanksgiving is usually one of them. If I remember, they do it for 3 days straight. Surely you will find one then as well.
  20. Seems there are guitar center stores in: Akron, cinci, cleveland, columbus, mayfield heights, toledo, and youngstown. Dont know if any are close to you. http://www.guitarcenter.com/locations/cities.cfm?state=Ohio
  21. Thats me. I leave by 3am, drive almost 1.5hrs, and get home b 12:30 or 1. DH has to work, so I have to be back in time fir him to go to work. I'm soooo glad he's the mgr! He makes the schedules!
  22. I have a 6 yo DD, 4yo DD, and my son will be 1 on the 21st. I am definately hoping for good deals on toys!!!
  23. No way! We all go togethre, get in line together and freeze together. Oh yeah, we also yell together if someone tries to cut in line.
  24. nothing special here. I do put on clean clothes, and shower the night before. But I dont do makeup normally, so its pretty much my everyday routine.
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