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Everything posted by Reinholt1

  1. Well, the biggest difference will be that I will not be working this year. And there will be no going to services. (I will watch on the internet. I always watch a Christmas mass on tv every year, and the lessons and carols on tv/radio). It's just been mom and I for a few years now. So that won't change. Mom always liked to go to Christmas concerts and shows and we would normally attend 7 or 8 over the holidays. So that feels very strange this year. But it is OK. We will just spend a quiet day at home. Yes, it is different this year for all of us, but it is a good time to pause and give thanks for the blessings of family and health that we still have. A quiet hopeful pause in life is actually what Christmas is about. Next year the celebrations will be all the more joyful when we can gather together once again. And we can enjoy them all the more!
  2. There was a package from Amazon waiting for me at my front door today! My first thought as I picked it up was...."I wonder which book this is?" Because I haven't ordered any books for myself in 3 or 4 weeks. (I order used books all the time.) And so I opened it. It is a copy of "The New Jim Crow" and it's from my Secret Santa! Oh boy oh boy! Thank you so much. That is actually a book I have been meaning to read. I am so glad that you choose the option of sending me a book that is special/important to you. I am looking forward to reading it. HOWEVER, Secret Santa, you owe me one more thing! When Bopeep reveals who you are, I would love to know why this book is special/important to you. Book referrals are always more meaningful when you know the story behind them! Thank you again!
  3. Nope, on my tablet there is no movement. It's just stuck....like a photo.
  4. Unfortunately, it won't play on my tablet. But I love the llamakah sweater! And I like that you have a decent sized candle to sing by! ☺
  5. To all my Jewish sisters and brothers...I wish you a joyous Chanukah as you begin your celebrations this evening.
  6. LOL. Every time I am near MIS I think of all those wonderful summers at church camp. The Irish Hills are a pretty area. Looks like there are at least 4 of us in the same region. We should meet up after the virus...maybe over a chicken dinner in Frankenmuth.....
  7. It is beautiful! I'd make room on my tree for that one!
  8. Great minds think alike! First thing I saw was that Bronner's bag. Whatever you got Kash, it' s going to be a goodie!
  9. Hillbillyswife! Thank you so much for sending mom a Christmas card! We got it today. That was very thoughtful of you! Mom loves it!
  10. I agree with Wittenlover, reach out and let's give them a little more time. I am assuming they are folks who have been with us a few years. Hopefully they are just delayed or busy. Our local news tonight was reporting how backed up they are, between the deluge of packages AND postal workers out due to the virus. They reported that even when a postal rig arrives, it is a 20 hour wait, in a line of rigs, to unload the rig! I've been tracking a package that went out last Monday. It was supposed to be delivered last Friday. Then USPS said Saturday. Now the USPS tracker simply says that the package will arrive late and that it is in transit.
  11. ::playing devil's advocate:: Maybe they are wrapped....most people appear to wrap....you could be enjoying pretty wrapped packages while you wait....hmmm mmm?? Tempting isn't it...... And the kitties want a new box to play in..... Open it.....go ahead...open it. ::ducking out quickly::
  12. Sorry Stevierocks, I am having trouble seeing your pics. And the id # are all the same, so I don't think they took. The throw sounds comfy cozy though. If it makes you feel any better, mom finished polishing off all those mounds and almond joys about 5 mins ago. Don't let her see those 5 bags of candy of yours!
  13. Mom got into the rest of her presents. Wow (not so secret) Secret Santa! You really out did yourself! Mom is very happy! She loves the shirt, immediately feeling the fabric and pronouncing it "very soft!...this is going to be really comfortable!". She is thrilled with the snack cakes, but her favorite at the moment are the mounds & almond joys candy bars. She is eating her 4th one as I type this. (See picture below) Mom also received a couple of pieces of Russell Stover's dark chocolate candies and a blistix lip balm. (And we mustn't forget a can of potato chips, a box of coffee cakes, a kitten calendar and a tree! (We both really like that a tree was planted somewhere where it is so needed.) Mom also hung your pretty ribbons on her tree for added decoration. Thank you again! Mom keeps saying how thoughtful you are!
  14. Mom just opened another package.....I managed a quick shot as she ripped off the paper. Potato chips! Mom is very happy! Another favorite that I totally expect to be eaten in it's entirety today! Thank you secret santa!
  15. Ummmm.......errrrrr......do we really want a bathtub photo of .....ummmmm........the bath salts?!? ::covering eyes just in case::
  16. I guess we're not going to see a picture of that..... ::ducking away quickly before I get thwapped again.! Hee hee hee::
  17. Done. Mom just laughed at the "lovely" part and said "Thanks........blech"
  18. Yay Sunni0913! I am glad it arrived safely. Mom and I are both very happy for you! I am glad you are getting something special for yourself!
  19. Mom could not resist any longer and grabbed a package. She is very happy and says she loves it. Double cat calendars - one for her wall and one for her coffee table. She is looking through them both now and enjoying all the kitten pictures. ("Look at this one! It looks like he is ready to get into the devil!") Surprisingly, mom said I can share a picture of her in her bathrobe. She keeps saying "I have to write her (secret Santa) and say thank you". (I told her the picture will be her thank you.) Addendum....I was just looking at the little calendar..It has the exact same pictures as the 2020 calendar Sunni0913 gave mom for secret Santa last year. Made mom happier because "I can enjoy the same cats all over again!".
  20. Been meaning to post. Christmas cards have been coming in. Mom is very happy. We have Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, and Missouri so far. Mom won't let me hang them on the wall yet because she likes to reread them. She is keeping them in her rollator for right now. And.....Mom finished off the last 5 Duke's coffee cakes this morning....less then 24 hours. ::sigh:: Thank you everyone!
  21. I can't wait to see them! I love Hanukkah. I have some of my Hanukkah CDs in the car for when I am tired of the commercially Christmas music on the radio. BTW - there is no need to hyphenate "Christ" or "Christmas" as it is not the name of Ha Shem. It is simply a title...like adonai. (Christ is the Greek word for the Hebrew "messiah/anointed one".) I appreciate the gesture of respect though. But feel free to type or speak it. We won't be offended.
  22. Well, mom opened a gift this afternoon. Her aide saw her feeling packages under the tree. Mom said "I am sure there is something good to eat under here." (I cut back her access to sweets to try and get her to eat some real food.) The aide offered her soup or a sandwich but no. Mom wanted "dessert". The aide reports she selected a box, opened it and found Duke's crumb cakes. Mom immediate ate 3 of them. And this evening she has eaten at least one more. I am sure she will have that box polished off by tomorrow morning. Thank you Secret Santa! Mom is happy tonight. I am sure she will get into the other packages soon.
  23. I have to admit, it was a lot easier than photo bucket. I am very happy with the imbgg site. (Thanks Gator Pam) I might post more pictures now. I love your trees HanShotFirst. I always wanted to do a white and gold chrismon/religious tree. And your snowman tree is awesome. I know the lights never show up well in the pictures, but those blue lights rock with the snowmen. I think I'd try just blue or just blue and white lights for a winter-y look with the snowmen. Bopeep's setup is very nice too. Her little indoor church scene is very different. I am surprised her cat doesn't sleep with the deer! Hey Gator Pam...do you do a Chanukah Bush? Will you post pics?
  24. Aww. Poor baby. Most of my cats love to sleep under the tree too. It' s hard not to let them do those things.
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