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Everything posted by mrn8

  1. Yeah, it's been working fine with Sharp Reader.
  2. Ladygab - They have this sale at least quarterly. If you needed something sooner, you might want to try www.zappos.com. I've used them for a few things, and they are an excellent seller, and their prices are really good.
  3. I love smilies. Those made me laugh!
  4. $20 of $100 (exp 4-25-05) - 38279398
  5. This version of the phone is safe, but I think the older version was 5.8GHz from the base and 2.4GHz back. You need to be careful if you are getting a 5.8 handset for network purposed, because a lot of them still work that way.
  6. Good deal! I may pick these up for my main rig, and move my Z-3e speakers to that new Dell I got from their outlet sale.
  7. Sorry, man, I can't help you yet. I usually get a flyer in the mail sometime during the first or second week of the month. If that one just expired, they will probably release another one in a week or two. I'll post the coupon codes when I find them.
  8. I have 2 512mb cards, and I think I prefer it that way. I'm not sure why, but I guess there is security in having a backup card.
  9. Great deal...I'm definitely going to have to pick some up.
  10. April codes released. Seems they put minimums on the purchase for the discount, now. Hopefully they will release better codes this month, and the March 15% code is still valid until 3-30-05.
  11. Thanks! I always wait for this sale to find a new pair of shoes.
  12. Do you need an AGP, PCI, or PCI-Extended video card?
  13. It seems that the $60 coupon has exceeded its usage limit. When I tried to use it on an LCD TV, it said that the coupon had already been redeemed.
  14. Fry's / Outpost Fry's has the Sonata for $89.99, no rebates. If you have a B&M Fry's, this is a good deal. Shipping is $4.83 for ground, so it comes out to be slightly cheaper than newegg.
  15. They have an AOpen one for $57.99 - $8MIR and free shipping = $49.99 after MIR. It comes bundles with Nero 6, also. Aopen Dual Layer Drive
  16. Thanks, sdible! I may have to jump on this.
  17. That was basically my reason for buying. XP = ~$95 in itself. I know I can't build a system for $200 shipped and have it be anything but a minesweeper box. Just keep watching, though. This one was added at 3:32 CST, so 48 after isn't alway when it happens.
  18. 4700 - I wanted that one, because it takes any PCIe video card as an upgrade.
  19. Just scored a great deal. :) $309 (shipped & tax) P4 3GHz 512MB 80GB CDRW XP Home I think I'll put a nice video card in there and start using the PC for gaming again.
  20. They are popping up right at 48 after the hour. You just have to be quick to snag them. There were some Axim X50V handhelds for just under ~$350, but those went real fast.
  21. Yeah, but you put a nice PCI-e card in that 4700, and you have a really nice gaming rig.
  22. 78977086 - Free shipping over $50 91533252 - 15% off (doesn't work for clearance items, I tried)
  23. Dell's don't always do well with higher speed memory. I think it was a dimension 4500 that I upgraded, and it wouldn't accept PC3200, it needed PC2100. If that does work, that's a great deal, though.
  24. http://www.chiefvalue.com/app/productdetails.asp?submit=property&item=20-223-002 $25.99 shipped. That's the best I found at my regular places.
  25. http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=81810-3 This one is $16.90, free 2nd day shipping. Edit: http://www.chiefvalue.com/app/productdetails.asp?submit=property&item=20-189-011 same one $15.99 shipped from Chiefvalue
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