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Everything posted by georgiapeach717

  1. i cant do a tree yet b/c we only use a real one...i am SO ready for christmas lights, but my huaband and I make it a tradition that we decorate everything the weekend of BF. So nothing for me yet either
  2. i <3 walmart :) where else can you get excited over ground beef AND bakugan in the same store?!?
  3. aww i loved my easy bake oven when i was a kid. have you seen the princess cold cook one? thats wierd to me, LOL.
  4. ok so maybe its just those freaking allergies again... but when you said your son wrote you a letter i instantly welled up with tears til one poured over! (still teary actually) that sounds like something my son would do. I thought about how very disappointed in himself he would be if he thought that HE had ruined christmas and it tugged at my heart strings hard!
  5. #1: crazy thing is...i dont even have any kids!!!! #2: the real secret...thses are all for me! teehee!! #3: we make camping out for the TVs at best buy look good ya'll!
  6. aww honey ((hugs)) i think one day you will look back and laugh at the sight of them BOTH in the off limits room one day...but today isnt the day. I dont have a lot of advise as I havent (YET) gone through this...but I am sure christmas will be wonderful, and I liked the ideas of santa sendng gifts early b/c he is out of room. I would also sternly warn the older one NOT to tell the younger about the batcave. That if he does, and ruins the surprise for him that maybe his gifts will be scarce under the tree this year. if anything, now would be a great time to use my trick that i told my son about how mom and dad start picking up where santa is slacking off b/c of how big they are getting. keep us posted on how it goes!!
  7. i am a big fan of the samsung 42" at walmart that is usually around that price. (not 100% sure) but my gma has the vizio brands all through her house and they are super nice too. question about the 720 vs 1080? if i have no intentions of ever buying bluray does that number matter?? i am still not sure. I have heard so many different things. I have heard over 37" you almost HAVE to go with a 1080 but under 37" it doesnt matter. anyone know? TIA! eta: ok so after looking I was really off in my original price of the 42" samsung...it must have been a sale price before or somthing. sorry
  8. last year i raised 30 something blankets and hand passed them to the mass amounts of homeless in our area. I am going to try and do the same this year. I also like to buy off the angel tree. :) last year 90% of my blankets came from complete strangers off of Amazon. I was in tears the first few times the UPS driver left 10+ boxes stacked at my front door full of brand new blankets from people I had never even met. That is one bunch of amazing people. **sniff** They did their part last year though and I dont plan on asking them to give again this year.
  9. I also have had things lifted from my cart....but I am SO not afraid to get physical at that point. i mean...whats BF witout a little blood shed?
  10. I was going to stay away from this, but I can see by reading on here a few things: 1. Most people on here who support the idea either A. have considerably older kids, or B. have a friend keep them in a warm car until right before doors open. So I *think* the OP wasnt talking about those who IMO (again, my opinion) resposibly bring their children with them on BF, but those who *are* in the freezing cold for hours with babies and toddlers at 2am and usually there for the deals b/c they *want* to shop at these prices, not so much b/c they *need* to. And thats pretty much why my *first* post stated that for me its very situational. But I dont think its "judging" just expressing our opinions on it as well. When it all comes down to it, I pray for the best for the kids' sake (and these "kids" I usually mean for me the infant/toddler age bracket) and get on with why *I* am there. :)
  11. i KNOW!!!! i took DH with me for the "hunt" and after none at kmart, none at ANY target (i swear they hide these in the back when there is a great deal they would have to price match on) and a walmart a few miles away he said "we can try walmart, and then the target by your moms" LOL...i think I got him into it a little!
  12. me too...after my imaginex tower i am pretty much spent for extra $$$ this week. I ahd to pull from grocery money for it, but it was a REALLY good deal! maybe next week
  13. i got my dragon tower today from walmart with kmarts flier! YAY!! :)
  14. i think i am going to suck it up and since my son 5, says he just wants a "big box of legos" I am buying one of the 10 pound lots off of ebay. The one set he looked at is the police headquarters which is 89.99!! no way!
  15. u rock Mhood!! aww i dont see the ad for the 2 day sale, just this weeks flier. eta never mind! i found it! sweet!!
  16. wow! is that 50% off everything in those catagories?!?!? Gosh I LOVE these sales better than BF i think at TRU! now I am all excited!!! I have like 5 things in those catagories on my kids wishlists!
  17. LOL amber i think we are close!
  18. i missed it.
  19. a shotgun with a pistol handle. He really wants a double barrell so that should be fun to find, LOL. other than that he will get some clothes as usual, and a new game or two for his playstation and an MP3 player thats compatable with my napster to go account :)
  20. daughter (will be 2 3/4 on christmas) wants zhu zhu pets, baby doll stuff, and the princess cash register. everything else i am guessing on. LOL my son (5 1/2) wants legos...which is my hardest to figure out..GI Joe stuff, a DS, the imaginex dragon tower thing, and about 400 other small items like action figures, and whatnot. My kids dont actually make out lists yet, but we have started the tradition of circling things in the TRU big toy book to help. :)
  21. i love seeing a house decorated for christmas during thanksgiving :) it gives it such a warm holiday feeling :)
  22. it is dangerous...it was dangerous when i went out pregnant...doesnt change how i feel about it, i am not trying to change anyone's mind, just lending my 2 cents as well. i havent cut anyone down or called them names, or anything like that. I just said how I feel and that I worry for the safety of the kids. Plus I think a 3 year old could be hurt a lot faster in a moshpit stampede going into target than a person in a wheel chair...but I dont want to see either happen. **shrugs**
  23. my issue isnt so much the cold...even though I dont think babies/infants should be out in it for hours, but thats my opinion. Its the danger of the stampeding crowd that freaks me out with kids. It seems very dangerous.
  24. i hear you there! every year I tell myself just to keep my place and dont let them cut right in front of me and not to worry about it...but every year it gets my blood boiling and i end up getting way to ruffled over it and say a lot more than i should and it isnt at all christmas-y that comes out of my mouth!
  25. ooh a virgin!!! :) have fun!!!!! i LOVE meeting first timers in line, they are some of the funniest people b/c they usually have no real concept of the madness coming!! i am sure you will have a blast! :)
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