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Everything posted by mmm40

  1. I can't believe how torn this question has me. I can easily say I think greed is amoral but unethical? I don't know. Our society is a capitalist society. It is the driving force of our economics's. So I tend to think greed itself isn't unethical but the actions we take because of greed can be.
  2. Unethical? I'm not sure. Greedy? Without a doubt.
  3. rubyrain, can you please provide a link to this sweet deal? Thanks!
  4. http://www.lugs.ch/LUGS_Members/norbert.kuemin/welcome.gif
  5. Yes. please do post the information. In fact, could you please start a new thread? Make the thread title the name of the company that tried to rip you off. Then give all the information you have in the first post. Having the company name as the thread title will make it much easier and faster to find the information when searching. If you need help please let me know. Please give all the details you have. It will help potentially thousands of people. Thank so much for sharing, Again, Welcome. mmm40x
  6. Excellent question!!! I am a bit out of sorts tonight. I have a broken arm and it is hurting and I took a pain pill so my head isn't clear. So, I will provide a more in depth answer tomorrow. If I forget, post again and do some hollering! I have the attention span of a gnat sometimes, so I won't mind. I can tell you, every company I posted here Is Legit. I researched them before posting them. I would start with KSS. (Kern Scheduling Services) They are top notch. They aren't a mystery shopping company but many MS companies send them jobs to post and fill. After you sign up you can search the jobs in your area. When you read the description of the job it may tell you that you need to do sign up with company "XYZ" Just follow the instructions. If you get the job you will be notified by email. Know, that they will ask for your Social Security Number. They HAVE TO DO THIS. You are not their employee. You are an independent contractor and you will be responsible for your own taxes. The company is still required to keep track of what they pay you. If it is over $600.00 in a year, by law, they are required to send you a 1099 at the end of the year. This is why they ask for your SS number. You can't be paid until they have it. I will search for the addy to KSS right now and get back to you tomorrow but before I go let me say this: Never, Ever Pay To Take Surveys, Participate In Focus Groups Or Market Research. Do Not Buy A List Of Survey Sites, Focus Groups, Mystery Shopping Companies, etc..They Are All Bologna!!! Someone has actually had the nerve to copy my thread (at the top of the page) "Survey 101 and Q & A" as well as my threads with hundreds of links. They copied it word for work and they are selling it for $40.00! People can get it free at the top of the page !!! No Legit Company Will Ever Ask For Money!! I will return tomorrow and see if there is anything else I can say. Other members may pop in before I get back and give you the skinny. We Are Glad To Have You Aboard!!! If you ever need anything please post and ask. You are always welcome to pm me for any reason! Welcome. http://www.crooked-stroke.org/gallery/smilies/light/thumbs/welcome.gif
  7. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Drink/Congrats.gif http://www.online-thecatsmeow.com/images/Emoticons/thumbsup2.gif
  8. You're a riot!
  9. http://eshrunk.com/ This is a new site. It's purpose is clear up our bookmarks and keep our favorites all in one place. It's a handy dandy little site. I don't much like the colors of the site but ya' can't have everything. I got them to add GottaDeal to their front page. YAY! They are very open to comments and site recommendations. Check them out and if you send them comments let them know GottaDealers are using their site so we stay on their front page!
  10. OOOO I hope they are hoodies!!!
  11. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Drink/Congrats.gif http://www.techzonez.com/forums/images/smilies/thewave.gif
  12. . http://12.uploadmirror.com/uploaded/4/407/glitter_maker_08_01_2007_20_38_06_50838.gif
  13. Hey! This is great! Thanks!
  14. I'm bummed. I DNQ.
  15. http://bestsmileys.com/welcome/9.gif To All!
  16. He sounds like us here in this forum! He's a natural!
  17. http://survey.re-search.com/panel/joinourpanel.htm http://www.re-search.com
  18. YAY! Got mine too. They are both completely gone. Just spent 124.00 in GC's at Amazon!
  19. Shoot. I reserved one right at the store 6 weeks in advance. I was moving from Minnesota to Missouri. People travelled all the way up here from Missouri to help me and Uhaul tells me they have no truck for me! Never again! Try Go Minis They rule! http://www.gominis.com/
  20. So sad. So true. I am bored out of my mind today! I'm going to watch "The Ring: Two" in a little while.
  21. So long as you understand. http://www.cosgan.de/images/more/bigs/a115.gif
  22. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Please%20TY/N1Thanks08.gif That is the slowest site I have ever used and I have a T1 connection! Dial up users beware!
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