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Everything posted by HomeinKS

  1. I know this is a short month, but even so, it has flown by!
  2. I have a 30 percent off code that expires tomorrow if someone wants to PM me. I will try to check my PMs later tonight and again tomorrow.
  3. Looks like I haven't posted in February yet. So Happy Valentine's Day to all!!! And if you are in the deep freeze, stay home if you can and stay warm!!!
  4. Gator Pam, I do hope you get better news than you expect from the doctor.
  5. Good evening all! In the past I have looked back at a year glad to see it go, and then discovered that it wasn't such a bad year after all, relatively speaking. And this was before 2020 came around. So focusing on the good that came from 2020, and taking the new year one day at a time!
  6. I had not planned on shopping yesterday, but my daughter wanted to go to a thrift store. So while out we hit a few stores. Seemed like normal pre-Christmas levels of activity; I was expecting stores to be emptier since this was 6pm in the evening. Best Buy still had a line outside the store and wrapping around the corner at this time of day, which surprised me. I was disappointed at people's willingness/ability to social distance while in the check out line at Ross Dress for Less.
  7. Good day all, and happy long weekend to you! My thanks to those of you who have to work this long weekend to do what it takes to keep things going in whatever that workplace may be!
  8. I had my absentee ballot sent to me; I dropped it off in the box at the courthouse on Sunday. Easy peasy! I had no desire to stand around at the polling place this year.
  9. but get distracted reading about everyone else's great deals on the Gottadeal forums!
  10. I will need to watch Target; I hope they do well. Much prefer them over Target. My kids lost their local Target so I hope the same thing doesn't happen to mine.
  11. Sending hubby out Bargains to be found I hope Except for this year
  12. I will miss the anticipation of seeing what is on sale and having an excuse to stay up late looking for deals (assuming the timing of sales online will be different also). I will also miss the anticipation of seeing what hubby brings home since he does the in person Black Friday shopping before he goes into work. Though that part has already changed somewhat with so many stores opening on Thanksgiving.
  13. Glad I didn't miss it.... I wonder why they are waiting so long, supply chain issues?
  14. I kind of feel like doing gift cards or cash this year. Jeff Bezos has profited so much from this pandemic and treats his workers poorly so I would like to spend my money elsewhere, but it is hard to get away from their selection and speed of delivery. I would love to support brick and mortar stores more, but I have been avoiding public spaces as much as possible. I don't really like going into stores in a good year....
  15. Good day all! September brings a mix of emotions. Sad to see summer go, but will enjoy the nice weather and change of landscape. Christmas will be different; one child lives halfway across the country now so won't be here for Christmas and another will probably be social distancing still at that time; said child wouldn't even join the rest of the family when the child who lives on the east coast was visiting for family pictures outside. I am trying to avoid doing so much online shopping, especially from Amazon, but its hard to beat their prices and shipping speed. I prefer to avoid brick and mortar stores right now but will go if necessary. I avoid church mostly as the mask culture is weak there. I had my daughter do school via Zoom for the first 7 days since her sister was visiting and I didn't want her to get exposed to the virus right away. She wasn't a fan of that and was glad to go back in person. She also works in a nursing home. So things are very different here, especially with school starting.
  16. Prayers Gator Pam, glad you got an idea of what to expect at least. Waiting is the hardest!
  17. School is starting 2 weeks later than usual here, August 27. Things are fairly normal workwise, except for not going into the office much but I was already mostly working from home. We are doing family visits face to face mostly.
  18. Been slowly getting information about the new school year. They have the option of face to face or join from home via internet. My daughter is at camp now but she is not going to be thrilled wih how things are shaping up.
  19. Good day all! Is it just me or is July kind of dragging on? Seems like it should be almost over but there are still almost 2 weeks left. In other news, we are starting to get fresh blackberries! It is frustrating to me that the presidential library and museum in our town, at last check, was still closed. Plenty of space there for social distancing and it would help our local economy if it was open. I hope you find some fun options!
  20. I have noticed that some places are extending the return dates. When I asked about returning the replacement pair we bought at Ross they said to return within 30 days. They said they put items aside for a few days before returning to the floor for purchase. Thankfully the replacement shorts fit.
  21. Yeah, things seem pretty normal around here also. Except dressing rooms are closed and my daughter wants to find some jean shorts so that is tricky. Had to return the pair she got at Target. Some places are wiping down carts which is nice. Some places are limiting numbers inside stores and asking for people to wear masks. I still need a haircut.
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