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Everything posted by Reinholt1

  1. Chag Pesach Semeach Gator Pam and everyone!
  2. Also just checking in before it's too late. Purim Sameach Gator Pam! I was just thinking over the weekend how I haven't had any hamantaschen In years. They look good! Thank you all for your condolences and well wishes on the death of my mother. I am doing OK. Just so many loose ends to tie up. I swear this is gonna take forever. My mother was from the depression era and is a huge pack rat.
  3. Hello all! Sorry I haven't been around. Just checking in. As many of you know Mom is been ill since the holidays with a fib. Unfortunately After battling for over 2 months Her body just couldn't take it anymore. She passed a couple of weeks ago. Just starting to get caught up on things now. Will get secret Santa gifts out shortly.
  4. I hope the surgeries give you the relief you need StationChief! Sending good thoughts and wishes your way!
  5. Happy New Year all! Sorry I haven't been around much in December. Mom became critically ill and she and I spent the last 3 weeks together in the hospital. She just got released and came home in time to ring in the New Year. (not that she cares that it is the New Year.) She is still very weak and fragile. But *if* I can convince her to eat/drink and she gets plenty of rest her doctor feels she can recover. Just a reminder as we start this new year....be grateful for those you love, and remember to give thanks for those things we often take for granted... Such as good health. All the other good things the New Years' brings you is pure blessing. Don't forget to give thanks for the extra blessings too! And the best way to give thanks is to take time to mindfully enjoy all the family/friends/good things in your life.
  6. Oh my! I had a cat like that once. Born blind. Loved those flutter balls. Every time he'd get one, he'd walk around with it in his mouth for hours - making those noises a cat makes when they catch a bird. And then he would climb under the easy chair and pluck it. Feathers everywhere! Dumb cat! LOL!
  7. Congratulations jesusluvu! Been there done that! Know how much work that is! Congratulations!
  8. Lol! What toy did you get that has got all those cats excited?
  9. Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! My very first check in! How fun is this!
  10. Cat litter!!!! 450 pounds of it. I got fifteen - 29 pound boxes of arm & hammer clumping litter from pet supplies plus for $10.98 a box. Had to go to two different stores to get 15 boxes but I am not buying cat litter again until NEXT black friday!!
  11. Wow! Luge how fun! Yes...this site has changed a lot in 20 years! And so has shopping! I agree with others.....it's the friendships and posts with many of you that keep me coming back. I still find a deal here and there.....but things are very different now a days.
  12. I am sure the host will have plenty of wine for the guests. Often a gift of wine at any get together gets put aside by the host anyway. It's more of a thank you gift. Not knowing if your family keeps kosher or not, it's just safer and more thoughtful to bring a gift of kosher wine. Since you don't keep kosher... there is literally nothing you can make that will be acceptable in a kosher home. (Unless you make it in their kosher kitchen with their kosher ingredients under their supervision......Can't mix meat with dairy.) Don't take that as a slight. It's their way of living out their faith. Think of it kinda like Catholics not eating meat on Friday...it's a devotion/act of faith. The only way to know if your friend keeps kosher... or will accept your making something and bringing it .....is if you ask. And keep in mind, your friend may a reform Jew or a cultural Jew who does not keep kosher.... usually....but may have family and friends who do. And so for get-togethers like this she may be keeping kosher ... but!.... will not care (or keep kosher) when you bring over a plate of holiday cookies 2 weeks later. Homemade apple sauce is easy to make.....I learned to make it when I was made 9 or 10. Just a lot of work peeling and cutting the apples. lol! (Mom knew how to keep a kid busy....here! peel apples....here! peel potatoes!). And what could be better than homemade applesauce on homemade latkes!! Your host just wants to make the holidays special. Just relax and enjoy it....it will be similar to a family get together at Christmas....the food will be a bit different but they are still the traditional family favorites.....the music will be different... But many are catchy tunes. I love singing the Hanukkah hymns/songs as much as I do Christmas hymns. (I admit I am not so fond of some of the secular Christmas songs.....). Hanukkah is about being with good family and friends and enjoying the holidays. The same as a Christmas. Enjoy it. I am envious you get to attend.
  13. A bottle of kosher wine. Good kosher wine. 2 if you think it's a large party..... Heck we want lots of singing...... take 2 anyways! Whether they are orthodox or reform.... Whether the party is more traditional or more relaxed. ..... All welcome a good vintage a kosher wine. It's an easy goy gift that rarely misses!
  14. Yipeee!! I *finally* got in on time to sign up for this!!!! Whoooo hoooo!
  15. And there is SINGING .....lot's of SINGING!!!... That's my favorite part!!!!
  16. Thanks! I can't wait to watch it!
  17. Man oh man that bread looks good Gator Pam! Since you like that new bread recipe why don't you post it for the rest of us please! Also I have an idea for your cake question.... I have 2 recipes where It calls for instant coffee to add coffee flavor. How about trying it leaving the buttermilk as is but adding a couple of tablespoons of instant coffee crystals? In the 2 recipes that I have that call for coffee crystals.. We like Sanka or Folgers best.
  18. I buy throughout the year especially when I see sales. So I guess I'm probably spending about the same. Definitely buying less when it comes to family. It's just my mother left and she is in a senior living arrangement. She mostly wants junk food...... So junk food it is!
  19. BoPeep.....I know we talked about this the past couple of years..... But can we add the question: "Is this The only Christmas gift you will be opening this year?". Or something along those lines. I know for a few people on this gift exchange this is really the only Christmas present that they will open on Christmas. It's nice to know....in case you want to make it nice/special. ...like making sure that the gift(s) are wrapped etc.
  20. Hello all! Good to see everyone again! Been lurking. But I guess I better post. LOL! Been super busy the last 3 weeks. But count mom and I in again for the gift exchange and the Christmas card exchange. ( Although honestly .....Mom still has last year's Christmas cards still up! I don't know if we need new ones for this year! She really loves those cards! And doesn't want me to take them down! ) I will get our info uploaded soon.
  21. I know it's a bit early but wishing everyone a very happy New Year!
  22. And as an update to Coastiwife!!... It's gone! It's all gone! The coffee cakes! The candies! Gone! All gone! When I left mom, she had one lone coffee cake left from those four boxes. But you made a 92-year-old woman very happy!!
  23. Finally had a quiet moment to open my Christmas gifts! Holy cow HanShotFirst! You really outdid yourself! Thank you so much! You are very generous! I received Reese's peanut butter cup candies, a Tigger squishmallow, Buzzlightyear DVD -- something I've been wanting to watch! A Chipotle gift card. Cat treats and cat footies -- that my mother has already claimed. LOL! Sadly, true to my nature,. I am equally excited about the reusable mylar gift bags they came in. Very cool! I will save them and reuse them.
  24. Wittenlover wrote: Kitties are already trying to break into the treats Annnnd… Scratch off is a $2 winner! (Since I’m in MI, too, I can cash it in myself.) Let me know how those lazy cats like chasing that laser light! My cats love it. Congratulations on the $2 winner! I think you were the only winner this year.
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