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Everything posted by allshoppedout

  1. I got this SAME one 2 weeks ago, It has a flash light, only 1 charger, but has GREAT reviews. Ive used it about 10 times, charges pretty fast, but I can give you a time. It's orange so I can find it in my purse! . I know there are ones out there that are 10,000 and 12 mah but I was trying to stay below a price point. I'm happy so far
  2. mistake* I thought I found, delete
  3. I'm sorry I went back on the Ulta site and tried to find them for you and had no luck. When I ordered I thought I just selected this week's ad, then on last page of it, I clicked on the mix & match items but it didn't seem to work. Then I tried typing in ulta hand cream and price low to high but that would work, hope someone else can help you. Maybe they are making it hard to find on purpose?
  4. Don't think anybody is reading this thread but are any stores having a "thanksgiving sale" or is shall I deduce that everything is a BF sale even if it begins Turkey Day, whatever the time??
  5. I got mine already, this a.m. !! yeah!
  6. ok If I'm using my KINDLE do I still need to search for an amazon app or what is best way to find/get sale items? I mean I got phone, but may not have it with me EVERY 10 minutes. These type of sales stress me out. I want that 1st generation, 8.9 kindle HD and don't wanna go for it BF and not score it...
  7. Stationchief, LenMullen & whomever does all this work--YOU ARE INCREDIBLE, thank you so much!! You make it so much easier to make decisions for BF buys! FREAKIN AMAZING!
  8. Thank you for your input, I do see that the ink is less expensive, but printer ranges from 99-238 and some of the reviews are awful, seems like that is what I find with every printer I look at-- 100 good reviews, 30 bad, 339 great, 100 awful... I don't know how to make a reasonable decision *sigh would you mind telling me model, so i AVOID that one, if you have the time to look & post. Thanks
  9. Waiting for all the time zones to "catch up?" LOL
  10. I THINK THIS POST explains it the difference the most clearly, and concisely.
  11. I'm only about 25% done. And already don't have space for what I bought, LOL.
  12. How do you go about getting this email? I'm interested...
  14. Are there spreadsheet s out somewhere on tablets & stores/prices? Or is it too soon? Where do I find them on Gottadeal?
  15. THANKS riven3d for the amazing work and flyjar for the tv series !!!!!!!
  16. * does anyone know how many average cups of cocoa the hot cocoa makes? 4 or 5 I hope...
  17. Thanks a big bunch! Got stocking stuffers (25) used code, got free shipping and a free sample pack and lip shine too I didn't scroll and read all posts, my post reads like yours I love deals!
  18. My son is loving his Emerson tv in his bedroom that we scored last xmas
  19. I know exactly what you mean, abentley sorry for your losses.
  20. Yeah, Christmas Blessing, that's it, I cried. Thanks. I watched a Christmas Angel today that I DVR'd, with Bruce Davison (he was Willard, from movie BEN for you ol' folk like me) and I liked it ALOT, it actually had a PLOT. I'd watch it again tomorrow. My Hallmark channel keeps going out on me, and it isn't HD for me...
  21. wow there is a whole egg carton of us bummed out gottadealers.... sad. I heard first Christmas song on the radio yesterday, Little St. Nick, Beach Boys...and today I made a deal with husband, he can go fishing if he does the outside decorations all himself. (I may have to secretly straighten them out on Monday when he is at work) He is seriously considering...I'm crossing my antlers : If he does those decorations that'll lift some weight off my shoulders. Thanks everyone for kind words
  22. I finally think that's my choice I have been struggling to see on this 7 inch one for the last year actually I was feeling totally positive/optimistic and I ordered a case for the 8.9 already because I suspect if there is a deal on Amazon that the bargain cases will disappear immediately. I ordered a casecrown case for 3.99! Can't beat that that is what the 7-inch Kindle is in and it has performed well, showing no wear
  23. There's only TWO 8,9 HD kindles those from 2012 and then New model correct?
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