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Everything posted by LCPanther1975

  1. On the last page of the Sam's BF ad free shipping $389 --- its online only deal
  2. I agree with the others, try to let the younger girls open in private OR if anyone makes a big deal about it, tell them they are adults and to GTFU....sorry for the language but give me a break. with all that is going on in the world, this is what they want to fight about?????
  3. I think that Sams deal with the extra controller and Starwars Battlefront game is a good deal too
  4. I think its great! My family is large and we live very close together, so we see our family very often. We get together at Nanny's on Wednesday night, decide who is bringing what, show up at noon on Thursday, go over our final lists and then head out!!! its so much fun and we love it!!
  5. My daughter is now 19 (20 in Jan.) she doesn't like coffee! I am surprised at how many young kids drink coffee! LOL! Some things she liked @ that age: make-up and make-up brushes DVD's of her fave shows/movies New bedspread or comforter earrings (she doesn't wear much jewelry, Lacrosse player) Nike Sports Bras Books-any new book series OR Kindle Fires are now like $49 bucks this year! That is an awesome gift, I love mine!!! Finger nail polish and manicure set (usually real cheap!) soft PJ's board games-big hit with her and her brother Photo albums-we always have loose pictures around that need to be put in albums! any type of accessories for their phones! and my daughter loves school supplies! New pens, paper notebooks, folders, stapler, electric pencil sharpener Now that she is off at college, some of this stuff has really come in handy!
  6. Our Kroger's has a tree and my place of employment does one for our own employees/families that may need extra help. My office also sponsors local foster children. I am sure your Chamber of Commerce in your area could help your find someone in need.
  7. Emerson here in Cookeville TN They had a bunch of them.
  8. Wal-Mart NBA2K15 PS3 $219 50 inch TV BluRay Malificent & Sleeping Beauty $9.96 $29 RipStick $8.88 Sharpies $25 Art Set $8 Boys Athletic outfit $10 womens pj's $7 2 pack leggings $4.50 Bball Was out by 6:04 pm took longer to pick up the TV in tire and lube Went to Belk $19.99 2 pair of boots $32 buy 1 get 2 free mens shirts $70 buy 1 get 2 free boxed shirt and tie set $25 Columbia vests (2) Kohl's online $59.99 Popcorn maker This morning, went to Sam's and got the iPhone 6 for $99 Otterbox $32 $100 iTunes card for $79.97 and had to pick up a $19 pair of dress pants for my son Husband picked up the 3 pack of HDMI cords My son is 14 and plays football and this year has to wear dressy clothes for the banquet and has none! So that is why we got the dress clothes at Belk and the pants at Sams. Got everything, stores were not too crowded, very happy this year!!!
  9. Our paper has a "supplemental" paper that goes out each Wednesday with sales papers, well today, it had the sales papers for BF: Kohls Lowes Tractor Supply Rite Aid WalMart Kmart and I already got Belk and Bass Pro shop in the mail, I guess because I have those store credit cards. (I also have a Kohl's card but no sales ad was mailed to me)
  10. We got the Beats last year at WalMart with the 1 hr guarantee. very easy and had no problems. After we got all of other shopping done, we just hopped over to that area and got a ticket.
  11. My daughter took German in high school as her foreign language, and the teacher told them about this tradition. I have seen many pickle ornaments over the years, but never knew exactly what they were! LOL
  12. When I grew up, (only child) All presents were opened Christmas Eve, and then I got a SANTA gift and stocking on Christmas morning! Everything is wrapped. My DH said that they always had different wrapping paper from Santa (which had Santa on it, always) but he also opened the majority of gifts on Christmas Eve. We do an organized opening, where each person opens all their gifts. Any way is good!!!
  13. I bought new stockings this year and they are HUGE!!! I need to get on the ball buying some stuffers!!! DH says I always spend too much on the stockings!!! But you need to get them FULL !!!
  14. Where the crap is Lowes????
  15. I love all of those! But I guess my favorite was Ronald at the skating rink, that one was from my youth, so it has stuck with me too. I also love the Publix Thanksgiving commercials with the salt and pepper shakers!
  16. I would like some new perfume, gold hoop earrings, slippers, a couple of pillows for my couch, and a new couch to go with the cushions...LOL
  17. woohoo!!! just got mine today! I love it!!! I can't wait to wear it, I love the Tshirt this year, I think this is one of the best!!!
  18. I am getting them from a local Goodyear dealership. I could have paid less if I shopped around, but not by much. For some reason, Jeep tires are so expensive!! UGG! I could not stand it!!!
  19. I know also they are having a Nov. 15 sale which the iPhone 6 is $99
  20. Real - just because when I built my house I demanded hard wood floors (we have dogs) and I always said if I have wood floors, no more fake trees! It may not look the best, but we love it!
  21. We also have December birthdays! Me, my husband, little sister, Father in Law, and brother in law! 1. Take funny family photo for greeting cards 2. Watching several Christmas Movies in the weekends leading up to the big night! 3. Making candy for family (several items we only get at Christmas!) 4. Try to make it to look at Christmas lights around town 5. We love college and NFL football, so we enjoy watching these games !
  22. LCPanther1975

    Older kids

    My DS is 14 and he has asked for clothing, a new PS3 controller, and a bigger TV for his room. They do get harder to buy for when they get older. I will probably pick up a gift certificate to the local movie theater.
  23. Good deal, I am buying them tomorrow with alignment $675 tax and all. I have a Grand Jeep Cherokee 4WD and it always costs me an arm and leg for tires!
  24. I have currently bought so much off Amazon! I love Kohls and Belk as well. You can really rack up on clearance!!!
  25. Just suck it up and enjoy it. Someday maybe you will have kids/grandkids and maybe you will enjoy buying for them!
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