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Everything posted by allshoppedout

  1. I look at alot of web pages, i.e. Gotta deal, etc and I struggle on the 7 in ( for viewing web pages,I don't suppose there is any way to increase font or make bold is there?) I definitely check email, am on web more than playing any game/movies. to look at the black friday ads for example I absolutely had to go to my desktop to view THANKS Much for YOUR INPUT I'll be putting my in my purse, so I have some extra space
  2. I was considering either of the 2 wireless Printers in BF ad, does anyone have experience with the HP ENVY printers? I have seen some reviews (saying model(s) that look similar to ones in ad don't have a feeder, isn't that what makes the paper go into printer? why would a wireless printer (if you were sending something from your phone tablet, etc wirelessly so you'd have it right away i.e. you are not necessarily standing in the same room,) without a feeder be any good? so wouldnt it continually jam? Here is what I want out of a printer: under 75 $ lower the better wireless prints, copies, scans doesn't use a ton of ink resulting in costing me a fortune.
  3. Has anyone held/ seen a 7 in HD kindle side by side compared to 8.9 inch HD ? I am not concerned that the 8.9 costs more if it is ALOT easier to see. My eyes are getting worse. Does the 1.9 extra of screen make much of difference. (i've asked on tablet thread but no one has opinion)
  4. Thanks, I was suspicious of it...
  5. Yes, hopefully the sellers will be clear, when I purchased the Kindle 7 in. last year (non-HD) thru Amazon and looked for a case (on Amazon) it was plastered everywhere on each case description: WILL NOT FIT blah blah blah, or ONLY FOR, blah blah... also I'm not sure how eager you are to save more $ but I know 5 Below often has cases for former generations of various e-readers/ tablets--although they are not the "official case normally" just thought I'd mention it. I found my case at a real bargin on amazon the same week I bought the kindle, I think it was less than 8 dollars, lol and it still looks brand new. HTH
  6. Just FYI, I know the TV shopping networks tend to be more $ but they are saying for TODAY only as a HOTPICK on QVC, they are offering a new HD kindle 7 inc with 16GB and said on-air that it DOES have HDMI port 199.00 only today. It comes with a pink or purple case. The presentations I saw said that it was NEW, so I am guessing it is the New 7 inch HD , although people say the new one does NOT have HDMI, so either QVC is wrong or they are offering a special model. Any smart person here, no what is actually accurate, Brad? Bueller?? anyone? specs: What's in the box? Kindle Fire HD tablet, USB 2.0 cable, Kindle leather case, Kindle Powerfast charger, quick-start guide, a $50 Printer Pix offer, and two-year Premier Tech support plan (information for Tech Support ships separately). Wireless capability may require a network connection, additional accessories, and/or a service connection fee. Access to and use of the Internet may require payment of a separate fee to an Internet Service Provider. Use of Bluetooth technology may require Bluetooth software and compatible accessories. Includes 16GB Kindle Fire HD tablet, USB 2.0 cable, Kindle leather case, Kindle Powerfast charger, quick-start guide, $50 Printer Pix offer, and two-year Premier Tech support plan (information for Tech Support ships separately)1.2GHz dual-core processor16GB internal storage, 12.6GB available for user7" diagonal 10-point capacitive touch, anti-glare HD color display with 1280x800 resolution, IPS technology, advanced polarizing filterDual-band, dual-antenna Wi-Fi; supports 802.11a/b/g/nBluetooth wirelessFront-facing cameraImagination PowerVR 3D graphicsSupports Kindle AZW, KF8, TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively, AAX, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, AC3, EAC3, non-DRM AAC, MP3, MIDI, PCM/WAVE, OGG, WAV, MP4, AAC LC/LTP, HE-AACv1/v2, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, HTML5, CSS3, 3GP, VP8 filesDual-driver speakers with Dolby audioFree Cloud storage for Amazon contentUSB 2.0, micro HDMI ports3.5mm stereo jackMeasures approx. 7-1/2"L x 5-1/2"W x 1/2"D; weighs 13.9 ozUL listed; 1-year LMWImported
  7. Appreciated
  8. Hey Len/ all have you personally seen/HELD the 8.9 HD ? is the extra $ worth it to get the screen size? My eyes are getting worse so considering the bigger screen but wondering if it makes much of a difference. I don't minding spending extra if it helps me, but I can't seem to get anyone's opinion who has seen both.
  9. Many thanks Brad
  10. I am having a dilemma. I have a new, unopened kindle HD 7 inch brand new 32 GB that was a special on QVC and it was not really that cheap but I jumped on it because of 1-the AMOUNT of GB, never saw 32 before 2- it was HD and I just have the Kindle fire prev. gen. no HD there, and 3-don't have to worry about their return policy in case I saw something better. I see that I can get a 16 GB, HD 8.9 IF I am lucky on BF, my eyes are getting worse and worse and I thought maybe I should go that route, so I have 2 questions Will I regret going for the bigger screen, if I then have just 16GB, can anyone tell me if they have gotten close to filling up a 16 GB kindle and what all that would hold? Do you really notice a big difference with the 8.9, having that extra 1.9 inch of screen?? While I'd love to save $ and enjoy a bigger screen, yet am afraid to sacrifice the GB. also, does either/both Kindle HD 7 or 8.9 HD have camera??
  11. this thread says "games" buy being I know little about DS systems, we have a 3 year old Nintendo DSi which my son dropped and we cannot get to turn on again. I see the Nintendo 2Ds is 99 on BF @ Walmart, will it play the DSi games... or what type of games do I look for/ am I gonna have trouble finding much of a selection this year/next year?
  12. I know there are so many and I can't even remember names of them, but I generally dislike the ones where there are kid(s) trying to fix up their parents with another mate/former spouse. I clicked on this thread because I wanted to know which were best Hallmark ones so I could look for them/maybe DVR. I saw one with Neil Patrick Harris on the other week--Lifetime network I think and I cried about that, too much crying LOL, I gotta watch me some Rudolph.
  13. I too have been sad/crying all week. I understand how you feel. I feel unappreciated most years and either don't get much or if I do, I buy it for myself. I think Christmas is the only bright part of a looong winter and if I am now sad at Christmas then how will I get thru 5 months of cold...
  14. my Mom passed away this Spring and needless to say Christmas won't be the same, she was sick last Christmas with what we thought was pneumonia, and didn't come, but ended up having a stroke a few days after, and the Christmas before she fell and did come but we were all upset about it. She in my opinion was Christmas and made everything special for me as a child, my Dad didn't do much of anything in the way of holiday spirit. She loved decorations and everything about Christmas except wrapping, LOL. I got married and was so sad to learn after 1 or 2 Christmas with him, that my husband is not into holidays at all--they (his immediate family) only put the tree up a few days before, everything last minute (which I later found out is how MIL did everything) and the train was the "big deal" tradition: let me just say it was a very sad looking train/platform, I mean I figured if the TRAIN was the Bomb, then it would be fabulous-NOT the case. Anyway she apparently passed on the lack of enthusiasm and I hate it. Now this year when I could use some "magic" after being the chief decorator, present buyer, wrapper, for nearly 2 decades, I cannot count on my spouse to support me at all--and can no longer talk to my mom and be excited about the holidays . My sibling has just become a grandmother and so she is very much into that, rather than Christmas which I understand.However need I say she has a husband who hates holidays as well (thanks to his nasty mother) and so he's a real drag too. If I knew THEN what I know now, I'd have asked my future husband "do you love Christmas?" rather than do you have a job, or a degree, or a condom, LOL. Im probably making you all more depressed, so sorry. I just don't want my lack of spirit or my sadness to be visible to MY kids.
  15. I actually have a headache from looking at all the ads that became posted in such quick succession. . Somehow I didn't even see the 178 Laptops someone mentioned, how is that even possible LOL hope my brain catches up soon. And I am still not sure I understand the Christmas ad match policy so let me say what I THINK it means and if I'm wrong just someone say "you're wrong" and be kind to me. My mom passed away this Spring and I feel like I'm in a fog & just don't know how I'm gonna get thru the holidays this year If I buy something at walmart today, tomorrow or anytime up until Thanksgiving I can get it Xmas AD MATCHED, meaning I have a physical ad and they will issue me a gift card, I thought it meant I could show them an ONLINE price from my smartphone too, but not sure... and then on the PM for the Turkey Day & BF, I can only match within the correct Time period and WITH an ad, exact item, no gift card offers, right, but NOT ONLINE, right? and then I just have one more ? if I'm trying my best to PM within the time frame but in a very long line and the competitor's sale is over by the time I am up to the cust. service desk am I out of luck? thanks
  16. is that 8 GB or 16 ?
  17. mY Walmart had NO FLASH, I think they pulled them off the shelves, dirty trick, if you say you are gonna price match then dont do "shady" sneaky things.
  19. Did your purchase that resulted in the coupon include any videos or toys?
  20. I would do a HOT PINK or NEON GREEN sock or decoration on top of a headband you already have (has to have some height especially if she is NOT tall, like me) that way it'll be UNIQUE, who knows someone else could use your idea if they read this thread and end up at your stores, lol.
  21. They are shown in the new walmart ad that begins nov 3, WHERE are you finding the 3 or 4 dollar off coupons, I don't think I've ever seen such a coupon.
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