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Everything posted by packratfamily

  1. Yea, me They are in a drawer somewhere but I bought the Beats with the magnetic neck cable and am totally pleased w them. They were w gift I asked for and lots more than usually spend. But I do like the Beats. The Beats have mute/volume button which works for me. Ymmv.
  2. I do not have to buy for many people but most are hard to buy for. Like me, if they want/need something, they go buy it. ( like we bought a TV in April) Oh well, give my brain some work. But they are all guaranteed a loaf of homemade bread. What do you all do for the Hard-to-buy-for?
  3. Got my package today:D Thanks for the loot And the Amazon gift card! Happy Holidays
  4. This would be really fun for any kid or kid at heart. https://www.amazon.com/Toysmith-Aquashots-Deluxe-Water-Rocket/dp/B000A0IBTM/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=Water+rockets&qid=1572730610&sr=8-4 Glad to see this fun toy is still made!
  5. Dont watch many movies but Rocketman was great and would be fun to see again. Same for Bohemian Rhapsody. Anyone know of good comedies??
  6. Apple JCP Walmart ed. to add Joann
  7. Sounds like a plan!
  8. I hope you all find the Apple watch you want. I have Series 1 (which still works fine and updates) and was hestiant abt spending so much $$ on a watch but I Love It. Was on sale at Walmart . I has really got me to be more active. Plus some other handy apps. (Got some extra watchband knockoffs on ebay) Happy Shopping.
  9. I did a brief search and Lyrics.com found nothing.Neither can I find an old song from a WashingtonDC radio station titled “Your friendly neighborhood narco agent”
  10. The iDog CD player on p 16 is very cool. But the 2/$9. Appliances on p 24 cannot be beat.
  11. I happily spoke up when I won 2 yrs ago Still use the bottle opener, hat and refridge magnet and recall fondly my Amazon card, which bought DH things he still uses.Grateful.
  12. I am glad to be back no kids to buy for but I think the wallet will not be so thin this year
  13. Many times the website offers 20% off to anyone for a limted time. 25% off is fairly rare, about 2x a year I would estimate. They have free shipping over $50 and free shipping AND FREE RETURN SHIPPING if you have a LLB mastercard. I shop there sometimes and do not recall any special BF ads, but I could be mistaken. I would use a 20% if I could get one. Good luck, they have some great slippers!
  14. I'd like a bigger tv for Netflix but we cancelled our Dirctv so what I really need is an antenna. I think that will have to be a Springtime thing. Luckily we dont need much so lucky there. Happy shopping to all!
  15. Wish it was getting cooler in MD. 20° above normal here today. Not incentive to do much. I always hope for lots of snow
  16. And what to my wondering eyes did appear but Brad, ready to join the throng of shoppers.
  17. I am happy. Very much need a battery for my trimmer and leaf blower (same battery) and HD will have $20 off on BF. Yea!! Thanks Gottadeal for the info!
  18. The Apple.com website will give you good info about the watch so you know what you are looking for. (I dont have one, just fyi)
  19. I changed to ST with iPhone this year and am very pleased with coverage on ATT type sim. 0% finance from Apple didnt hurt either so I have my present this year!
  20. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000LEPT5G/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1508390541&sr=8-9&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=obd11+scanner DH can use this to keep his truck running
  21. Ordered my shirt too!!
  22. On a bright note, I ordered a trailer plug part from eBay for part of DH's gift and it was supposed to arrive around 12-27. Came the next day
  23. Someone did!! WHOOHOOO THANK YOU! I have not won a prize since the days of record albums. Just got the mail and was surprised to find an assortment of GottaDeal pens, magnets and an AMAZON GIFT CARD. THANK YOU SO MUCH. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE. Chris
  24. Thank yo so much [emoji4]Never won before. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  25. For not much more than that we had a whole house vacuum installed back when DH had a better paying job. I have to do the work but I cannot see a robot cleaning up doghair from ours and fosters. Ymmv.
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