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Everything posted by mrn8

  1. Dell coupons usually have expiration dates or they expire after a specified number of uses. They really don't last more than a couple of week, at the longest. I would suggest that you wait until you are in the States, and check out the current Dell deals.
  2. July is the end of their financial quarter, so they should be offering some good deals. Honestly, the retail price doesn't matter much, because they are always offering some sort of discount.
  3. If you want to get the 9300 for more than 35% off, watch theDell Coupon page for the next $750 of $1999 or more coupon. Usually end of quarter is the best time to buy, followed by end of the month. Monday-Wednesday are usually pretty uneventful days for Dell deals.
  4. Welcome to GottaDeal, shalashaska! Take a look at the Dell Inspiron 9300. Upgrade the screen to UXGA and the video card to the 256mb Nvidia GeForce Go6800. You can buy memory and hard drive upgrades cheaper (usually) than you can get them with the system.
  5. Your best bet, if you can wait for a little while, is to watch the coupons on this page: Dell Coupons I would guess that the Rebel XT kit will get below $850 before the end of the month. You can also seach gottadeal.pricegrabber.com for the best deal, and then contact One Call to see if they will price match the dealer you have found. If they will pricematch the lowest pricegrabber price, it will be $849.94.
  6. I was about to take the plunge on this camera, because I'm a Canon whore...but the 15% off coupon seems to have passed the 1000 uses mark.
  7. That should be no problem, in October of '05. Until then, you'll have to hope that they get some in their outlet, or that they close that model out. This is probably the best you can do right now: 9XV81MD?JP6TM0 - Save $500 on any Inspiron Notebook purchase of $1499 or more. Coupon expires 4/19/05 at 5:59 am CT or after 3000 uses, whichever comes first.
  8. Yeah, looks like they changed the pricing.
  9. It's close to the viewable area of a 19", but I believe that it's slightly less. Samsung makes really nice displays, I don't think you would be disappointed in it at all.
  10. Oh yeah...media... Ridata 100 pack $37.99
  11. Samsung 16x - $53.99 shipped Samsung Dual Layer - $55.98 shipped Both come with Nero software.
  12. newegg $345.99 - free shipping -$80 MIR -$70 MIR ----------- 195.99
  13. Do you know if they have these at the B&M stores? I really would like to try it out before getting it.
  14. That's the absolute best price you will find.
  15. You found a filler item cheaper than mine. Great deal, though.
  16. I would not worry about the keyboards or reliability at all. I've been using a Dell laptop for 1 1/2 years, now. I like it a lot better than the Sony that I used for 2 years before that. Dell's are totally reliable. I have 5 of them set up for people here at the bank, and they have been virtually maintenance free. The only thing I've had to do is add more memory for one of the marketing guys, so he could run photoshop and macromedia MX without waiting days for things to happen. I have 4 Inspiron 1150 laptops and 1 Precision M60 (mine). 2 of the guys are very rough with their Inspirons, and it shows on the chasis. The chasis is scratched up and dented from throwing it into his car without the laptop case and from letting their kids use them. Anyway, functionally, they are still perfect. They look like crap, but they perform just like they should, despite the fact that they are abused beyond belief.
  17. Sorry to hear that. I hate it when a deal falls through like that.
  18. Well, it won't see much duty, because the MIL might watch 2-3 movies a month. She always wants to borrow movies, but all she has is a VCR that work intermittently. We have maybe 2 or 4 VHS movies, now.
  19. Of course. Gotta support my habit.
  20. Yeah, I've had excellent experiences with Toshiba. My current TV is a Toshiba. Thanks for the tip...looks like I'll buy now instead of waiting for a better sale. That seems to be a great price on a brand-name player.
  21. I'm looking for something, hopefully under $100, for a Mother's Day gift. Obviously, I have a month to find it, but any help would be appreciated. I'm not looking for the bottom-of-the-line player, because I don't want to be Mr. Fix-It for the MIL.
  22. http://www.mwave.com/mwave/viewspec.hmx?scriteria=3629164 I looked all over the place, and that's the best I can find. Looks like that Compaq is going to be a great price. I remember when I started college, and I paid $1800 for a middle-of-the-road PC with a huge 15" monitor.
  23. Are you talking about the Compaq Presario Intel® Celeron® M Processor 350 notebook that's on sale for $599? The link doesn't work for me.
  24. Original RSS seems to be invalid, now. The RSS2 link works great, though.
  25. The new April code it out. I edited the original post to reflect the change. 15% of entire order: APRIL2005
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