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Everything posted by amdskip

  1. Link: http://www.farmandfleet.com/promotions/flyer_detail.aspx?fid=693&utm_source=bronto&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Image+-+Drill%2FDriver+Kit&utm_content=Your+Black+Friday+Preview+is+Here%21&utm_campaign=121116+6284+Black+Friday+Flyer+In+Area
  2. Probably going to vary by store/manager. Good luck!
  3. I would dress up as a dutch man wearing my wooden shoes. Dutch people = cheap and I grew up in a dutch town.
  4. 24 hour walmarts are closed on Christmas only so they are open right now.
  5. You should be able to find the ink with no problems at all for a very long time. Another printer option available at newegg on Friday: HP J4680 Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer normally: $114.99 sale price: $59.99 w/free shipping http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16828115236&cm_mmc=Eggxpert-_-BlackFriday
  6. Whatever you decide to do, buy your cable here: http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=103&cp_id=10303&cs_id=1030301&p_id=209&seq=1&format=2 Under $3 shipped for one cable for me.
  7. Most likely yes if it's something that is stocked everyday in the respective sections. Items that are not everyday items will be in plastic until the go time. Be careful, there may be multiple versions of the same project and the normally stocked items will not be on sale.
  8. I would advise to avoid any lexmarks. You are taking a chance with the cheapo HP. Personally I'd spend a little extra and get something a little better.
  9. On the risers behind something.
  10. I'm sorry I offended you but it's how it is. Layaway does not reduce the cost of an item. Christmas is the same date every year. It's a matter of changing your mindset. You need to start saving sooner (hard for some but it can be done) and then when the time comes to go shopping you will have the money set aside already and will not need layaway.
  11. Layaway cost (storage trailers, employee time, missing items) > Profit of layaway sales It's really not complicated. For people who used it to hide items, sure okay but it's not like they kept them right up to Christmas for you, it was a couple weeks before that items had to be picked up. For others who do not have enough financial control, it's about time you learn how to manage money.
  12. Just a FYI, the hardware in macs is pretty much the exact same stuff as in PC's. Repair costs are higher as you have to have Apple repair them most of the time and not your local pc shop, etc.
  13. Nope, they would not. Walmart is a product mover and that is how they have low prices. All of these extra services cost man hours, trailer rental, etc. and it won't be happening.
  14. Lots of MAC fanboys in here. I am obviously not one of them. Too expensive for what you get and I don't need to spend money on something that dumbs a computer down to protect me. Give me firefox and let me fly. Ok enough of that. Yes you should be able to easily find a computer, heck even a dell core 2 deal by then. I highly suggest getting a normal size tower for a couple of reasons. One is for expansion even though you may never do so. The other main reason is heat. The smaller the space, the hotter everything runs and heat kills electronics. This is the same reason I shake my head at people who buy a laptop and let it sit on their desk because it makes no sense at all.
  15. I will call it that it will never happen. I know firsthand how much of a money pit layaway is. Now if walmart charged $5 a layaway then maybe they would break even. The amount of storage space in the back room and then the container rental along with employee wages just doesn't all add up.
  16. Fabrics is being elminated/reduced where possible because it is a service department meaning it requires a human to cut material. Walmart does not care about providing service, they just want to stock items and move them out the front door. Some items do take longer for a new store to get but it depends if they are a warehouse or assembly item. Warehouse means it will come straight from the warehouse and there should be no delay. Assembly comes from the manufacturer to the warehouse and then to the store.
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