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Everything posted by LCPanther1975

  1. Movie Night - all presents have to be related to a favorite movie GAMES- board games, online/video games,card games etc Food -- all presents related to food -eating out or cooking There are alot of us (20+) and we tell all the girls to buy a girl gift and the boys to buy a boy gift. We get a good range of gifts and since the age range is like 5 yrs to 82 yrs old, we get a range of gifts. It is funny when the 13 year old opens the bottle of Crown Royal....LOL
  2. Sorry, I should have said that WalMart was never closed on Thanksgiving either. Or McDonalds for that matter. I worked at both and then went to work at a hospital as a registration clerk and had to work all holidays then! LOL Then I got smart and got a M-F 9 to 5 and am off holidays (and most of the time the day before or after if it falls on a weekday). I know it makes it hard, but in a way, working on those days are like paying dues. My daughter is a teen and works at McD's and has had to work all holidays, but she will make it. I don't mean to sound hard hearted, but it's almost BECAUSE of people that love BF so much that this has become so big. Of course retailers are going to try to get our money first, and that means opening earlier and earlier.....unfortunately, that is what has become the norm.
  3. Thanks so much! I am hoping for the 5 pack also!!
  4. Right, I was saying, I worked at the supercenter and we were always open on the day after Thanksgiving....and that was back in the 90's. So, the discussion was saying that people hate retail workers not being able to celebrate Tgiving with family. I was pointing out that with WalMart, they were never closed on the day after Thanksgiving (at least the Super Centers) so that is not a valid argument. Sorry if you misunderstood my post. Trust me, I was aware of it!
  5. Thanksgiving was never a holiday off for most retailers. I worked at WalMart for 2 years before "black friday" and the only day closed (we were a supercenter) was christmas day Money talks BS walks, so I guess they have found most people will go out (sure seems like it in my town) so I sure am gonna get mine! also we always do Tgiving at lunch time, not late, so its never really an issue with us.
  6. Possibly good deal on that $79.99 patio heater?
  7. Ads in the paper Ads on the computer too Too many choices
  8. I have a niece who is a swimmer also, can you let me know what the best Tarte eyeliner (waterproof) is? I looked online and saw many different options (pencil, brush with a little container of the eyeliner?) Thanks !!!
  9. I forgot Gremlins! We watch it every year!!! A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott is the BEST!!!!!
  10. My SIL and BIL brought the appliances on BF two years ago when they bought their house, got a good (not great) deal but what made it better was the free $XXX gift card they got when they bought them. They were able to buy other smaller appliances for their home.
  11. freesia39, are you talking about the IPHONE 4?? cause we are talking about the Samsung Galaxy 4....Thanks!
  12. When dd was 13, I bought her a nice piece of jewely. Not too expensive, but enough for her to know that it shouldn't be taken for granted. She also liked those wreck it journals, drawing pads with nice pencils, some small makeup (gloss, mascara, etc) She also liked to play computer games, (ie SIMS) and she loves to read, so we always were buying some type of series of books. She really started being interested in clothing around that age also.
  13. I have a 17 DD and a 13 DS this year. DD-chapsticks-she loves Baby Lips and eos (those little balls?) single eye shadows (usually get those cheap with coupons) ponytail holders small face sunscreen (she is a redhead & lacrosse season begins in Feb and you wouldn't believe how easy she gets burned on cold days!!) gum Froyo gift cards DS-cologne/AXE type football cards those long baseketball socks gum PS gift card usually a small RC car of some sort I usually don't spend a bunch on stockings, but try to fill them up!! I use my coupons and try to sale match during the weeks leading up to Christmas for freebies!!
  14. Christmas Vacation Bad Santa-adults only, but it is so freakin' funny The Christmas Story (of course!) The Scrooge movie with George C. Scott Peanuts Christmas But my all time favorite has to be Rudolph!!! When I was little, that was my crack....LOL I also have never seen It's a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street. I will put both of those on my to do list with my family this year.
  15. I have finally gotten a good start....I was lagging behind! I got all 3 Great Grandmas One Great Grandpa Niece 2-3 stocking stuffers I have my list on my fridge, so when I run to Wal-mart, I can pick out one person and pick out something. I try to keep on budget!
  16. Yes, Sam's Club for the past two years has had 0.97 cent phones, an Iphone of some type and a Android phone. That is what I am waiting for! My dh got the Galaxy 3 last year, I hope they have the 4 for me this year!!!!
  17. I don't know exactly what year, but probably got serious about 5 years ago. I always liked the Thanksgiving Morning sales at Kmart also
  18. No HF near me either!!!
  19. Just a fun story, we love going to the Micky D's by our Belk/Kohls/Old Navy/GameStop and getting the special holiday coffee. It is fun to sip in the cold!!!
  20. Last year DH wanted that BluRay Surrond Sound at WalMart, so they had like 4 on a pallet, but it wasn't supposed to go on sale until later in the night, well no one was watching them so he just got one and put it in the buggy and we waited until time to check out. However, it tore up later that same day!! we had to take it back.
  21. Probably the TV's that we have gotten .... but I love the DVD's and Series of TV shows. My sister got the Nikon last year at Sam's and we all love the pictures she has taken the last year. I have never gotten the towels, but maybe this year!!! I did get two sets of the sheets, and they are a great deal. Kmart usually has just a few good door busters, like socks and stuff. I can't wait!!!!
  22. I have bought 4 gifts so far. 4 of about 25 not so bad!
  23. My friend at work had an ugly sweater party, everyone brought finger foods, and we did a secret Santa gift exchange. It was alot of fun!!!
  24. A few of my favorite things, only played around Christmas.
  25. My daughter is 17 and she is constantly needing ponytail holders, so I always put a bunch of those in her stocking. I can usually catch a pretty good deal on them at the CVS/Walgreens/RiteAid on Black Friday. Also Bobby Pins for her hair. If there ears are pierced, you can put several pair of earrings.
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