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Everything posted by Mikesgirl

  1. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3867772&siteID=RjWYtCqO0.M-OrINyEaPlS.tCZtaLLn8gg Back in stock..... Hurry
  2. Thats why Santa is filling the stockings this year... If its not Dh or DD then its the cat stealing the stockings so I decided to make Santa fill them this year and its driving them all nuts.. I put all of DH and DD's gifts that are under the tree in the very back hidden behind the rest so they cant look or touch.. They cant even tell if they have any gifts under the tree.. I find it all amusing but they are going nuts since they are trying to see who has more gifts not sure who is worse DH or DD...
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Conair-HJ3BC-Quick-Gems-Jeweler/dp/B000V4PL22/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1260982007&sr=8-1 Just dont tell DD... lol
  4. Check your local wm mine had this for $12.97 and that was on Dec. 5th one of my nephews bought it...
  5. Sketchers.com has free shipping if you join their VIP club and that is free too!!
  6. 1-800-wal-mart(1-800-925-6278)
  7. I have had problems when the items arrive in store they wont scan in and so you never recieve the email telling you that its ready for pick up. Log into your walmart.com account and track the items.. I had one person give me my stuff even though it wouldnt sign in she just had to get a supervisor to over ride it but a different time they refused to give me my stuff because it wouldnt scan in so I just called 1-800-925-6278(1-800-wal-mart) while still at site to store and let them know that the manager refused to give me my order and they called the store and had them do something then it would scan in..
  8. I havent had to go away but DD goes to her dads so she has to wait for her gifts/Santa till he brings her home.. I had a friend call her one year playing "santa" and told her he wouldnt forget her and promised her he would leave her presents at mommy's house so they would be there waiting for her(this was before she was old enough to understand email).. We always wait to open gifts till my parents get here and this year they cant get here till the day after..
  9. I have had to email Santa before to ask if he could come a day early and this year I had to email and ask him to come a day late!
  10. 1-800-925-6278(1-800-wal-mart)
  11. The tape on the floor at my TRU led us to a dead end corner!! NONE of the employees knew where anything was and in the congestion of people stuff ended up walking out of my basket!!
  12. Amazon has a metallic blue dsi with 5 pre-loaded games for $154.98 its pre-order with a release date of 11/27/2009..
  13. I have seen things that you put the cash in and in order to get it out they have to get the ball in a maze to get to the end.. I seen some at walmart this weekend for giftcards but I didnt stop to notice if they were for cash too...
  14. My map is missing spots on it as well but it shows pictures for 10 items but the 2 other walmarts that are in town show all the items on the map...
  15. In TRU big toy book if you buy the big cub you get the mini cub free and the big ones are around $49.99 at TRU.. The TRU big book toy prices ends I think on Weds... HTH
  16. I would be shocked if they don't do it again....
  17. Oh I hope so....
  18. It wasn't in my paper this morning... I never get the ad for the 2 day sale before Friday if I do get it...
  19. I havent been to the store but I did just see a commercial for the 2 day sale and it does include Hannah Montana & Bakugan that was all I caught of it..
  20. If its the same bluray player that walmart had last year for $128 then it probably wont have the ethernet port.. I was given last years magnavox bluray player as a gift and in order to update it I have to download the firmware then copy it to a disc.
  21. I put it on gift cards and carry cash I do take my debit card but I try to avoid using it.. Seems like every year the system goes down and credit cards cant get processed same with checks... I learned one year not to use only my debit card..
  22. I have the Wii with guitar hero world tour and I play rockband 2 on it...
  23. Since I am mainly done with my Christmas shopping I would buy.. 15 frost free jackets from Old Navy & donate them to patsy's house(where kids go when they dont have a foster home to put them in) = $225 5 pairs of $10 jeans for DD9 from old navy =$50 freezer chest from Home Depot =$138 Forza 3 at TRU for =$34.99 RCA Portable DVD player at Target =$47 Coffee Pot at target =$3 Total is $497.99
  24. Its in the TRU toy book for $59.99 if that helps any....
  25. After I go to the TRU 2 day sale tomorrow evening I will be officially done with DSS13 and DD9. I still need 2 accessories (slide and skateboard) for the zhu zhu and a winter coat for the child we pick off the Angel Tree. Dh is done and then some and just need a couple of movies for my mom and for my stepdad i need to get him a beard and mustache trimmer then I am done unless I find something someone can't live without on BF..
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