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Everything posted by tokanm

  1. I put in the code etc but I don't see the $15 taken off. What am I doing wrong? I wanted to buy the binoculars and the electric shaver.
  2. My son had bought some things last week and was able to get the 50% off price, just by showing the receipt, she scanned it and voila he saved alot!! Then I went shopping again and I got a bag full of shorts, shirts and 2 pairs of khakis for him for $18.70!!! I am pretty sure that here in Mass things were marked even lower than 50% off, I'll have to check out my slip.
  3. Hi we had no trouble buying their tickets...just put in the dates and destinations and then the code and there was the discount price. BTW they bought their tix last weekend and are traveling on 8/2/06...so I don't consider that too far in advance. Maybe it depends on where you are going? Just FYI
  4. thanks my son and his gf took advantage of this and are traveling from Providence to DC and on to Chicago and back for less than $300 thanks to this posting. Since they are poor college students this really helped them out:fluffy: They are going out to visit her family etc. The discount is if you and your child or any 2 people are looking at colleges. All they have to do is check out a school during their vacation and there you go. I am not even sure you would have to since they already honored this price when they purchased their tix. Thanks again MEM
  5. Ebay or local flea markets
  6. I've actually seen this a few times recently at a flea market at a booth where the guy sells "collectibles" like Simpsons, King of the Hill, Futurama, Family Guy stuff like that, I think its pretty common at flea markets, swap meets etc, well at least around here, New England. 90+ percent of the stuff is new and unopened...just a thought. Also how about KB toys? Good Luck
  7. We have used Virgin Mobile for our kids and had no problems at all. Virgin is on the same network as Sprint, so the reception is great as is customer service. They too have the referral program as well as rollover minutes and now they have a $30 a month plan that I believe gives you free nights and weekends and automatically "re-ups" your minutes each month so you don't need to buy cards. You still can buy cards, buy minutes on line or buy minutes via the phone as well. We recommend Virgin quite highly. Good Luck
  8. I just use my George Foreman grill and find that it works great. I also use it for making quesedillas as well as meats, veggies, sandwiches etc. Saves on counter space and money too MEM
  9. Hi we have gotten great discounts using www.affordabledisney.com check them out they have a weekly newsletter plus an online book and seem to have more knowledge than anyone else we have ever used. Also Omar at Maple Leaf tickets gets you the best deals by far, you can get an even deeper discount for him if you read the stuff on John Gross' Affordable Disney. Hope this helps. We saved lots of $$$$'s every time we went MEM
  10. I bought some great jersey sheets on QVC...check out their website www.qvc.com good luck
  11. I just got back from my local WM, no toy deals but I got flannel sheets sets for $5.00 each 1 twin, 1 queen. Full size sunbeam electric blanket for $12.00. They also had those toasters that have the 2 egg maker attachments built onto the side for $10, plus hair dryers,curling irons and straighteners all for just $5-$10. Plus lots of valentine stuff left, cards, candy etc for 75% off. Its ironic though that it was in the low teens here today with more snow expected for tonight/tomorrow and they had all the summer stuff out:tongue1: MEM
  12. I liked www.shoes.com or even www.zappatos.com however for certain types of shoes I personally love www.llbean.com, the lifetime guarantee and the quality cannot be beat in my opinion good luck MEM
  13. OK folks please bear with me as I am new to this:runaway: I would love to find a set like this for my son who is off to college in August. I believe I would need to buy him twin XLong. Does anyone have any idea how to search for this item. Such a great price I hate to pass it up. thanks MEM
  14. I bought the Polaroid 3.2 MP camera from Target 2 days ago and I am quite pleased with it. It takes videos with sound, regular AAA batteries and I thought the pics came out clear and the software was a breeze to use. For $40, I think I got a great deal. FYI
  15. I just bought a polaroid 3.2MP digital camera at Target on clearance for $39.99..includes software, case etc. It works pretty well too. It even has the ability to record video clips with sound. My local Target had many of them, they come packaged in the plastic case (not the ones that they sell behind the counter) and were in with the film cameras. Hope this helps...maybe they even have them at Target.com?
  16. I too know very little about computers but you can get a great deal if you go to the DELL OUTLET website, I guess they put up their specials at the "40" minute mark each hour...like 8:40 am, 9:40 pm etc, etc. They have refurbished, never shipped, even scratch and dent, you just type in what you are looking for including the price and it will show you the ones available. Hope this helps
  17. I got some awesome deals at my Target today:D I bought a sony walkman/cd/mp3/am/fm/tv/weatherband it is the "deluxe" one...original price was $119. they were on clearance for $22, I bought 2 as my ADD child tends to lose things:( I also got a polaroid 3.2 MP digital camera with the whole digital kit marked down to $33. which was great as ours "died" the other day. Also Gain 125 oz was $3.00 for various scents. I also got Tao body spray for 90cents. I also perused at my local Walmart...nothing impressive at all, lots of junk. Target had lots of V-Day stuff all at 50% off. MEM
  18. I got mine on QVC and it works great. Stay away from the brand Deni as we got one of those and it was junk. FYI I found that the cheapest place to get bags is on ebay. Good Luck:tongue1: www.iqvc.com MEM
  19. I myself prefer BJ's, they have an awesome bakery and deli, have lots of vendors handing out samples and coupons at every aisle. Plus the fact that I get a free membership to BJ's with my job. I went to Costco and I found it "too warehouse like" by that I mean it was very dark and drab in there, BJ's seemed more customer friendly, but that is just my humble opinion:cheesy: The nearest Sams to me is about 45 minutes away. Also I like BJ's optical and travel and cell phone services all right within the store...one stop shopping. PS great clearance sales too:wizard:
  20. We have Directv and I believe we used our debit/MC to set up the account. We are billed monthly and the bill does not get charged to debit/mc. We have been very pleased with Directv as cable here (Comcast) was $$$$ and limited channels whereas Directv had lots of channels and was 1/3 the price. No probs with reception etc either and they are always having specials with free install, free Tivo. I personally would never go back to cable MEM:g_thumble
  21. hi I bought Virgin for dd, ds, (teens) and no problems at all. Great reception here (mass) they have the same network as Sprint, fyi. They also have deals and I believe 3 different plans as well. Great customer service as well. We are very satisfied with Virgin all the way around MEM PS you can also get some deals on phones for Virgin on ebay
  22. Hello all I must be the village idiot as I do not see any coupons for soda at all, only for juice and water. Where exactly is the soda coupon please? thanks MEM:gd_pineap
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