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Everything posted by chrisjuvers

  1. they are 20% off, today only at Dicks sporting goods. Black friday was only 25%.
  2. DH has the Milwaukee heated jacket, it uses standard drill batteries. Home Depot had them on sale about a week ago..
  3. ^^ Cell phones are live as of today
  4. I bought mine yesterday from CDKYS. I had to confirm my cell number and then they text me the code. The code wasn't active right away. It took about an hour to start working but that's typical. You can no longer "stack" live membership codes like you could in the past.
  5. I spent $394 so I got a ton of great deals. Sperry's, BCBG shoes, & some Vince camuto boots. I got my little guy some kids clothes, all nike & under armour. 50% off the clearance price. Fragrances lasted about 10 minutes or less.
  6. Ipad mini is suppose to be $299 with a $50 giftcard at walmart on Sunday
  7. I got my OE and it is beautiful, I love it. A pretty silver snowflake. Thank you ret716 (S.F.). To my OE person, I just shipped yours yesterday morning. Ive been snowed in since last Thursday & no school for the kiddos. I sent 2 since you had to wait! mailed all cards a week or more ago.
  8. I did online from Dicks Sporting goods, old navy, things remembered, office depot, victorias secret, ...I just got the last of my orders yesterday & I had to get them from the post office. We've had really bad weather here in IL & it just got delayed when the roads were too bad to drive. I would definitely call them.
  9. Yes they do...and I am patiently waiting to see if I like this years tote bag
  10. Last year I tried to match something from the military exchange. I pulled up the BF ad on my phone but my Walmart said no that they would only do it if I had the physical ad.
  11. I picked up 4 games yesterday at $5 each in store. Monopoly was sold out but I keep extra new games for school gift exchanges and last minute birthday parties.
  12. He looked at me and laughed for a long time. Then Santa said, "I'll see what I can do"
  13. Yes my dad got this as well and had it in 3 days even though shipping said 12 days. He is very pleased with the tv picture quality.
  14. DS7 last year asked the Santa in the mall for bigger "MAN PARTS" !! and he used the correct words. Apparently his smart as* daddy told him that could not join the men's family poker/card game until he had a bigger---------. . Imagine the embarrassment! I was made at DH for a week for that one.
  15. got Skylanders & Disney Infinity both tonight for Xbox 360. Both were pulled off shelves but I asked an employee who got me each from the back. $37 ringing correctly. Carbondale, Illinois store zipcode 62901
  16. I need to stop checking these horribly cheesy deals, but I just cant help myself ! lol
  17. I set a gift limit of $500 per child, we have 4 sons. I want my kids to appreciate what they get but understand that they cannot ask for a "car" or something outrageous. I am not an ATM, lol $50 for inlaws, nieces , nephews, etc "family". $25 for friends
  18. Most of the clothes are. I usually order the Nike hoodies & sweatpants for $25 each. They've always had free shipping over $99 too!
  19. I don't need any cheese blocks, good grief these deals stink...
  20. I doubt it since its already paid for but you may be able to return it and rebuy it.
  21. 8 am Central time according to the article
  22. wow, I am excited to get Disney infinity & Skylanders swap force both for Xbox. I guess I'll be doing site to store pickup because our tiny Wal-Mart is sold out of the Xbox version of both!
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