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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Looks like the sale is over now. What's the final tally, Brad?
  2. What, no GD hot beverage mugs? No GD blankets? No GD tatoos? C'mon, Brad! Put that logo on EVERYTHING!
  3. I second/third the request for a Gottadeal online store. Put that logo on absolutely EVERYTHING and sell those suckers out!
  4. Well, I guess that leaves me out . During the latest webcast BigJim wore his GD polo shirt. Got any of those left ?
  5. Don't tell me these things aren't completely sold out yet. With all the whinin' and cryin' y'all were doin' earlier about wantin' a t-shirt I'd think they'd be long gone by now .
  6. Thanx for giving us all the chance to show off our love for the deals! And here's hoping every lil' bit helps with those server costs . Gotta get warmed up for those online deals somehow .
  7. OMG! I sound like the MovieFone Guy mixed in with Captain Kirk when I called into the webcasts!
  8. See y'all tonite!
  9. Looks like the Walmart bashing and boycotting has begun. Ah, now it's beginning to feel like BF season!
  10. Yay! Black Friday season can officially begin!
  11. I think most folks who camp out already have the necessary equipment. It's just a one-time cost. Sure, your first time camping out you'll need to justify the cost of all your gear, but if ya buy stuff that'll last a while you'll have all ya need for a long time. And it's not just for camping in BF lines, either. Ya never know when you'll need a power generator to watch your DVDs while out in the woods . As far as what I would camp out in line for, I think if I ever had enough cash to spend I'd buy my new camping supplies and camp out for an HDTV or other big hot electronics items. Though it'd have to be more than just one thing. I can't personally justify camping all that time just for one measly item. By the way, love the comic!
  12. IMHO, I think the webcast/call-in radio show was a smashing success! Nice to hear what some of y'all sound like. The only down side is the huge lag between the call and the video, but that's Ustream's fault. Just remind people that when they call in to turn their 'radio' down. This should be really fun on Saturday when there are more people in the chat room. See ya Saturday!
  13. I still say he needs his own theme song .
  14. Be there or be... well, y'all know the drill.
  15. I can just see it now.. The hottest talk show this season, it's 'The Big Jim Slade Show!' We're taking your calls live right now!
  16. Just looked a lil' into this myself. I think with the free Skype account ya can only make/recieve calls to and from other Skype accounts. Ya can set it up so other people using Skype can call in or starting at $18 for three months ya can get a Skype online number for land line folks to call in. That'd be just long enough to last until after Black Friday. There's some online tutorioals on how to set things up in Ustream with Skype or anythin' else BigJim wants to try out. Using Skype with Ustream
  17. Only vaguely familiar with Skype but am willing to give it a go. Just gimme enough notice in advance. Have ya also considered the co-host feature on uStream? Maybe one of us can join ya to help answer questions about toys or electronics (my expertize lies in the latter ).
  18. But it's not officially supposed to be Black Friday season until you get your annual C&D letter. It won't be. It can't be! ... Can it?
  19. As always, I'll be stuck in Phoenix, AZ.
  20. Ugh! More people gettin' suckered into payin' more . Why don't they just go to eBay and bid on one?
  21. C'mon now Marcster, You must know the rules by now No t-shirt for you!
  22. Remember folks: Gottadeal.com For year round deals and savings Not just Black Friday
  23. Well, we all know BigJim knows nada about toys. Let's see how much he knows about tools.
  24. Tonight I sleep in, Getting plenty of good rest, Cuz I shopped online!
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