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Everything posted by allshoppedout

  1. Brad/ALL couldn't get in my account --forgot password, so I hit reset to send me link to reset........nothing after 10 min, I didn't wanna miss a deal, so I created new account, same email, different password-- made up security question and everything, placed order, went thru. log off Try to log in 2 hr later to see if processed-- I CANT get in... Hit password reset again, never get an email/link! called them on hold 30 min. they have no idea. She tried to send me link and asked me if I got it-- I did not...sat there for 5 min. NOTHING. So I can use order number to see if it shipped to store, thats all great, BUT, how am i supposed to order another item! arrrrghhhhhhhhh! she told me to call back tomorrow.
  2. 70 inches........ W O W !
  3. OK HELP Again: searching for a DECENT priced keyboard/case, or at the least keyboard for that Samsung 3, 10.1 NOT finding any deals... Suggestions "oh great & wise gottadeal veterans"??? I see some that say wireless, but then say they are NOT bluetooth, must it say bluetooth, I'm lost lost lost...
  4. Yes absolutely infact I've mentioned it on various threads, I feel totally disorganized, especially with some jumping the gun and starting early and I feel as lost as I did the first year I found out about Gottadeal and didn't even know how to download a PDF, lol. I want like 2-5 things at 4 or 5 stores and not sure how I'm gonna make it happen... I guess worse case scenario, me and husband do what we can, someone online, someone in store & get doubles if it comes down to that...and then just have to do returns
  5. allshoppedout, how many times do I gotta post this link? http://tech.woot.com/offers/asus-10-1-32gb-tablet-with-keyboard-10?utm_campaign=Commission+Junction+-+10860750&utm_source=Commission+Junction+Publisher+-+1412508&utm_medium=affiliate+-+Product+Catalog BTDubs, today's the last day, so quit'cher lollygaggin'. alrighty, noooo hostility on Thanksgiving eve, LOL... could it be that I just can't decide what to buy for someone? Or maybe I'll buy one of each and keep the one I like best & gift the other... :loli: alrighty, noooo hostility on Thanksgiving eve, LOL... could it be that I just can't decide what to buy for someone? Or maybe I'll buy one of each and keep the one I like best & gift the other... :loli:
  6. oh racerfan, I had the price wrong anyway, i went back and fixed it though, I can't believe i managed to get a picture to actually post
  7. I just saw this, anyone like/have this tablet http://scene7.samsclub.com/is/image/samsclub/0040633880409_A?$img_size_380x380$ASUS Me302 MeMO Pad 10 inch @ Sams... get the keyboard case with..for 438.00 .....hmmmm CAN this do what the SAMSUNG 3 10 inch can?? http://www.samsclub.com/sams/nov-isb-s-bundle-me302-keyboard/prod11090388.ip?origin=search_page.rr1&campaign=rr&sn=MultiItemPersonalizedViewCP&
  8. ok, well I got 299, 10.1 size I thought that was a sale price. I did not get confirmation email yet. Little worried. Wonder if you call if they'll make them all not work/or work. **however I have my print out and it has all info on it. Maybe they'd honor it ?
  9. by the way HUGE thank you if you hadn't posted this, I probably wouldn't have know until it was too late.
  10. I'm not sure can you clear cookies and junk and then restart your computer/tablet? I had EVERYTHING in and was ready to order and it wanted me to enter STATE, well i clicked on it at least 10 times the drop down menu would show up for 1/2 of a second, no where near long enough for me to scroll down to PA, so I had to dash downstairs and go to our desktop and re-process the whole thing. I thought for sure I was gonna lose the coupon, but it worked. Maybe they are having some glitches?
  11. anyone have suggestion for a keyboard/case for the 10.1 samsung
  12. It worked for me and I am excited that it did.
  13. Oh, I am Very sorry, I am not very good at posting things (as you can see that above, no picture, etc) I canceled my first choice and ordered the one I found. I only found it because when I clicked on the page again after ordering, I wanted to double check how many it held and on the right side of my margin it showed other items similar.. Counter isn't issue for me, as I placed on a buffet, but it would be if it were in my kitchen.
  14. Bummer but Thanks all.
  15. Did you see this one? It is 16.97 and you can put it UNDER the Keurig, I chose this one. http://www.bonton.com/sc2/shop/home/kitchen/coffee-tea/coffee-tea-accessories/lipper-international-coffeemaker-shelf-with-coffee-pod-storage-drawer_411738.html?query=k+cup+drawer picture: http://s7d4.scene7.com/s7ondemand/zoom/flasht_zoom.jsp?company=BonTon&sku=411738&zoomwidth=500&zoomheight=650&vc=logo2=false
  16. Re: the Sam's Club Samsung 10.1" Tablet 'Bundle' I am not understanding why they are calling the 299. deal a bundle, I see nothing else pictured but a tablet? Other stores have same tablet @ same/similar price, by virtue of definition isn't a bundle more than one thing, WHAT is included?
  17. Can anyone tell me what the "bundle" is in Sam's Samsung 10.1 deal? I see nothing else pictured no case etc am I Blind? Isn't a bundle more than one thing??
  18. I'm sorry maybe I didn't word it right, I don't want a tote I thought the page I clicked on said free gift with any order of 10 dollars or more
  19. ok no interested in tote bag, but i ordered 3 fragrance mist (get 3 free) and 5 antibacterial for 15, it says 1 $ shipping with orders of 25 dollars or more, then I add HOLIDAYGIFT, and it comes up in red: Your order does not meet the requirements for this promotion. Please proceed through the checkout process with your order. um hello, my order is 57 dollars, 58 with shipping, why can't i get a free gift? help
  20. Ok I have a last minute item someone asked for. I am not sure what to buy/suggest for the person. What they want in a tablet is simple to use bigger screen (8.9 or higher) with HD comes with/ or can buy readily available compatible keyboard for it costs less than 299. *wants it for web/shopping, entertainment, music, EMAIL, not documents so much... can someone give me TWO reasonable suggestions. I am dizzy from reading this thread.
  21. Since I see alot of people scored the leapPad 2 tablets, does anyone feel there will be a sale cheaper than $15 for games for it? Either on Amazon or walmart? The BF prices all seem to be 15 except for Kmart which is B1G1 (25.99)which isn't me worth running to kmart Opinions?
  22. I STILL don't have final plan, all these "LAST MINUTE" sales by Walmart and now the Amazon one coming Nov 24 is really messing with my head, along with various stores opening earlier and earlier than ever before. I feel like NOT making a game plan, why should I ? so I can write everything down and then have it all changed, so then I can do it allll over again? Guess I'll be up late the night before thanksgiving trying to figure it out. What I need 1st is the 8.9 Kindle and what the bummer is about it, is that if I don't score it at the first store, then trying to get it second store will be very very doubtful, they aren't close enough by the time you add traffic/travel kinda concerned about not getting it. OF COURSE I can always buy from Amazon, but it won't be 169.oo
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