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  1. I'm sorry to hear this; I'm glad you are on the mend though!
  2. Happy April! I think we are headed towards NW Arkansas tomorrow; may spend the night in Arkansas or Oklahoma so we can see the eclipse on Monday! I was scheduled for jury duty until Friday; jury duty got postponed until during my planned family vacation.
  3. March is going fast. A sprinkling of snow here yesterday morning. Spring should be back in the next day or 2.
  4. I also came here to say Happy Pi Day!!!
  5. I am sorry to hear this. And an extra day to post in February this year!
  6. This month is going fast. The long range forecast looks like spring is on its way.
  7. Happy February, and belated Happy Groundhog Day!!!
  8. I am grateful for my ability to stay warm! I have to travel for work tomorrow, so hoping for good roads!
  9. Merry Christmas all! We even had a white Christmas here!
  10. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and is ready to go back to work tomorrow! Thanks to those of you who worked over the holiday weekend!
  11. Pilot G2s are the best, in any color! https://www.amazon.com/PILOT-Limited-Collection-Retractable-Assorted/dp/B0BWGQMHSQ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2YR47RIPEP88R&keywords=pilot%2Bg2%2Bcolored%2Bpens&qid=1700509974&sprefix=pilot%2Bg2%2Bcolor%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-5&th=1
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