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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Here's the video of the aftermath taken by a bystander. NSFW due to some foul language and a pool of blood. That cop drew an awful lot of blood for the guy just bein' an 'alleged' shoplifter.
  2. Maybe that's why people in front of ya in line were laughing when they looked back and saw 'I probably got your doorbuster' I'll be there to hear all your BF shopping stories!
  3. AZ Central: Grandfather roughed up at Buckeye Walmart, shoppers say
  4. The stories are coming in for this year. And they're as crazy as ever! Can't get to that Xbox doorbuster palette? Mace thru that crowd! Bargain-hunters maced by fellow shopper So, what nutty Black Friday shopper news stories are breaking in your area?
  5. AND NOW THE FINAL UPDATE ---> I just made the final update to the charts adjusting a few of the ad listings as well as added prices and other items that were just released as online only. I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving and a very safe and profitable Black Friday. Go support our economy!
  6. Good webcast last nite, BigJim! Ya still feelin' up for another one tonite (11/23/11)?
  7. If someone's gonna try to sell ya a line ticket plus make a profit off of it, why not just buy the BF item on a normal everyday sale price? It would probably end up costing just as much anyways. Sort of like those folks who buy out all the doorbusters and then turn around and sell 'em on eBay.
  8. And if you really REALLY love the hassle of mail-in rebates, I recommend hhgregg for your BF shopping. Another thing I noticed while doing the charts for that particular store. Just so you're not too surprised when ya get to the front of the line.
  9. Great to hear you're doing better! I agree that I feel closer to some of the people on these digital boards whom I've never met in person than folks I work with and see every day. Hope to see and talk to ya again on the webcast and hope ya can get right back in line at BB where ya belong.
  10. So how ya feelin' today, BigJim?
  11. AND STILL YET AGAIN ANOTHER UPDATE ---> hhgregg's added to the charts. Fred Meyer will be added later tonite. That should be all the BF ads as y'all get ready for your BF shopping trips this week
  12. Come to think of it, that couple Dev took a picture with did look like they had germs
  13. Don't worry about it. Just take those meds and get better. Get well soon! :)
  14. That was probably one of the best train wrecks of a webcast I ever had the pleasure of taking part in It was a delight to see both BigJim and 'Doc' in line at BB!
  15. Just outta curiosity, are we still gonna do the call-ins with Skype while you're in line or is that done with for now?
  16. Just don't pull a Florida lady on them. Riots are not fun.
  17. Maybe if anyone is planning on purchasing an HP PC from hhgregg's or Office Depot can report in here. I know there's a few of us who'd like to get in on one of those 'Buy an HP product and get a 32GB HP Touchpads for $149' deals.
  18. AND STILL YET ANOTHER UPDATE ---> Shopko, hhgregg, Big Lots, Dollar General, and Dunham's Sports all updated in the charts. That should be everything currently for BF except for hhgregg's, which will be in the charts by the end of the weekend.
  19. I just hopped over to the Official Black Friday Line Reports & Check Out Thread - Post Your Reports! thread to see if there was any fact to these rumors. Looks like BigJim is having a blast with CNN in his BB line.
  20. Just giving this thread a little to remind everyone to join us tonite! Are ya gonna broadcast from your tent or is that not until next week?
  21. AND YET ANOTHER UPDATE ---> All charts now updated with Kmart, Sears, Meijer, and Office Depot. ShopKo and hhgregg soon to come by the weekend.
  22. Heads up for another update, folks :) Tune in to BigJim's BF Webcast tonite for the details.
  23. Tune in tonite for all your answers! Or just wait till BIgJim posts it later
  24. I'll be there so I won't be square
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