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Everything posted by hack2222

  1. It's really just easiest to email them at their contact us page. Mine had shipped and wasn't delivered to me so I had them change it back to the shipper for a full refund.
  2. Black Friday prices are gone, chances are if they are out of it, they are out until next year.
  3. I think you have to either go with family that want to keep up the pace or go solo, your either going as fast as possible or your staying in the car. Start Thanksgiving Evening with sleep before the deals go live and then hit it hard till they stop the doorbusters. So sad when you hear over the intercom our doorbuster are ending in 20 mins such a let down, but that means the end is near for the day in stores, then its back to gottadeal for whatever sales come Cyber Monday and until xmas.
  4. I'd have called the district manager there phone number used to be in the bathrooms, ask him what while supplies lasts means, and then proceed to buy it elsewhere.
  5. I got a response from my email today with an offer to get a refund for half the cost if I wanted to keep my order that never made it, nope they're picking up the tab for shipping back and I'm getting my full refund. Lesson one to the company don't take an order you can't deliver, especially with all the work done to set it up for it to be a success. If you want to keep it make them do at least 50% off your order, good luck to the rest with your orders. Just everyone that got the orders wrong ship them back make them eat the products, maybe brad can get them for pennies on the dollar, since they obviously can't sell them to anyone who wants a gottadeal shirt when you've never heard of the site, that'll be a tough sale. I hold all companies responsible for getting me their product correct and in the time frame agreed upon when ordering, everything should have been setup and in the computer ready to go the moment they were contacted.
  6. Great deal, may have to bite on the cheesecake factory today
  7. Great another site to check daily will have to make a note of it for next year with all the sales, I knew I missed some announcement for deals.
  8. Lots always left over went to local one yesterday looked like a tornado had went thru the store, no wonder the army and cops were there. Still had the cheap dollar towels.
  9. Probably best to just just say I'm sad to see the sales slow down, I enjoy BF shopping. Online: Bestbuy Blu Ray Movies Gravity, Into the Edge, Kevin Heart Big Bang Theory Season 7 Car Stereo Backpack Walmart Crockpot Target Blu Ray _ Gravity, Lego Movie Serta Air Mattress Amazon Snagged few TV Series for $10-$13 International Carry On Luggage Camera Tripod 2 $3 Waffle Makers Kohls Columbia Jacket x 2 Bathroom Rug Sam's Club Weather Forecast for Outside Newegg.com Router Dongles Power Backup - Free w/ Gift Card from Dragon Speaking Rautken PNY 16 GB flash Drive $0.43 Staples $25 Chromecast Ebay $10 Burn Notice Season 7 box retailers want $17 In store: Kohls 6pm talked w/ a rookie BF shopper and mentioned Gottadeal she was looking for a Disney Infinity for Wii last years set Luggage Doorbuster 32 Inch Dufflebag Bestbuy Samsung S5 Sunday for BF Price of $1 Lego Movie Grabbed 3 b/c of price Lifecase for Samsung S5 Blurays even managed to get a $7.99 one for free somehow some sort of deal didn't ask just went on Walmart Red 2 Robe <<< Main reason for trip Falling Skies DVD Target Trip 1 Chicago Fire Season 1 Was close Trip 2 about 3 pm Pyrex Set Picture frame Sex Tape Few other sale items Macy's 11pm - 12:30 or so 1st Purchase Luggage set for $50 2nd Purchase Rice Cooker, 2 Irons Gift Card 3rd Purchase 2 Sweaters for $40 regular $75 for 1 Gander Mountain had like 50 People at doors for the 5 am opening about 1 am Old Navy 2 Am 2 Fleece 2 Active Wear Long Sleeve Shirts 1 Nice shirt Sleep 2:30 - 4:30 am Friday Am Walgreens 5 am Menards 6 Am Doorbusting got there about 5 before the lot was full, Free for all style no tickets to large items, just if you want it grab it 2 AA 30 Battery Packs $2 $4 Mail In Rebate 3 Thermos Sets for $7 Shop Vac $9.99 $20 Mail In Rebate 2 Sofa Covers $7.99 3 Screw Driver Kits $2.99 $3.99 3 Water Speaker Kits Carts were scattered in the way a mess, not enough staff in the areas where needed the big items ladders snow blowers etc, to many trying to direct where to go to, even with a map a total mess. One direction to flow, and poorly though out store plan for access to cash registers, needed more room for customers to be able to exit the store. Mall Browsing Multiple Stores Macy's 2nd trip Blender 2 Set of Glasses $10 CVS Pepsi 2 Liters $0.69 at 10 deal ends today Ladies Fingernail polish sets $10 Value for $0.88 at 2 Doesn't Include Microcenter week ago at BF price, Ipad Mini 3 for $43 @ Dailysteals.com/rush Groupon for Brookstone $25 for $50 at BF Prices Live this morning, Amazon Flash Card Deals, Major Coupon and Percentages off at Kolhs, Macy's Got 20% and was able to use coupons. Est. Retail Value probably $3,000 cost like $450 Still got Kohls Cash $30 to use in Dec. Got a few returns to do due to Pricing on Movies but when they crash just getting the orders thru is the headache, but I'd rather fight online for movies than stores in person. Another rush still going today at https://www.dailysteals.com/rush for the IPad Mini 3 for $88 need another 10,000 people 22 Winners will be a total of 44,444 Lottery Players GL. Only real thing I lacked was Sleep and Gottadeal Hoodie and still missed some amazing online deals I see Amazon had Green Toys for 75% off yest was supposed to be buy one get one for 75% off was just off 75%,
  10. Charlatte99 I'd have to disgree that thanksgiving night shoppers were at home, I for one wasn't, I considered camping out in a snow storm for a tv @ bestbuy decided to just online shop, so I stayed warm stayed up till 8 am crashed hit the stores about 6pm till 2am woke up at 4am went to a 6 am opening and got home bout 4pm. Still finding deals that I knew would be there like $0.69 cent Pepsi 2 Liters @ CVS. After hitting some stores that launched their deals early like microcenter started about the 17th till the 30th crazy deals to be had, if it wasn't for all the rebate offers. I'm not done shopping yet, www.Dailysteals.com/rush has a chance for 22 people to win the opportunity to purchase an IPad MINI 3 for $88, granted it's a lottery but we need tons of more people like 22,000. Biggest experiment yet to date for a crazy deal and brand new IPAD Mini at that. Dailysteals is looking for 44444 different players for a random lottery rush, <<<<< Addicting crazy deals whenever a rush is going. Destroying Black Friday Prices and everything to make a Christmas at dailysteals.. When the player amounts have been reached the lottery begins and goes until all the amount of winners are claimed this one has 22, after 10 mins we go to round 2 until all are claimed. Yes it's a legimate offer GoPro, Sony PS4, Xbox one all have been offers so far, gotta be in it to win it, make sure u click to join and make an account and GL with the latest addicting deal game. The biggest problem is that walmart for example put everything into the first two stages so by 8pm everyones gone at 10pm, while that may be great for those that don't work, I'd like to see it be more balanced, and take some of the items and push them to 6am Friday. Stages only work for big ticKet items, but even then why stop the customer and trap them in there for a 4 hour block, I'd want to flip the merchandise as quickly as I could, they think that stages will keep u in the stores, not if all you want is one item. To bad the hoodie I ordered from represent didn't show up, I wore a coat to cover up my gottadeal tshirt from last year, what a crazy 3 day period with snow storm freezing temps, and perfect thanksgiving evening a little cold but not bad don't think I took the doorbusters home this year just the entire door all in shreds. The only problem I had with stores was too many good deals, some cashiers went the extra mile and then some to help with coupons and making sure that if they had a store card you got the offer for whatever, even had one as the sale was going off saved me a mail in order rebate and just gave me the product for the ticket price, the key is organization to start with maps and a flow of traffic and then it's Game on, I bounced thru most of the major box stores within few hours started at kohls, hit bestbuy, walmart, target, Macy's and ending the first wave with Old Navy, morning kick off with walgreens, then hit a store that I don't shop often and used the map and was out within an hour and onto the rest of thruout the day, hitting malls and just searching for those hidden gems of doorbusters that scream buy me, I'm free or close enough, I love Black Friday for the hidden gems, the expected movie/ tv/ every year items are preferred online to make way for the enjoyment of Black Friday,
  11. Besides the movies, and Free Shipping which just makes it easier and faster to check out, I purchased the Serta Air Mattress with pump included, the Pyrex Set for $18 for glass is nice, I like the 40% off clothings makes it easy to figure out what the cost will be and keep the ad smaller so can figure out exactly where to shop the Go Pro + $50 GC is a good deal I was tempted to pick it up b/c if u look at the prices for that model its $250 everywhere granted u don't get the bundle from bestbuy, but when your trying to stretch money that's either a $50 present or $50 to keep on shopping at target, sure some will grab and run to the next store, but what about buying the gopro and whatever on your must have list and checking out, then rewarding yourself with $50 free products or gifts or anything else at target. I like bonus gift card, especially if the model and price are the same no matter where you shop at, extra incentive for the bottom deal price. Gift Cards should be on everyone's list the more you want to commit the bigger the savings, About $50 and saving $5 is about where the deals start to go in your favor, and then add your reward card after that so your saving 15% on your future purchases for anything in the store is really good for a name brand retailer without restrictions.
  12. Who needs a newspaper, unless to price match. Game set match and over with LOL.
  13. Target has the lego bonus pack for $9, the reason bb didn't have the lego was they sold it out earlier this week online, Bestbuy had lots of issues thats why it crashed, It was really bad worse than its been in awhile. I was using 5 and 6 windows just to try and keep up with what was added, took awhile to get to that free shipping threshold. Gravity is $4 and Edge was like $7 on target if anyone needed them. Walmart doesn't normally get cancelled early its the late ones that do. Just pay the $9 so you don't have to pay the $25 for lego, and if u get it later, thats an easy return.
  14. Some great deals, only if you signed up though, have to have a code for some that go live in one hour online, each code is unique in your emails, if u didn't sign up you can still get some of the deals. Sony 32'' Tv Link if u signed up for $98 http://www.frys.com/product/8298766?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG
  15. you may want to try the ad page, as the zelda game that some were wanting is not available thru the search of the item but on the ad page u can add to cart and get it that way.
  16. check paypal accounts for extra discounts ymmv some say they have $20 extra off $50 purchase.
  17. Office Depot /Max Check your paypal accounts some have $20 off $50 making the HP tablet only $59.00 YMMV
  18. hack2222

    BF Online Sale

    Some Walmart items are Up
  19. Selected BF deals are up time to pay attention if you want Bestbuy Doorbusters, they're adding them slowly in waves in not crash the site.
  20. Not really a point in doing it, unless your buying something thats a price error to sale, otherwise you waste more effort than what its worth.
  21. Amazon has put them up movies and games just nothing much than a few price matches there. Guess will wait and see what they do for BF if they price match the other retailers.
  22. I'm for it but they need to make it worth the time put in to shop, 5 or 10 dollars off an item its not worth it, start saving $100 and upwards per item yep don't matter when, that's when a sale is worth it. Or some that I've seen go way and above that and 50% off higher end items most definitely 2 am on thanksgiving ok I'm game for that type of saving.
  23. Agreed Riven3d , they can play hide the ad, I play hide the money. Got a handful in the mail today, really got the only one I needed to get the ace with the coupon for 50% off, lots of great deals possible with it and the Reward card from Ace, gotta love the stack a deal to fall into the Under $30 category for 50%.
  24. It starts whenever they go live, time don't matter. It's live whenever they update the sites. Stay up and find out and refresh until it's there, then it's live.
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