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Everything posted by mmm40

  1. What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing!
  2. Grew up with the same tradition. Jumbo shrimp was course 1. Next was smelt. Salad next. Soup with some kind of fish. There were a total of seven fish dishes. Only my father ate the Calamari. Then we had linguini with claim sauce. My grandmother made everything from scratch. Even the pasta. She made ravioli that were 2" x 2" x 2" Man were they good!
  3. I have an idea where you may have gone. Sending you a pm.You won't be able to pm me back yet. You don't have enough posts. I don't want to post "that other site" as we are not permitted to post our name there.
  4. If you read through the pages in this forum (near the last few pages) you will find over 60 companies listed here. In the thread title it states it is a Mystery Shopping Company and All are marked with a yellow warning icon.
  5. Gee. I would have thought with all the controversy they would have stopped making them.
  6. Yep. I'd pay for it. You bet your butt if I am overcharged I say something. Just because it is a faceless corporation does not make it okay.
  7. Nestle Good Start checks I have one for 1.00 and one for 9.00 I will need a SASE pm for my vitals and post that you have taken it. TY
  8. Forget buying this for the kids! I Want This!!
  9. Walmart's arrogance and greed has shown through in the numbers. GOOD! Maybe now they will realize it is their customers that create high numbers and stop treating them like Crap!!!
  10. Pretty crummy price. Around here I can get a Wii for 250.00 http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3391776
  11. Sweet! Thanks Brad! Buying it Now!!!
  12. I would like one as inexpensive as possible without it being a complete piece of garbage. Is that too vague? I need it to be fairly sturdy. I drop my mouse like a thousand times a week. So, there's a good chance I will do the same with a wireless keyboard.
  13. I'd tell them. Last month the pharmacy undercharged me a 3.00 co-pay. I told them. Everyone pays for mistakes like this in the long run.
  14. Thanks y'all..good deal. Received a PM apparently GottaGeal does still have what I need. I just have to find the Drano Theda now. Thank You for responding.
  15. I need an XL Teeshirt fro a Xmas gift and I need to ship it across the country soon! I would like it to be a green color, preferable teal and I would like it to say either "Missouri" or "Springfield" I tried the campuses but the $ they want is insane! I was going to get an XL GottaGeal T but I guess they are all sold out. Any help would be great! Inexpensive and online would be great, TY TY TY TIA!!!
  16. Srafford MO 65757 shiping cost?
  17. Today and tomorrow only. 1GB Flash Drive for $5.95 after rebate and Google Checkout: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=202849432&loc=101 Price is $30.95 with free shipping. $15 rebate available. $10 instant off with Google checkout. Final price: $5.95.
  18. Sent you my addy ponycal. Welcome!
  19. Hi Everybody! Welcome!
  20. Due to insane postage prices I will need an SASE One coupon says "Free Gift for you with any purchase. Up to 10.50 value" Guess it has to be from the signature collection body care line. The other coupon says "Free gift for a friend." Same deal as the first coupon. Both expire on 12/3/06 Post that you took them a PM me for where to send your SASE.
  21. Okay sent! But.. I will post it here for Brad again. There is no "sign up thread' Just go to the first post in this thread and get the email address Brad posted. Go to your PayPal account and send Brad money. Include your GottaDeal user name, your size request(s) and include your real name and shipping info. VIOLA! You will have a hoodie in time for BF! Woo Hoo!!! Shop Warm and Comfy! Happy Holidays!! Brad, How Close Are We?
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