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Everything posted by sas377

  1. sas377


    Beats are junk as far as quality. You're paying for the name. My husband used to be in radio and swears by Behringer. I know some of the other Jocks used Sony.
  2. Raleigh/Wake Forest, NC
  3. Credit. I almost never pay with cash or debit (unless I'm at Aldi). I even charge my montly bills. I love the points and I pay them off each month, so I have never paid any interest. It's so much safer than cash or debit.
  4. I worked at Kmart for 4 years (HS into college). It's sad what they have become. The only time I see myself excited about going to one is if it's closing and they're having their "going of of business" sale! 2 years ago they were sending me surprise points (free money) towards stuff, so then I would go shop there, but I haven't receieved any surprise points in well over a year. I don't see them being around in another decade (and that may be generous).
  5. I go in and order the CC Combo minus the meat (essentially the Veggie Delight) just to get the price. lol Ever since they went up to $5.75/footlong, I don't frequent Subway as much.
  6. sas377

    Now what?

    My biggest purchase was a generator from Sams. That was $599 plus tax. I spent about $300 online from various places (Target, Walmart, Amazon, eBay) for bras, a NorthFace, Chromecasts, a watch. I then spent $300 for 3 32" TVs at Walmart. I spent about $75 at PetSmart for cat litter for the year. $2 after rewards at Old Navy for a shirt, $25 a Belks for two shirts and a hat, and about $60 on Small Business Saturday at various places. There's more but I can't think of it and am a little sick about all the money I spent! Lol
  7. I'm all for it. I like the entrepreneurial, capitalist spirit. Who is anyone to tell someone they are doing something wrong when it's completely legal? I never understood why people get all worked up over this.
  8. I ordered Beats online on Staples.com. They only had one blue color and it was the light blue ones that my friend's daughter wanted, so I snatched them up. Well, I received them yesterday and they were the dark blue color. Called and they are out of all of the colors and could not even backorder them. After explaining that this was their fault (I had screen shots of the item number with the picture of the light blue ones) and I could not get them at the price I bought them for now, she offered to give me another half off! So I got $170 Beats for $40 (even tho I still don't think they're worth that), now I hope the color doesn't matter that much, but I bet it will!
  9. If they're unresponsive, I would file a complaint with the BBB and AG of the state they're operating out of. This is ridiculous that orders were late and didn't have the right merchandise! I feel bad that everyone is going through this.
  10. sas377


    I didn't even bother with a cart. Had the guy stocking wet cat food get me a flatbed and he even helped load it into the Explorer!
  11. sas377


    I got 25 pails two years ago on BF because they were only $3.99 (on sale for 7.99 with an extra $4 instant coupon on Pet Perks). I just opened my last pail of that batch (and in the last year we moved to NC from PA...the movers were laughing at the amount of litter). I got 12 pails and that should last the year with 4 cats.
  12. sas377

    $98 32 inch TV

    They're Emersons at my Walmart.
  13. I don't think so because the item and the gc are a bundle.
  14. He's not going to the club. He said he wouldn't have to go to the club now that he got it online.
  15. sas377

    $98 32 inch TV

    Our Walmart let us get as many TVs that we wanted and just wrote the quantity on the wristband.
  16. sas377

    $98 32 inch TV

    Lol Nate! The TV is like fine wine! I'm in line for the 32" TV. I'm slightly concerned because they told people it was as many as you wanted!
  17. I am keeping little stuff in my cart that I can grab in-store if I miss out on them online. Once one of the big items I want goes live, I will checkout immediately.
  18. It's live!
  19. The online tracker page says EST. I was thinking the same thing about the definition of "shortly after midnight."
  20. Just a heads up for the items with GCs. I just got the Samsung Chromebook that I ordered on Friday that was supposed to have a $50 GC with it. Well, they sent me a $5 GC! Had to call CS and after 15 minutes on hold was able to get them to send me an e-GC, BUT it might not arrive in time for my BF shopping.
  21. 6-9pm Thursday night, then 6-8am Friday morning. Hoping to order most of my stuff for pick-up in-store (after the mad rush). I will be up all night tonight buying online (and I have a 5K tomorrow morning...eek)! I already got my stuff from Kohls and Staples online.
  22. Just got our morning paper and it only had the Ace ad in. I guess we will get the rest tomorrow morning.
  23. Everything is regular price, they just throw in the iTunes card and donation on BF.
  24. No, they do not PM eBay or other auction sites.
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