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Everything posted by chester5

  1. My FAVORITE ad and I still haven't seen it. Has anyone? Thank you!
  2. I think it would be fun to see who will be in the biggest and smallest town for Black Friday. I'll go first...Cecil WI, population 538ish.
  3. I'm pretty sure I bought a bunch of the $8 jeans back in the day. Now, the $4 hoodies for kids would be my go-to!
  4. I agree. I absolutely love my air fryer. Talk about amazing. My son uses it constantly to make chicken. I use it for bacon. SO much less mess!
  5. I am such a fan of the actual paper ads! I am also a big fan of actual books, thus no Kindle for me. I understand it's probably a cost saving measure but BOOOOO.
  6. I agree with this completely. It does help to be able to stretch the cost over a couple of months, though. But I am also halfway done shopping already.
  7. Ha ha ha.... I'M IN IT FOR THE YEAR!!!!!
  8. I'm looking forward to Kohl's AND Walmart. Hoping it's a very good week for planning!
  9. Is anyone else overwhelmed by everything on sale on Amazon....yet underwhelmed with the deals?
  10. Brad, Thank you for the awesome zip pouches! So handy!!!!
  11. Happy October, everyone! We have had amazing weather in the upper midwest. Anyone looking forward to Prime Days Part Two?
  12. Wishing everyone a fantastic LAST day of September! May the last quarter of the year bring you health, happiness, and DEALS!
  13. Happy September, everyone! And hopefully you have good weather and can enjoy the long weekend!
  14. Feel better soon! Oh no! I am so very, very sorry!
  15. WOW! I was thinking to myself that I need to start getting back into "school" mode...and I still have 6 weeks until inservice begins!
  16. Happy July, everyone!!! Like most of you, I'm looking forward to Amazon Prime Day (and all of the competitor deals). I'm not looking for any big ticket items this year, but sure have a list of classroom and household items! Happy shopping to all!
  17. Midwest friends! Menards has a bunch of outdoor decor on clearance. Look for the red prices above the items. Hope this helps someone!
  18. (((Hugs))) I'm thinking of you. I'm sorry.
  19. It's going to be 70 degrees today in Wisconsin. WOOT! WOOT!!!
  20. By me it's easier to go to a landscaping business and buy it by the truckload. Our yard is too soggy yet, though. We still had a dusting of snow when I woke up this morning. I want "real" spring!
  21. Hello everyone, and HAPPY APRIL! I'm definitely looking forward to some decent weather. Rain and snow is getting old!
  22. It's March! I ordered seeds the other day - won't be able to start them for awhile but it's still a sure sign that Spring is around the corner. Have a great day!
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