I also am a sucker for the hard drives, Blu-rays, the $29 printer from Wal-Mart (cheaper than ink refills!), RubberMaid bowls, sheets, cameras, usually buy a couple of the PS3 games (the new Madden is usually on sale for like $20 bucks). Sometimes I get lucky and get a DVD season of a TV show I watch, TRUE BLOOD, Seinfeld, etc. for pretty cheap. I always miss out on the towels! Last year I had to stand in line for the trampoline and it was CRAZY!! I had to basically break the "golden rule" of black friday and get a buggy cause I could carry the thing! And then I got stuck in the deadlock for check out! I had to have two big strong men put in ON the buggy for me cause it was so big. So glad I have that one out of the way!