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Everything posted by elena_398

  1. Im so disappointed. This is when I thank god that this site is here year around. I bought 95% of my kids christmas through sales and clearances posted here. If I had to depend on these ads coming out, I'd be in trouble.
  2. No Hannah Montana? Bummer.
  3. Yea! Thanks
  4. I agree. I will be there on Thanksgiving, but skipping Kmart on BF. Go figure
  5. At my Kmart there is a long line by one hour before opening. Must have die hards. They usually open at 7am on thanksgiving. You better call to check as I will. I usually am there by 5am and sit in my car. If I see cars pulling in, thats when I get out in line. This year if you notice, Kmart is the ONLY store advertising Wii's so it could be busy. I'd rather get there SUPER early and sit in the car then chance being too far back in line. Maybe Im around tons of die hard shoppers, but mine gets pretty busy
  6. Im going to price match the JVC camcorder on sale on Circuit City for $179 at Walmart. Just dont' want to deal with Best Buy and Circuit City this year. Just too crazy for me. Haha
  7. Honestly the only store I've had problems with is Target. Thats with line jumpers that is. FOr some reason they always stay in their cards and when they open doors, they rush the door. Im sure she will be fine, but watch those line jumpers and move quickly to the electrical department. NO walking on BF! LOL
  8. Last year the store manager opened the pallets at 4:15am. Just got too crowded and crazy. I was in line and in my car to the next store by 5:20am.
  9. I go to Walmart just to price match. I don't want to hit the craziness at Circuit City for this one camcorder so since Walmart carries it, I'll price match and save over $70 AND the hassle of dealing with a electronics store
  10. Just found Hannah Montana book marks so picked one up for my daughter for her stocking along with the 7 book set as one of her under the tree gifts. Im sure this will be a favorite as shes been begging for some!
  11. Kmart will have them on Thanksgiving day.
  12. Yes. Great batteries for everyday items. My kids toys use them every year. IMO they are great. They are great on shipping too.
  13. Don't have one near me. Shame. I saw a lot of items
  14. I worked at Home Depot in customer service and we had blackOut dates also. You couldn't even TRY to get the morning off. If you were scheduled, then you work. I was lucky that i was manager and could schedule myself for closing instead of opening. LOng days though. i would up all night in line then shopping then go directly to work. I don't miss those days
  15. well, after checking out reviews for BOTH camcorders at Sears, Im going to pass on both. Samsung one had too many bad reviews and I looked on 10 plus sites. Panasonic one too. The best reviews was on the JVC one going on sale by circuit city
  16. I just need a camera to take video of the kids.... Football and other stuff. Nothing fancy. Other sites has the Samsung as a good camcorder. No bad reviews from this model, just not a perfect score.
  17. Were you able to take advantage of the mail-in rebate OR did you exempt yourself from that since you opted to get the interest free? The manager at my store said one or the other.
  18. Samsung 40" LCD HDTV 1499.99 plus get an additional 5% VIP savings off.
  19. The samsung one will be available at the Sears friends and family night sunday 11/11. Regularly $300 its on sale tomorrow only for $199 plus you get the 10% savings. DVD camcorder w/ 34x zoom. Very nice. Im getting that one tomorrow night so I can mark one thing off my list for BF. The Samsung camcorder also has a SD memory slot for still pictures also. Sears told me the Panasonic one that will be on their BF does not have it. Same price of $199 too.
  20. There is going to be a nice one on sale with the 10% off VIP savings at Sears tomorrow night. With the savings its $71, but you get all the bells and whistles: Regularly over $100.... Singing machine montior/music video camera karaoke machine Model # 22917. I checked it out tonight at Sears and its VERY NICE>
  21. I think I just may buy the Olevia 32" for my bedroom and skip the BF craziness on tvs. Don't need bells and whistles. Just a flat screen for the bedroom.
  22. No Panasonic on sale tomorrow night (from BF ad). They will have per my sears store manager a Samsung dvd camcorder w/ a 34x zoom for $199 (Tomorrow night only). Also you'll get the VIP savings.
  23. In the VIP book I have, there is no Sony 40" on sale tomorrow night. Theres a Sony 32", but a Samsung 40"
  24. The salesman I talked to in Sears said he would stay away from the Olevia brand as thats the brand he has the most trouble with. He was really honest and told me Vizio is good/not great, but good for the price. I guess he said since the past year they have had to his knowledge 7 come back with the same problems. Picture problems and buzzing sounds. Whatever that means
  25. Im interested in the Panasonic one thats $199. Seems like a good deal to me.
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