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Everything posted by jadedmomof2

  1. $65 Singer sewing machine. I was going to get the $59.99 one at Kmart, but I don't like how small it is, I want one a bit bigger, especially since I'm going to be sewing curtains on it. Then it will be a few odds and ends, but the machine is the only major thing I'm going to Target to buy.
  2. Yes, they are 24.99(or more, I saw some for $30+) but they are B1G1, so buy one for 24.99, get the second free.
  3. I managed to get Amazon to work for me, so I'm bringing the games back to Kmart. He wants the ones I got on Amazon more than the ones from Kmart, and Amazon only cost me $10 more for another game. Well worth it to me.
  4. The selection at my Kmart stunk, I did buy 2 games, but I didn't realize that Target had them on sale, so I think I'll be returning them and going to target instead. DS does want the Foster's game, and Kmart didn't have it.
  5. The Gameboy Advance SP does play the exact same games as the Advance. And is in fact completely backwards compatible, I've played original Gameboy games in the SP.
  6. Wow, it's still going on? I guess that Zune charger really sat there for awhile, huh?
  7. I'm guessing the BOC came up awhile ago, since the site has been down ever since I got back home 20 minutes ago.
  8. C'mon headphones..clear out of there!
  9. Oh wow VTmommy, thanks! DS does want the Foster's game for his Leapster for Christmas.
  10. Leapster has tons more games out too, a lot more than V-Tech does at least.
  11. Someone, buy the roombas! Get on with the rest of the woot. The last Woot, I did miss the BOC, thought I got it, but turned out I didn't.
  12. Ehh..Kmart has secured me for both BF and Thanksgiving now, I like their deals better. At least, more of Kmart's deals are pertinent to me.
  13. Is the advance even made anymore? I didn't think it was. Anyway, the SP has tons of advantages over the Advance. First, the fact that it can be charged, no having to stick batteries into it every few days. Second, the screen is backlit on the SP, no needing a separate light to see what is being played. Third, and this is the most important for the age group you are buying for, is that it is durable. My 5yo DS got his SP handed down to him from his brother. He's dropped it on several locations, and it's no worse for wear. Advance/SP games(they are the same game cartridge, no differences between the two) are easy to find, and they are still being made. I'm not ready to get my 5yo a DS system yet, but the SP is perfect for him.
  14. Eh..Big Lots closed their closest store to me anyway, no biggie.
  15. I never got any of the emails for the 12 days of Christmas.
  16. Yay! $65 for a Singer sewing machine is exactly the kind of deal I've been looking for, thanks Brad!!
  17. BIG video game clearance right now, all current systems. A lot of sports games, Nickelodeon/Disney games, movie related games, etc. All 30-50% off. I managed to get a better start on Christmas when I hit that aisle.
  18. You know, really not that bad. I see a few things I'm going to pick up there. Like the DVD-R disc bundles.
  19. Nope, but then, I've only gone out on black Friday a few times. I do put my coat over my things though.
  20. Huh, well maybe I will make a Target run today, I need a few things anyway, but was going to wait until tomorrow. Maybe I'll manage to find a cute infant costume or two for cheap to save for next year. But what am I supposed to do for detergent now? I have hard water, and the powder doesn't dissolve well. I understand the environmentalism thing about it, but really, this kinda stinks.
  21. Huh, well maybe I will make a Target run today, I need a few things anyway, but was going to wait until tomorrow. Maybe I'll manage to find a cute infant costume or two for cheap to save for next year. But what am I supposed to do for detergent now? I have hard water, and the powder doesn't dissolve well. I understand the environmentalism thing about it, but really, this kinda stinks.
  22. When I first finalized payment, I saw about a second of a screen that said I got it, and then it went service unavailable. So..that's why I think I got it.
  23. Yep, it is usually. I just realized that I goofed though, I never changed the quantity from 1 to 3. So, maybe it won't be a bad thing if I missed it.
  24. I THINK I just got a Bag o' Crap, I'll have to wait for the confirmation email though.
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