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Everything posted by 1whodatdare

  1. good plan! That would be nice. Daughter gets one, give one to my mom.
  2. okay, why are both netbooks listed at the lower price? If I buy the one that is supposed to be more am I going to have my order cancelled due to a price error?
  3. THat's the one I'm after... what is the difference? Sorry, I'm not very tech savvy.
  4. I guess it makes sense. GIves people a chance to get the cheaper stuff, and then a bigger item. But, I'm not happy! LOL
  5. if i get my netbook this will all be well worth it. Lets go BB, give it to us!
  6. anyone have a list of what CAN be bought?
  7. 2 o'clock?
  8. my patience is growing thin... COME ON NETBOOK!!!
  9. has anything gone live yet? Or is everything still "coming soon"?
  10. Anyone seeing the netbook change? Still says 349 coming soon for me
  11. Is this going to happen??? UGH> Want that netbook!!!
  12. Just came back from Wally World. I went specifically to question the price matching. Here are things I was told... 1) From Electronics guy: "We don't price match doorbusters/black friday stuff" 2) Front store manager: "We don't price match on Black Friday" After telling her it's all over the news and internet she went to the head store manager. 3)Head store Manager: "I saw that on the news too. People are going to be very confused. I'm not sure what we are doing (I was asking about what time I could start purchasing Toys r us 10 o'clock deals). I'll have to call about it. Call tomorrow for the answer." Okay, How is it that this thing starts in exactly 24 hours from this typing, and the store managers don't even know the policy? WTF!!! Is there a place I can print out the policy so I don't get screwed tomorrow?
  13. The thing that really irks me about Wal-Mart is this... The ACER netbook that was on sale at Target, and is going to be on sale at Radio Shack on BF is not carried by them. Of course, that is only in numbers sense. I mean here is the item number for the target/shack: Acer® Aspire® One AOD255-2331 10.1" Netbook Of course, walmart has the same one, but numbered: as 255-random 4. Same with that Toshiba from Best Buy. Walmart changes the last two numbers. it 89 (or something like that) at BB, but Walmart flips the last two numbers as 98. So, they don't really price match the good stuff
  14. has anyone ever done Radio Shack BF? What time to line up? I want the netbook. Store girl said people will start lining up at 4 usually. Doesn't sound hard to beat that!
  15. fin fins. my kids are begging for them. got the last castle and dog fish last night. going to be big!
  16. Wait, what was that? Oh, wal mart's legal team typing up those nasty letters to not post their add... and Big Lots thinking people care enough about theirs and following suit!
  17. Hey guys, I'm kinda new to the target thing. I usually miss all the big deals. I have a question for you... When I was there on Friday they had those HUGE inflatable water parks (usually 550 dollars). It was marked Clearance for 384. There were about 10 left. Do these usually drop lower, or will people scoop them up for the 384? I'm hoping it drops down to 300 to pick one up.
  18. How much was SPike? Last year he went to 26 at my Walmart. I should have bought him!
  19. I went in to our WM tonight for a quick little pickup of a can of pumpkin and decided to check the toy aisle. I saw there was one of the Barbie Jeeps that is 88 on black Friday. It didn't have a price, and last year our store had a few items at black Friday prices early, so I scanned it... 49.00!!! It was the last one, and the guy in toys told me he was wondering why they were going so fast today. He said "Probably a mistake, but I just work here, haha." So I picked it up and now don't have to fight for one on Friday!!! YEAH!:) By the Way, it was Lebanon, PA Walmart.
  20. Last year, that "Biscuit" fur real dog was one of the items. I went to my 24 hour at midnight and it was already at the discounted price. I don't know if that works with TV's or not.
  21. Is the one on BF a two seater as pictured on the link provided by GD, or is it a one seater? I was in WM today and the people had no idea. I'd be there early for a 2 seater, but the one seater wouldn't get me out as quickly.
  22. I was at the Disney Outlet today, and was told they would open at 12:00 a.m. for black Friday, but the deal is 20% of the entire store... Now, the crappy part is that this week only, the entire store is 25% off. Does that make ANY sense????? The deal this week is better than that sale. Why would I go there at 12:00 midnight when I get a better deal now?!?!
  23. "Pimp your Lair with Gottadeal Flare" Concept: Rapper 50 Cent and Home Genious Martha Stewart team up for the greatest show on Television. Each week one lucky contestant will have his/her home "pimped" by Martha and 50 using only GD deals posted over the past 72 hours. 10,000 worth of "goods" will be used to "pimp the lair" The game: After the "pimping" is completed, the contestant comes in to the home where he/she has the chance to keep the pimp items by correctly guessing the special GD price within X amount of dollars. Example: 42" HDTV LCD found on GD for $998. If it is guessed correctly within $150 the contestant keeps that item. If not, the item goes back. Then for the finale... To make sure that GD gets even more publicity and deal postings.... After all of the items have been won/lost contestant visits GD and is able to pick out 1 item of his/her choice. They then ask Martha and 50 for the GD price. If they guess wrong (again within x amount of dollars) they get to keep the item. However, if the item is guessed correctly by the duo, the GD poster who placed the deal gets the item, AND becomes the next weeks contestant. Gottadeal then becomes the most powerful deal site in the world because every great deal will be posted in hopes that they can be "pimped" BACKGROUND MUSIC FOR THE SHOW... 50'S "MAGIC STICK"
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