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Everything posted by BFgrl79

  1. I will definitely miss bailing out of turkey dinner to go hang out at Wal-mart before their sale starts! Don’t get me wrong, spending time with the family is great - while they’re all eating. Once the meal ends and the talking begins, it’s time for me to go shopping!!
  2. As someone who lives in a small rural town between two larger towns that have Walmarts, this is a poor offering. I bet they only deliver if you live in the same town or city as your local Walmart. And they don’t even offer free two day shipping on orders from Walmart’s online site with this? They can keep it. They’ll never catch up with Amazon with this.
  3. Hmm I don’t think I’ve tried that, will have to get one!
  4. Yay September! One more week of over-80 temps and then we start going downhill! Leaves are already coming down; I imagine they’ve had enough as well and just said screw it. I got my first pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks yesterday, so that’s something good!
  5. I would have thought that things would be improving this far into the year, but of course they aren’t. Things are getting even more ridiculous.
  6. Wow, already July! My tiny town is planning to still have the County Fair at the end of this month like they do every year. I’m having a hard time figuring out how that is even a good idea. I never attend due to my disgust for being outside in hot weather, but it brings a lot of people to a very small place, and I thought that was the opposite of what we should be doing. But what do I know..
  7. I’ve noticed this trend myself as the years go by. In the past, it seemed like there was an employee around every corner waiting to ask me if I was finding everything I needed. Now you can hardly locate anyone and if you do, you feel like a jerk for asking a question, like you’re ruining their day by asking for help. I get it; staffing gets cut and people likely miss work now more than ever, so those who are there are bogged down with extra work. The company I work for is just as lousy, doing away with jobs and redistributing their work to people who already have enough to do. And of course, offering no pay increase to do it. I’m afraid I’ve gotten old enough to now have my version of “the good old days”. Once in a while I’ll have an interaction that really stands out because the person is really kind and seems to genuinely want to solve my issue. But those are few and far between these days. I really miss the people-are-mostly-nice days. I hope everyone has a good June. I hope that we come out of the other side of this year in a better place.
  8. Happy May! The weather is already on the warm side here. Hope everyone is staying safe and looking forward to good things!
  9. April is here! The grass is working overtime out there; mowing is not far off. Hope everyone is doing well!
  10. Lovely weather for the first day of March here!
  11. We got about four inches yesterday, and I’m not looking forward to going out and cleaning that off the walk and stairs today, but hopefully it’s one of the last rounds of white stuff before spring!
  12. Happy New Year!! Somehow we are still in the 50s temperature wise today; I know that bitter cold is on the way though!
  13. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes to all for the new year!
  14. Think of all the Pokecoins you could buy lol!!
  15. December 1st, oh no.... 11 more days until the big Four-Oh for me! I’m not ready!
  16. Keep trying, I was able to place an order. It’s like they bounce in and out of stock, sometimes I wonder if it’s intentional so that more people have a shot at getting stuff versus just selling to the first x-amount of people that try to buy.
  17. Yeah I have yet to see the watch change price.
  18. Keep checking back on those things, the initial item availability rarely goes smoothly, so there’s a chance they could pop back up.
  19. I’ve had luck getting the movies online in the past, but like others have said, it’s kinda hit or miss. If you’re on when it goes live, and you have trouble at first, or the movies don’t show up right away, keep checking. There’s been times that they weren’t available right away, then became available after a few minutes or so. It seemed like they were being manually added as opposed to going on sale all at once. Good luck!
  20. I bought them a year or so ago and I think they are worth it even at full price. I love having no wires and the sound is excellent. It really comes down to A. What you want to spend and B. Is your kiddo pretty good about not misplacing things? That’s the only downside to these; they are small and not hooked together so some people might be prone to losing one.
  21. It’s definitely a fun way to stay involved year round and get informed on all kinds of great sales!
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