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Everything posted by misshayley

  1. Does anyone know if there are other Sets that are on sale? I don't want to drive the 45 min to Target to not find anything.
  2. Yesterday the Soft & Dri that I picked up rang up full price, so I showed her the ad and she told me it was the other one. I don't have a clue what she meant, but I had the correct product, so needless to say I didn't buy it.
  3. Mine didn't have the soft & dri marked, but the right guard was
  4. Thanks for the info. I didn't get a Walgreens ad today in my paper. I will definitely be there tomorrow.
  5. My DH picked up one this morning for 75% off. I'm assuming that there were a fwe of them, because he asked me if I could think of anyone to buy it for as a gift. He was at the Target at Easton in Columbus.
  6. It was marked 19.99 at my WM today
  7. Target and Best Buy both have it for 15.99
  8. Went to Target today and 90% off valentine's. I didn't find a lot, but I was able to get 8 nice dinner plates (hard plastic) for 0.29 a piece. These go great with my kitchen because it is coca cola :) Ithink I will try to find these every year after V-day.
  9. So will valentine's stuff be 90% off tomorrow?
  10. Thanks, I'd never heard of this site and it looks pretty interesting
  11. Ours was still only 90% off.
  12. What is a gazebo?
  13. Where at WM did you find them, because I looked where they used to be and there weren't any. Maybe they have just moved them. They used to be with our coat hangers and hanging storage things.
  14. I had a code for 5% off every purchase when I joined the family fun (I think) offer that they post at the end of your order. It worked all of last year, but it doesn't work anymore. It even worked after I cancelled the membership. Maybe you can find someone who has this code.
  15. You can store anything cloth in them. I am storing Santa hats in them.
  16. Does anyone know a store that I can buy space bags from? I used to buy them at Wal-Mart but I can't seem to find them anymore. Has anyone seen them anywhere? Thanks everyone, I found them at K-mart.
  17. Thanks for the heads up about Christmas being 90% off. I was able to get quite a few santa hats for 0.20 for a Christmas production we are doing
  18. I just spent $60. I love DDDVD
  19. Where are you guys finding the 5.09 DVDs?
  20. Has anyone seen the "Garmin eTrex Handheld GPS Unit WAS $99.xx NOW $69.xx, 30% off" I would love to find one of these for DH. It's listed on the schumanfamily site.
  21. I just got these in the mail today I gues I'll have to make a trip now
  22. I just received this in the mail, hopefully someone can use it: Link
  23. I am so excited. DH bought me 5 more purple totes this morning. The totes are a Target exclusive, and I've search everywhere for a few more of them. We are getting our house ready to sell, so the totes have been very useful and the fact that they are in my favorite color makes it even better They weren't on sale, but I am still pumped
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