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Everything posted by zoemariesmamma

  1. OH MY GOD!! I feel so terrible..i got my ornament a long time ago and thought that I had posted but i aparently didn't. It was the cutest handpainted ornament in a little santa box. I loved it and so did my little one. Fits perfectly with my tree!! I am so sorry that i didn't post sooner..it is finals week and i am going a bit nuts!! Thanks so much to my ornament person!
  2. Recieved my package a few days ago!! Loved it! Everything was wrapped so beautifully!!! 4 packages total..I was going to open 2 now and 2 at christmas but after the first one I just couldn't wait!!! The card said that the gift included a few suprises for my little one, so of course she opened 2 of them and tried to decided what was hers exactly!! I was going to get the leftovers. I had to tell her to back away from the gifts!! I got a fuzzy blanket perfect for the couch (zoe tried to insist it was meant for her), chocolate covered pretzels, package of candles, snowman dish towel and pot holder, christmas cards, a cute card making kit, cocoa making kit (zoe ate the marshmallows and candy cane and i kept the cocoa), a coin purse, cookie cookbook, grocery list paper,and probably my favorite..santa bobblehead things for cupcakes!! I bake like crazy during the holidays and these will be great for one of the events i will be attending!!! There were also a few toys for zoe that i barely got to see before she was off with them!! Thanks so much to my secret santa!! I loved everything!!
  3. I was wondering the same thing about all sorts of places so if anybody knows of any others we should list them..tumbleweed is also doing buy 25 get 5
  4. went to kmart today totally UNDERESTIMATED the popularity and they never even received the playstation 2 games..oh well it was for my sister and my nephew plays too many video games anyway! Kmart is just always the worst! Oh and I heard someone say that they were handing out the wrong tv's too!! Lots of unhappy people when they discovered the mistake..kmart ended up offering a 10% discount on the one they handed out.
  5. I got my ornament today! Loved it!! Super cute and hand painted!! My little girl loved it too. Thanks.
  6. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? both 2. Real tree or Artificial? real for sure 3. When do you put up the tree? this year dec 1st..usually mid dec...hubby is a scrooge 4. When do you take the tree down? asap after christmas 5. Do you like eggnog? yuck 6. Favorite gift received as a child? not sure..although i do still have my cabbage patch 7. Hardest person to buy for? my mil 8. Easiest person to buy for? My daughter 9. Do you have a nativity scene? no..at least i don't think so..i went a little nuts after christmas last year so who knows what goodies i will find in that basement 10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? leather jacket (i am a vegetarian and don't avoid animal products altogether) 11. Favorite Christmas Movie? all the christmas classic cartoons, my little girl loves them 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? the day after Christmas.. 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Sure have!!! 15. Favorite thing to do at Christmas? watch my little one get and give gifts 16. Lights on the tree? colored and lots of em 17. Favorite Christmas song? morris the moose 18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel locally....wish I could stay home (terrible I know) 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel 21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? my grumpy husband 23. Favorite ornament theme or color? lots of different ornaments 24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? chocolate pie 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? remodel the bathroom so we can get house back on the crummy market
  7. I kinda want to get one just for the sport of it!!
  8. My birthday is the 5th too.. I hated that as a kid..usually the day we returned from christmas break! Most years everyone in the house was sick too so never much celebrating. I remember one year my mom baked a cake and put one of the big christmas flower candle holder thingies on it!! It was just laying around and all! My husband thinks that is why my little girls party is always such an event!
  9. I always keep the tags on and then if she happens to not wear that size...I donate to angel tree or even when she ends up with way too many clothes in a particular size..hang it in her closet with tags...at end of season the tagged things go in the angel tree bag.
  10. I am checking this site every hour..last thing I do before I go to bed and first thing in the morning!! Just signed on and hallucinated the target ad...it turned out to be tigerdirect or something..just wishful thinking I guess. I am supposed to be writing a paper!
  11. me too! I also sticky the items I am trying to price match so it goes quicker.
  12. I didn't get my easy bake oven until I was 16 and told my parents how deprived I was as a little girl! Told my dad I was scared for life..lol. He took me out that night and bought me one. I am umm.. a little older than that now..and I still have it!! I got my little girl her own and we bake in them all the time! You do have to have patience though..as it is a long process (especially if you are baking dessert for the family)
  13. just went to check mine and they are gone I have been waiting for these to clearance for over a year!
  14. have us all post our organizational tips then a random pick from post
  15. today i found a pair of plaid shorts for 3.xx, 25 bag packs of ziplocks for .70 (plus .55 coupon), and a minute maid!!
  16. yea!! I hope this starts them rolling in!!
  17. oh I almost forgot about the shoeboxes...we always do 2 of those..one boy one girl. really simple things and lots of stuff can be picked up at school clearance time and during the clearance dollar spot.
  18. We always pick a little girl 1 size smaller than my little girl. Usually about the same age since she is so tall. We pick up toys and clothes all year long from the clearance sales. We also put in anything that my daughter still has tags on at the end of the season (new stuff she never got around to wearing) usually have a ton and don't spend a lot of money. Zoe usually picks a name that she thinks is pretty and we drop the stuff off the same day!
  19. didn't kb toys have them cheap last year? seems like i remember price matching the pets at walmart 3.99 or something?
  20. lots of kids clothes: shorts, shirts, hannah montana pj's, school uniform type clothes
  21. same here..she would rather play with polly anyway..but she did get a bratz for her birthday..she said "That was very nice for ----- to get that for me anyway. Don't worry mommy we can return it, right?" maybe I am just nuts but she doesn't own a barbie either.
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