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Everything posted by freesia39

  1. i wouldn't have bought the candy canes, but i sure as heck would have bought the chocolate.
  2. i think i'm going to hit the outlets this weekend to see what clothes they have from winter out on clearance. scored some massive deals last year.
  3. i didn't check out the christmas deals... but i did see they're starting to put valentine's day stuff out already.
  4. DARN i should have gone to walmart - i need a new hair dryer. the one i use now has little puffs of smoke every now and then when i use it.
  5. 7) PROFIT!!!!!!!
  6. do you still have copies of EVERYTHING? (i.e. the rebate form itself, your receipt, and the UPC?) if you have the rebate form, there should be a website, address or phone number that you can contact to check on the status of your rebate. some rebates can take more than 2 months. if your rebate said 4-6 weeks, there is also the possibility it is held up in the millions of holiday letters being sent out. also, check your mail carefully. not all rebates come in an envelope with a check. some staples rebates i got came as a post card that i deposited directly into my accounts. who is the HD Manufacturer? officemax should have some kind of system to track rebates - i know for a staples one i had, i could view the status online and when i never received it, they simply voided the first sent, and sent another.
  7. i'd stock up on christmas supplies, but i don't even know where i'll be living next christmas, so i don't want to load up on a lot of things that'd be a pain to move.
  8. i used to work at circuit city. we saw a little gaggle of teenagers one day, so one of the other CSR's (i worked upfront in customer service) started discreetly tailing them. she must have been distracted by another customer or something because then i see two teenage boys, walking up to the front, one with an xbox in each hand, the other with a ps2 in each hand, security tags still attached. i see them heading towards the door and i'm like "guys you have to come over here to get those taken off" and they BOLT for the exit. two guys take off after them (we're not supposed to take off after anyone, ever) and manage to get the xboxes back, but the ps2's were gone. i called the manager on duty up to the front to let her know. idiots. THAT'S BLATANT.
  9. always with contacts, i'd say get a fitting and if you have insurance, buy at least whatever your insurance will cover. shady places selling you contacts without a prescription worries me. when i first got my contacts i had on acuvue 2's and i discovered they were too small for my eyes, which is why i use the biomedics now. my doctor is nice enough to give me a contact prescription which i filled with him and wrote out a prescription for glasses also.
  10. i unfortunately use biomedics 55, which costco currently does not carry. thankfully i have vision insurance, so that paid for half a year, and the other half i paid for up front with a 30 dollar MIR. my total cost would be 80 dollars for the contacts, and 10.00 for the exam. i've used 1800contacts in the past, and found everything to work very well. sorry it didn't work out for you. price doesn't fluctuate that much whenever i looked. i liked 1800 contacts because you can return unused lenses (YAY!) to exchange for your new prescription. not sure if anyone else has that.
  11. JANUARY. major sales usually last that month. at least last year, i hit the outlets hard in january, and then again in feb or march, when they're clearing out the winter season items and trying to make way for spring.
  12. well just my family alone is at least 100, but i kept a strict 20 per person budget because of limited funds. same goes for close friends. the only person i semi splurged on was the BF, because he wanted this box set of a korean drama and well, THOSE THINGS AREN'T CHEAP! (and the english subtitles are horrible... engrish to the max.)
  13. very tempted to do that when i go home later. i need to root around our storage unit for construction paper. i still intend to make michael jordan a santa hat.
  14. 1998 honda civic lx. i want it to keep on ticking for as LOOOOOOONG as possible. i have 82,000 miles on it now. :)
  15. YEEEEEEEEES. i finished over the weekend while my car was being oil changed. i swear shopping was easier when you didn't have to worry about parking. i rode the bus down to third street promenade in santa monica (nice outdoor mall) and the bus dropped me off back in front of the honda dealer.
  16. sent out on t he VERY last day i could (i had two that had to be postmarked within 14 days of the purchase date, whew.) the rest i sent out that day. now i wait. i should let my parents know not to throw out my mail. i sent all the rebates to my parent's house since i don't trust LA mail
  17. well... you could do like i did today and actually go into their store and be greeted by one of their shirtless models, which perturbed me.
  18. i LUCKILY sent mine in today. i finally got around to doing it and realized two of mine had 14 day postmarks. i used the meter machine at work *ahem* and double score, somehow the day is off by one on the machine, so the meter stamped it december 9th instead of december 10th. i photocopied the envelopes i sent everything in so they won't try to argue i "mailed" it after the deadline because it was postmarked definitely before. even if the post office restamps it again, it would have the 10th's date, which is the 14th day, and i walked to the post office and dropped it off in their slot for today's mail to make sure.
  19. dang... some of you are ready to the max. we don't have a tree, and we're not planning to get one, although i was so tempted just to get one of those 2 feet tall fake trees just so we'd have something. i have a bunch of presents sitting on the floor waiting to be wrapped, so there are the presents my bf bought his families and slowly the ones i'm getting my family are showing up. so right now we only have four underneath our kitchen table. hehe. my brother's present is on its way to my office, so that'll be five, and i plan to pick up my parents and my other brother this weekend. and then... my friends. sigh. i said i'm cutting back this christmas though.
  20. ARGH i tried going to the mall yesterday and the stupid beverly center... it took forever to get around the damn parking lot, and then we gave up, and it took us another 10 minutes just to leave the darn parking structure. and this was at 430 in the freaking afternoon too. GRRRRRRRRR.
  21. HOT i was waiting for one of these. i need new shoes!
  22. question: how well does this stuff keep? i usually finish most of it when it starts to get all melty. can i keep it in the fridge for abit? i am dying here and i kinda want to get the coldbuster to see if it is any help, but i can't drink the second by myself. i was going to keep it in my fridge for my bf to have later... (or maybe me. hehe.)
  23. they charge sales tax for me. grr. *ponders if she should do this*
  24. anyone have any reviews on that norcent? i just built a new pc and want to set up the second so my bf can terrorize it at will. if it's decent, i'll consider it for my PC or else leave it for the second one since it has built in speakers
  25. freesia39

    Rebate Time!

    195.00 dollars worth, all to different manufacturers for tons of diff parts.
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