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Everything posted by com

  1. I picked up a black ds lite at Walmart last night. I saw them at both Walmarts, a Target and EB games I went to last night. The only place that didn't have them at all was Best Buy, and I was told they were getting more today, but they couldn't tell me what colors. So maybe try your local BB today?
  2. Actually this is semi accurate. Most retail stores held back some this year on the quantity of items they planned on having in stock. The summer trends of retail shoppers had the stores worried a bit, so they didn't stock up like they usually do, now they are scrambling to try to catch up.
  3. The original GameCube controllers DO work on the Wii, there are actually 4 ports for Gamecube controllers and 2 slots for Gamecube memory cards.
  4. My son turned 15 today and he got an Xbox 360. On the other hand I have an almost 11 yr old who is getting the Wii for Christmas. Start a conversation about video games and see what they say, you don't have to come right out and ask "Which one do you want?".
  5. Gamestop had some of the nunchuk controllers yesterday. I was there to buy something else and asked while checking out, they keep them in a drawer behind the counter. It never hurts to ask!
  6. I'm glad I was dorky enough to sit outside EB and get a preorder. I honestly didn't think anyone would have any problems finding these once they came out, I was just being extra extra careful since the Wii is the ONLY thing my 10 yr old has talked about for at least a year(remember when it was called the revolution? He does).
  7. With some downloaded games you will need either the classic controller or a gamecube controller to play. I've only downloaded Mario so far and that needs either classic or gamecube controller to play. Before you download any games, read the description on the Wii, it will tell you which controllers work with it, so you're not downloading blind.
  8. 2000 Wii points cost $20. So Mario cost me about $10. Also, you don't have to buy Wii points at a store, you can do it right through the Wii with your credit card, which is what I did because I totally forgot to buy a Wii points card when I got the Wii, I was REALLY excited.
  9. Mario was 1000 Wii points and you get to keep it forever. I linked my Wii points account with my "My Nintendo" account so it will be on record that I downloaded it, even if for some reason my Wii get's formatted I can just redownload.
  10. We picked up our Wii tonight! Wow, this thing is FUN FUN FUN. We got Zelda, Need For Speed and Monster 4X4(comes with the steering wheel). This thing is just so damn neat. Of course we have to put it all away and hide it before the kids get up in the morning as it's one of their Christmas presents. We'll probably end up taking it out and putting it away every night for a few weeks at least. Oh yeah, you can buy wii points right through the console as long as you have your connection set up(we have wireless). I already downloaded Mario 64 as that is what my 5 year old wanted.
  11. Some of the games have an earlier release date than the actual system, it doesn't make much sense. I ordered Rampage for the Wii a few weeks ago through EBGames.com and it came in yesterday. I get to look at it until tonight when I pick up my Wii at EBGames midnight launch. Oh, on a side note, I was in my local EBGames today and there were tons of people coming in and asking about the Wii. The manager himself said that they WILL be getting in about 15 more than they took preorders for so if you're having a hard time finding one, you might want to at least give your local EB or Gamestop a call.
  12. This is what we'll be doing on BF. I have to head off to work about 1am, I'll get back about 4:30 or so. My brother who get's off work at 1am is going to come keep my spot for me until I get back then he's going to head home since he doesn't "do" BF shopping.
  13. I talked to the manager at my Walmart about an hour ago, the real manager not a dept manager or sales associate, according to him they will be lucky to get 1 or 2 PS3's and then not even until the 20th. I asked him what they were going to do about the ad that states minimum of 10 per store and he said he wasn't sure yet, maybe rainchecks. I also asked how they were going to work the whole thing, were they going to use tickets or just open the doors and have a free for all to the electronics counter. At first all he said was it will be first come first served. I told him that didn't really answer my question, told him if there is an organized line all night and then they just open the doors and let everyone in there is going to be trouble. He looked kind of stunned when I asked who I should talk to about the lawsuit if I get trampled in the stampede(wouldn't really do it, but I wanted to get across what it's going to be like if they don't keep it organized). He said he would probably be doing the ticket thing in that case and that he was going to look into it and he gave me a number to call him at tomorrow to find out exactly what's going on.
  14. My Walmart has signs saying they won't be getting any PS3's on the 17th due to shipping delays/supply issues and they would have them on the 20th. This really stinks, as now those that have nothing better to do than camp out will have 2 opportunities to stand in line and get even more to sell.
  15. I actually saw the legal paper that accompanied the BB BF ad to area newspapers. It was very thorough, naming all sorts of legal ramifications if the ad got out early and the newspaper was to blame, how dept. heads weren't to allow it out of their site, no one was to take it to the bathroom, no camera phones allowed near it, etc, etc. It went on and on. My brother stuck a copy of it in the BB BF ad he gave me. Having someone in the press room comes in handy.
  16. I've had this preordered(for the Wii) since the first day you could preorder it. My 10 yr old has been talking about it for ages.
  17. You can grab the barcode for the PS3 here..... http://www.upcdatabase.com/barcode.pl?upc=711719800002 And the bar code for the Wii here http://www.upcdatabase.com/barcode.pl?upc=045496880019 I printed them out and took them to Walmart and scanned them, all that came up was Please see sales associate. I took them to Target, scanned and they each came up with the respective prices and said there were 0 in the stock room as of yet. I figure I'll keep scanning until it says they are in and how many.
  18. I found a killer deal at Target today!! I've been waiting and waiting for the Fly Pen to go down in price, well while cruising the toy aisles today I spotted the combo Fly Pen and charger, also comes with a cartridge and ear buds and it was $62 on clearance, Normally $130. Don't know why it was on clearance, don't really care, my daughter has been asking for this for a year. SCORE!
  19. I picked up a case of these at BJ's not that long ago for just over $10. I plan on being nice and toasty warm waiting in line.
  20. I wouldn't pre-order at that price anyways, $533 is just way too much. I did order 3 of the classic controllers and a couple nunchucks and remotes and Rampage. I'm sure one multiplayer game and the extra controllers will suffice until my sons birthday in January, then I'll get him another game.
  21. You can preorder any of the games that they have a solid release date for. You could preorder extra controllers and the like at the time of the Wii preorder. As of right now EB/Gamestop isn't taking any more preorders for extras. Nov 5th is when they will be getting their updated numbers and if they are getting more than they already sold, you can preorder then. I hope that made sense.
  22. My kids(5,7, and almost 11) are getting the Wii this year. I love the fact that it can play all the gamecube games we already have, so I won't have to go buy them all over again. The older one wants it for the new controller(motion sensor) and he prefers the RPG games that Nintendo has(Zelda, Mario) over the kill 'em games that the Playstation and XBox usually focus on.
  23. com

    Finding a paper

    I deliver the paper in town, both editions, so I always have a paper and a few extra's for my friends. Oh and my brother works in the press room, so he always gets me the ads a few days early anyways. Usually by Tuesday I'm making out my "where to go first" list.
  24. I've had this dilema before. Last year me and 3 friends went to wait in line at Walmart, we were number 3,4,5 and 6. Every once in a while, one or two of us would go off to use the bathroom and/or walk to the dunkin donuts to bring back the caffiene fix for us all. Anytime one of us would come back, someone from the back of the line, who usually had just shown up, would yell and scream about cutting. We weren't cutting, we were just coming back. To me, being able to go to the bathroom and get coffee is one of the main reasons my friends and I go as a group. We plan on doing the same thing this year, hopefully it'll be fine.
  25. I showed up at EB this morning at around 8 and there were already 5 people in line, one guy had been there since the night before. I was #6 out of 28 preorders taken. My son will be very happy this Christmas as this is the ONLY thing he wants and hasn't stopped talking about it since it was still called the Revolution.
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