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Everything posted by bribri25

  1. Can't win another shirt, but also have to contribute to the statistics for accurate results! 1. $1000 ($200 of that already spent in the past few weeks on Amazon Lightning Deals) 2. It's looking like maybe 8 stores 3. Depending on what's available online, I'd expect to be able to the same as last year; always hoping for more to set foot in less stores.
  2. I am hoping this is where being in WI will pay off (certainly the weather on BF isn't). If he sent them on Monday, there's a slim chance I'll get it today........ Can't wait to tear open that mailbox when I get home!
  3. Don't forget Amazon.com Lightning Deals for these, too. Did you score anything last week on Disney Day? There were a dozen McStuffin' toys.
  4. bribri25

    BF Online Sale

    This doesn't guarantee it's going to be available online, but let's not just rule everything out just yet.
  5. bribri25

    BF Online Sale

    I think I remember everything saying 'In Store Only' until the online sale went live; to prevent people from adding it to the cart or whatever.
  6. bribri25

    BF Online Sale

    I was thinking the same thing.
  7. I want to see the store go out there one night on the week of BF and while they are sleeping, put a new sign on the other side of the door "LINE FORMS HERE".
  8. I think the Netgear at Best Buy is your best deal. That's not necessarily your best router, though. You'll probably get all sorts of conflicting answers on this. But that's my gut feeling.
  9. Wired or Wireless?
  10. I believe I'm going to pass....
  11. Most definitely go for the 40"!! I got a 40" and while it looked big in the box, when I put it on the wall, I wish I had another 50" That's a good deal on a great TV, and a bit off the beaten path of WM,Target,BB, so you might avoid some crowds. I think I will go for my larger TV next year and cycle down this 40" to the next best location.
  12. Maybe one of the later ones will surprise you and get you interested!!!
  13. There will be some, for sure. Depends on how good of a machine you are looking for and what constitutes "good", but yes there's already some that will likely be put online.
  14. Still too many out there to call. Plus, it'll take me multiple iterations, comparisons, and the BlackFridayCharts! Then I'll let you know.
  15. Yeah, I thought the elite sale included most everything. Maybe that'll be the last one which includes most of the sales for elite members. Thanks.
  16. Amazon will likely match many of them as Lightning Deals. The schedule for their Movies/TV will probably come out in a week.
  17. It was at least 15%; might have been 20, but really think it was 15. EDIT: Confirmed. I just looked at my order from last year; 15%.
  18. So those items may vary daily and you might get more before then? Those are some decent deals, but nothing on the spectacular list. Thanks for the info!
  19. The KC you get back usually ends up getting better spent in store because if you don't spend enough beyond the KC to get free shipping, you and up essentially wasting one of your $15 KCs. I do remember this, as well. It seemed relatively smooth for those that had to call up to get it, though. I think if it didn't come within the hour, people were calling.
  20. Is it weird that I'm still excited to see this ad and don't have a Lowe's within 100 miles??
  21. Really? So there is hope for snow globes? But we'd have to skip T-giving dinner for it, huh? Hopefully more concrete snowglobe evidence comes out in the coming days because there was no mention in the ad.
  22. What are these 6 mystery items; for us less fortunate souls....
  23. Yup. They will sometimes have a time they start, but it doesn't always start at that exact time and the items do slowly change over and become the sale prices. Wednesday night into Thursday morning, I think.
  24. I was really busy on Monday and Tuesday this week, so still playing catch up. Nothing REALLY impressed me on the first few passes of the ad. Still, though, glad to see it come out and can start putting a list together.
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