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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. I still say he needs a theme song. I'll be there!
  2. A least wait 'til ya get the WallyWorld legal letter so we have somethin' to discuss.
  3. Technically, yes, but I think they're allowing some leeway cuz these new members who started it don't have access to the Gottatalk Lounge yet.
  4. It's not officially BF season until Brad gets the annual Wally-World legal threat letter .
  5. In other words: Ya mess with the queen bee, ya get the hive . But seriously, we're all not that bad once you've been around and get to know us more. Kinda like one big global dysfunctional family . And don't worry about the Black Friday forums. You're not the first person to remind Brad about it and ya certainly won't be the last.
  6. Aw, he knows I'm kidding. Right, Brad? Uh... Brad? Hmm. Maybe I should keep a closer eye on my stuff after all.
  7. But it's so much fun to remind him .
  8. Oops. My bad. I linked to the wrong year. Starts the morning of Saturday, July 23 and runs through Sunday, July 24.
  9. Or, in other words, ya got a few months to hire an attorney to write up a response letter . I always wondered if anyone ever tried that with WallyWorld's threats. Like a 'Thank you for letting us know' letter.
  10. Actually, it's July 24-25. QVC - Christmas in July Show Schedule
  11. So, Brad, have ya got the 6th Annual Walmart Legal Threat Letter yet?
  12. Great. Now you've done it, Scott! Never cross the boss! Oh, wait. That means I don't have to work on the charts until a week before BF. Yipee!
  13. Thought you guys banned Walmart from BF years ago.
  14. Brad had a list on the site here somewhere that totaled exactly when each ad came out every year. Dunno what happened to it. I think the ads last year came in unusually late.
  15. The Black Friday section open up whenever good 'ol Brad gives the word. First comes the BF forums, then a month or so later the ads start rollin' in. If memory serves me correctly, which doesn't happen very often, it usually happens around August or so. Still, no one's stoppin' ya from discussin' BF now. Here's hopin' this will be a good BF this year.
  16. Actually, I passed up a neighbor's garage sale just this morning and spotted a Yamaha power generator for sale. First thing that came to my mind: powering a tent on black friday! Good thing it's not payday otherwise I might've bought it.
  17. I still say he needs a theme song. And some sound effects to play back on his PC during his webcasts.
  18. Then it's official! BigJim has gone global! Glad you and your school kids could join us just in time, Johnny.
  19. Sounds like my type of party. Might have to stop by for a sec.
  20. Since I didn't do any shopping on BF, I let everyone else have the laptops and HDTVs (And pretty much everythin' else). Thought that was awfully nice of me.
  21. UPDATE: Probably the last one of the BF season. All BF ads, includin' GameStop and some of the last minute sale items, have been added. Hope these all will help as many of y'all as I can reach before the big day. Enjoy the gooey goodness.
  22. And who deleted my 'New and Improved' in the thread title? Just noticed that. I kinda liked that name.
  23. Yer welcome. About the only thing that might be left are the extra circular ads bein' released and the last minute specials.
  24. UPDATE: Just updated the main GDCC site to include the ability to filter in/out all stores available in the charts. This will come in handy for any folks out there who don't have specific stores in their region and don't want to include those stores in their search. Made a few tweaks here/there as well, includin' a brief instruction manual for the not-so-savvy net surfers. Almost forgot: I also added a more 'printer friendly' view for the charts. Enjoy.
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