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Everything posted by georgiapeach717

  1. thank you girls...i felt awful when that was turned around on me. Thanks again for the cards and prayers for this family!!! I think *this* truly is the meaning of this season! Reaching out even in a small way in a compassionate way to strangers. Lots of christmas love for you all! <3
  2. well you have me at a loss for words in my own defence amyers...i certainly did not mean that I hope a kid was dying. I would hope no one read it that way, as I didnt even think of how it could have come across. Like I said, I know that pain and I still dont want to imagine this famiy's pain. thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send a card or letter! ((hugs))
  3. ooh i'd love to find one of these! I have been wanting one forever but they are too expensive for me to splurge on myself usually!
  4. i go to bed very early (like 9ish) and sleep for 3.5 hours :)
  5. we got wikki stix from my zaxbys (a fast food chicken place) and I *hated* them!!! they have this wierd tacky wax on them and they get stepped on and into the carpet and stuck. And after the first "project" they make with them, the wax gets all clumpy and creased and they dont look nice and pretty anymore. I have not seen the bandaroo brand in action so I cant comment but the wikki stix I did not care for at all.
  6. this is a current sale? the ds bundle looks ok, but I dont care for the game it comes with since we have that game for our wii. the knives I am thinking about getting. they are the BEST. KNIVES. EVER! I ahd a set, but over the years I have lost them here and there. They are oddly good!
  7. oh ok darn! LOL, well I appreciate the help! :)
  8. i am in cherokee :)
  9. LOL well luckily younger kids is my profession at the moment! (see siggy below, LOL) I will keep my eyes peeled for you. You may get the walmart toy book today or tomorrow in you mail too. I am axiously awaiting it! And TRU is having a thanksgiving day sale and so does Kmart if you want to kill a few hours while the turkey is in the oven!
  10. what about the buy one get 2 free deals? I would love to score those at target instead.
  11. try watching the 2 day sales at TRU. this weekend they have they have all batman figures buy ONE get TWO free! They will have deals like that weekly now. I also love walmart's 100 toys for 10.00. They will change them weekly I think and have pretty good ones every week. (GI Joe, Littlest Pet shop) Also amazon has free shipping on a TON of stuff if you spend 25.00 and they always have really good price drops closer to BF! Good luck!!! I can also watch for the zhu zhu hamsters for you. They are 8.00 each at walmart. The ball is 10.00 and I hear its good if you just have the ball and no other house parts. The two younger boys may like them!
  12. amyers I hope that the one that says "true" is in fact true on snopes. Either way My kids are going to make him one tonight and its going in the mail in the morning. Thank you all for helping. My kids are 2.5 (when he started the battle) and 5 (his age where he is probably going to pass) and I cried when I read this. It just strikes me close to my heart. I know the feeling of losing a child and I still cant imagine this family's pain.
  13. thank you so much!!! i have been eyeing the princess musical vanity forever at 99.00 at TRU...i was already excited to see it for 69.99 in the BTB but now they have a 10.00 off coupon for target too!! YAY!!!!!! lance thanks for that info, thats an awesome idea...if i could do all that instead of waiting in line at 3am I would much rather sleep in this year! ha!
  14. yay! running to look!!! hey, does walmart and target also price match 2 day sales? I know the flier *should* be available in the store....
  15. I hope this is ok to post here but... VERIFIED IT VIA SNOPES! A 5 yr old little boy named Noah is in the last stages of Nueroblastoma cancer (2 1/2 yr battle). The family is celebrating Christmas next week, and Noah's request is to get a lot of Christmas cards. Lets send the little guy some: Noah Biorkman, 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178. Lets see how many cards we can get him! Pass it on!! (Verified it via snopes.com)
  16. hey! you are in GA! :) what part?
  17. wouldnt you guess i *just* caved and bought the 8.00 packs at walmart today!
  18. will target or wlmart price match out of the big toy book from TRU?
  19. pogi got my idea with the PB and bird seed! :) i plan on doing this too this winter :)
  20. i love all the laugh and learn stuff and the move and groove table :)
  21. napster has a "napster to go" that allows you *almost* unlimited downloads a month for 14.99. I have a creative zen mozaic and I love it. Check the ones accepted by napster if you think you may be interested in using them before you buy one! :)
  22. they should do weekly 2 day sales on top of the BTB and regualr weekly sales now through til chirstmas. I love their 2 day sales and I am very eager to see what their Thanksgiving day sale will look like!
  23. 21 teachers?!?! how is this possible???
  24. i think i would move away with an unlisted number if i had to buy for 70! LMAO!!!! I bought a few more things today for my son. 2 packs of the bakugan 3 packs at walmart for 8 bucks and a briefcase plastic holder for them and 2 GI Joe guys at 5.00 each. :)
  25. i am hoping to get mine today, i usually get the reg flier on wednesday! *fingers crossed*
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