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Everything posted by 1whodatdare

  1. odds of 3ds xl being online?
  2. Thanks OP, I never would have noticed it in the other section... Glad you posted it!!!
  3. I'm guessing the Nintendo 3ds xl isn't going to be one of these deals : )
  4. yuck... picture order deal?
  5. I think you need to change this to "national" deal add. Like, major retailer. I'm going with 1/2 price books on 10/7 National- I think we get Sears first on 11/6
  6. Walmart has the Check up center for 65. BUt, it doesn't come with the TRU exclusive stuff. You can site to store it on Walmart
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I'm partial to #Swag. Like, "This is what No Sleep #Swag Looks like" Or "I got your Swag right here, and your Doorbuster" Or: "You may have the Swag, but I've got your doorbuster" Or: "Gottadeal.com: More Swag than a Best Buy Camper" Or: Gottadeal.com: Doorbustin' Swag since 2004.
  8. The purple "female" Zoomer is TRU exclusive. It's hard to find. I did see dalmations at Target and Walmart tonight... both 99.00. The cool thing, I found a Purple today when I went to pick up the other one. So, swapped them out, and got the purple. Then, got the Doc McStuffin Check up center, too. They let us use the 20% off on both, even though they were both "hot prices" already. So, got them both for 138. Ver happy.
  9. Anyone heard anything of the "ZOOMER THE ROBOTIC DOG"? I got the last one at our local TRU, but the rest are sold out within a 100 mile radius of me. I hadn't heard of it before, but DD5 wants it for her birthday next week. Just wondering if it's old and just not popular enough for stores to carry, or if it's newer and really hard to find? Saw it for 100 on amazon, got it for 79 at TRU.
  10. Anyone getting the 12 volt barbie have the dcpi
  11. I did the free one month. Then, when I went to cancel, they gave me three more months free... and said if I use it 3 times, I'll get a free year! So, needless to say, I'll be finding 3 things over the next three months so I'll have it for next xmas.
  12. called BB to see if they could confirm that this "coming soon" on the kindle fire w/gc was actually going to go live... they said they have no idea. Love that communication!
  13. thanks, riven
  14. off topic... what time do newspapers typically get into the stores this am?
  15. I'm guessing the Skylander sets are not going to be online... but, I'm willing to stay up an extra hour to find out : )
  16. the hd with 30 ? It says coming soon, but I saw someone else say they missed it.
  17. wait, the kindle sold out? WTF... i kept refreshing and it always said "coming soon". I didn't know you had to click on the link. UGH
  18. GLAD TO HELP!!! I hope everyone that's been hoping for one at Wal Mart can now cross that mess off their list By the Way, lots of people are confirming local B&M's are price matching the online... YMMV, obviously, but worth a try!
  19. It's still there... keep refreshing... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/nabi+-+nabi+2+Tablet+-+8GB+Memory/5906964.p?id=1218703255787&skuId=5906964&st=nabi%202&cp=1&lp=1&AID=10474050&PID=1412508&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2Fnabi%2B-%2Bnabi%2B2%2BTablet%2B-%2B8GB%2BMemory%2F5906964.p%3Fid%3D1218703255787%26skuId%3D5906964%26st%3Dnabi%25202%26cp%3D1%26lp%3D1&ref=39&CJPID=1412508&loc=01
  20. Awesome deal... in for 1! BTW, Folks talking about the NABI... did you see my link to best buy? It's currently 129.99 online with free shipping!
  21. Question... If the Nabi is going for 129 here, will that also be the BF price? It was supposed to be 169 at BB
  22. Hi guys, do you expect walmart to give you the spreadsheet again this year letting you know what would be in store only? Really interested in the Nabi 2, but don't really want to go in to the local Walmart... I fear for my life in there on BF.
  23. How 'bout the places with the Special Kindle Fire HD price of 199. I think that is HH Gregg and Radio Shack. Yeah, um... normal price is Black Friday?
  24. they do do doorbusters online, but you don't know ahead of time which ones.
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