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Everything posted by JenT1292

  1. We own 3 of the Creative's. I have the one with a built in tuner, hubby and son do not. We like them, never had any problems with them.
  2. Not too much that I was looking for, just a couple of filler items I may just price match at Wally World. Thanks for the ad...we are getting closer!!!
  3. Last year Target had really good deals on the Star Wars legos on Black Friday. I'm hoping for that again, my son loves them too.
  4. I was also at my Walgreen's last night and noticed stuff up on the tops of shelves stacked as high as they could. :)
  5. I can't say for sure, but it could depend on where you live and which warehouse it ships from. Our company has multiple warehouses across the country and each warehouse has a particular "zone" they ship to. So if the warehouse in Boston has the items in stock, they may be able to ship it to a customer where as if the warehouse in Chicago is sold out, a customer in IL is out of luck. Hope this makes sense.
  6. I agree. I used to order from them at least once a month and I haven't ordered anything now all summer. Pretty disappointing.
  7. Next 30% off runs Sept 16-23. Code is SAVE30. Just got it in the mail today.
  8. oh no...I'm in so much trouble! Off to take a look-see!
  9. Were they any type of special package? I got a 24 pk Monday night there and was happy with $5.98, but I'd dance a jig over $3.98!
  10. 1. In your opinion, what store had the best Black Friday ad last year (2008) and why? 2. What would be your #1 piece of advice to someone totally new to Black Friday? 3. Besides offering great deals, what else can a store do to get you to shop there on BF? 1. Target. I was able to get the Guitar Hero, a huge Lego set, and movies. For the first time, I went the weekend before and got the things I wanted, then returned the following weekend to get a price adjustment. I can't believe how slick that worked, will definately do it again this year. 2. Make a list and be aware of stores that will price match. Walmart is a big one that will price match, so I am usually able to eliminate a couple of stores by just pricematching. 3. I'm a sucker for a freebie. A "free" gift with purchase. Those darn globes at JC Penney tempt me every year. :)
  11. Kohl's has some really neat and unique dishes. Don't know if there's one around you or not, but I have bought dishes from them online and had no problem with delivery (breaking or anything, packed really well).
  12. Free shipping code MVC9728 just worked for me if anyone is placing an order today.
  13. Dollar General had some of the grape juice today at 50% off.
  14. My hubby got one this week at Blockbuster.
  15. JenT1292

    Kohls bucks

    Watch your mail, I got a 15 % off coupon in the mail today to use on Dec. 5th or 6th.
  16. This was the first year I tried the price adjusting. I had no problems, walked up, gave the gal my receipt and told her I had 3 items to price adjust, she did her thing and I walked away happy! Worked like a charm!
  17. What time does their early bird specials end? I see they open at 5.
  18. Yep, they always have the best dvd & cd prices. I price matched quite a bit from them at Walmart last year.
  19. We'll do the outside lights this week since the weather will be half-way decent, but won't turn them on until Thanksgiving night. The inside decorations won't go up until after Thanksgiving day since I'm having 17 people over for dinner and if I put up the tree and decorations, I won't have room for all the people.
  20. Cool Whip and only Cool Whip. None of that fat-free or store brand to go on pumpkin pie. Mmmmm!!!
  21. Thanks for the great site, bopen! Very helpful. I have a lot of reading to do now, lol.
  22. We've been with Verizon for years, and I've always been happy with them. Service is good and dependable, and I think their customer service is great.
  23. Does anyone have an opinion on the Garmin that is at Radio Shack for $169.99? I'm looking for one for my husband, and I don't really know anything about these.
  24. I got mine in the Sunday paper yesterday. I was not impressed, and neither was my 11 year old. Nothing that we were looking for at all (and no $5 coupon either).
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