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Everything posted by georgiapeach717

  1. thats great CC! do your kids have a wishlist anywhere? Just out of curiosity.
  2. good luck Purple! I hope you get the job!
  3. i am with KB! i have been amazed at the price of toys!
  4. CC i have been there before and can totally relate. My only advise is to try and really get into the spirit by doing things that are (near) free. Like driving to look at christmas lights, seeing if your city has any free christmas events, and even just playing board games sipping hot chocolate and listening to christmas music. I know it still doesnt bring in the christmas cash, but it can make you enjoy the things you have for free that much more. Maybe also volunteer in a soup kitchen or nursing home and spend time with people who have no one the other 364 days a year. I am sorry that this year has been so crumy, and like I said, I know exactly what you are feeling. I hope that things look up for you soon and that you can still make some christmas memories this year to smile on in the future. Lots of Love!
  5. i use a big cooking spoon to skim it off when its in the pot after I have strained it. I strain it because I use a big onion and then you get the clumps of turkey skin and flour lumps from my garvy master mixture :)
  6. me too! gimme the stuff!!!
  7. mmm those always look SO good, but I am scared to death to atempt it! i have a local guy who does them but wants 65.00 for a 14 pounder!!
  8. i have never stuffed my turkey, i have heard cilantro can be very powerful but i dont know. lemon sounds great though and would probably completment the cilntro well :)
  9. wow talk about the most obvious answer....i was getting so frustrated b/c at this point i think i could write a report on this movie and couldnt get the answer!!! LOL! good job allshopped out!
  10. i usually cook about a 20-22 pounder. i let it thaw in the fridge the week of thanksgiving, then in the kitchen sink over night before thanksgiving (with the 3 cats LOCKED in the bathroom!!!) thanksgiving morning i get my big roaster out (i love the one I got from bed bath and beyond that they have on sale this time of year for the 19.99 w/10.00 mail in rebate) i spray cooking spray all over it and especially on the rack thing in the center. I then clean the gizzard bag out of the turkey and wash it really good, check the thermometer (i use honeysuckle white) and plop it in the pan. Then I use Gravy Master and put about 5 big drinking cups worth of water and gravy master over the turkey and into the pan (the mixture should resemble cola) I then cut up one LARGE vidalia onion and throw it in the bottom of the pan too. Then I make a BIG turkey tent out of aluminum foil and spray it a LOT with pam. I cover the turkey and try to leave room between the turkey and the foil and crimp it all the way around the pan. I cook it by the pakage temp minus 25* (i have a gas oven and IMO it cooks faster on the outside if I do the full temp) then I figure up my time up to an hour before the turkey comes out and write it on my big chalk board. THEN i go shop at Kmart! LOL!!! Then an hour before its done I start cutting my potatoes, I get my sweet poatoes in a pan with the butter and brown sugar, I start my potatoes, then at 1/2 til I take the tent off. This allows the outside to get a deep golden brown. I get my rolls out on a pan, and I get my gravy master/flour/water mixture made up in a bowl. I use about 1 1/2 cups of flour, 3 tbls gravy master and enough water to make a very thick brown soup. When time is up, I take out the turkey, put in the rolls and sweet poatoes, by then my potatoes should be almost done, I open my cans of corn and get them in a pot w/ pepper and butter. Then I mash up the poatatoes, cover them, and put them on a back burner so the oven heat keeps them warm. I use my roaster on two burners and take out the turkey and put it on a platter with the foil back on it while I make my gravy. To make gravy: Turn on BOTH burners. Use a big spoon to ladel (sp?) the flour soup mixture into the roaster and stir slowly in big sweeping motions. Make sure it starts to bubble with heat. Use until desired thickness...or just a hair under desired b/c it will thicken a tiny bit more laster) when thickness is reached, turn off heat. get someone to help you pour the roaster gravy through a colander with small enough holes to catch pan drippings/onion/meat/flour chunks (i have a wire one with teeny tiny holes) into another large pot. (you will get a LOT of gravy!) then keep on low heat until serving time so you can put hot gravy into your gravy boat. Cut up turkey, turn off corn, be sure you didnt burn your rolls or sweet potatoes while making the gravy, and serve! (cranberry sauce optional! ) thats how i make mine
  11. i second that it depends on the kids. My son is 5 and last night I explained that his great grandma and grandpa gave me 50.00 to spend on each him and his sister. I broke it down kindergarten style and showed him 6 fingers. I said now if I get you ONE gift worth 6.00 and your sister THREE gifts worth (and I closed my hands and proceeded to count again) 2.00, 2.00, and 2.00....(at this point I was holding the original 6 fingers up)...would you be ok with that? Because I can either get you ONE BIG present or THREE SMALL ones... he chose the one big how'd I guess? LOL! so really i think its all in how your kids handle understanding finances. :)
  12. what really???? already!!! do you have a listing of what will be played each night??
  13. 3. Christmas miracle in Caufield, USA. 4. Robert L. May 5. God.... LOL ok well I gave it my best shot....however I *really* want to see the movie Santa Claus now!!! heehee
  14. 1 what Irwin Allen film was the hottest film during Christmas 1974 **towering inferno** 2. what country would Christind be accompanied by Pelznickle or Ru-klas **germany** (?) 3.what 1977 film had coal miners trapped in a mine on Christmas Eve **the christmas coal miner miracle** 4. Who first recorded Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer **harry brannon of NYC** 5. whos workshop was the setting of the 1959nfilm Santa Claus **Merlin's castle orbiting earth** 6. What was clement c moores gift to his children in 1822 **twas the night before Christmas**
  15. free turkey?!?!? i wish!!!! LOL!! we always make turkey for thanksgiving and ham for christmas. I think If I was given a free turkey I would host an additional dinner for friends and their kids in between thanksgiving and christmas. :)
  16. these are at my TRU at 24.99 each. I have seen them in plenty on the big twilight area they have set up close to the front. No worry of selling out of them I dont think.
  17. i got some yesterday at TRU for my daughter...you know the 2.5 year old who's favorite color is pink, and who crawls around the house meowing all day long and has to sleep on her "kitty bed" (giant hello kitty stuffed pillow) at night....yeah, I found PINK christmas paper with little white cartoon kittens wearing santa hats all over it! (it was kinda pricey though at 3.99 for olly 85 sq feet. Anhow they have the cutest so far that I have seen....then Target after them. :)
  18. My TRU told me they are NOT opened on Thanksgiving day. This was from a manager, so.... *sniff sniff*
  19. oh man! i am sure right now you are angry and broken hearted at his find, but chances are, with everything that the next 2 months (ok i know i am off here a little) has to offer with thanksgiving and lights, and the tree, and christmas shows, and all the other stuff if you play dumb if he asks about them I bet he forgets! I am sorry. I am just waiting for my kids to find their stuff. I think I may get more crammed in the attic tonight!
  20. thank you so much brad, so its not like getting the xbox for 99.00 then...its still 200 but you get 100 to spend on more stuff, not to take off the actual console huh oh well. Thank you!!
  21. i tried to get the xbox deal online but i am so badly confused. can i apply the gc of 100 to the xbox now so i am only paying the 99??? i am not good at this *sigh*
  22. does anyone know, do they have the honeysuckle white brand for that price??? thats my FAVORITE one! I usually get about a 22 pounder so any sale helps! Thank you OP!
  23. thanks babybear! my little brother is also in XC and he even came in FIRST at a big meet a few weeks ago!! I am always so proud of him. I know he talks about spikes? sometimes for his shoes too, but this is a great gift idea I wouldnt have thought of without this thread! Thanks!
  24. these are on sale at TRU this weekend for the 2 day sale...i think its the 500 count for 19.99, i have no idea if this is a good price but just a heads up!
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