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Everything posted by samisma

  1. I guess that I was worried for nothing! Mine arrived today. Thanks Brad! (And I love the extra goodie that was included, I will be using it with my nook.)
  2. i wanted one thing, and one thing only. since it sold out early on bestbuy.com, and since walmart didn't do the sale price online - i headed to our local walmart (which isn't in the best of areas). i watched people get into fist fights over video games and computers, but i was just one of 3 people in line for my item. so.. i walked out with: Nabi 2: $138.79 (price after tax). And I behaved and got just that! Was done and out the door by 8:15! And I'm so excited, because we do the 4 gifts thing for our kids since so many other people spoil them. This is the present from Santa (along with matching bright red headphones). That leaves me with just a book, pjs, and a bath set to get. (want, need, read, and wear!). Plus candy for the stocking. And I can get all of these in plenty of time since our local walmart is going out of business I'll get it all there in a week or two
  3. wore my old one today - and proudly. it's the black one that says "if you're reading this i got your doorbuster!" think i got us a few more converts - they were looking up GD from their phones while in line!
  4. do they take bribes? we're on a very tight budget this year. the only BF thing I'm going for is the Nabi 2. And I'd rather not try to leave the house to get it as I can't figure out how to do so without bring the kids with me ( hubby has to work). My kids are not old enough to brave our walmart on BF. Last year I watched a poor guy get beat up over a video game for his grandson by security no less.
  5. The most important thing to know is that unless you have joint accounts, or you are a co-signer on your mom's accounts, or if your mom left a legal will/document naming you as the responsible party you do not have to pay those debts in the state of Ohio. One of the first things you need to do is get your mother's estate declared "insolvent". This status means that you have to notify all the debtors that the estate has been legally declared insolvent which means they have to eat the debt. However, when an estate is deemed insolvent the heirs/executor (named by court) have to sell all the property to pay what is called necessary debt. In your state the debts that are required to be paid first (in this order): estate administrating fees, funeral expenses, taxes, last illness bills, then secured debts (mortgages, car loans), and LAST credit card debts, utilities, etc. Here is the thing about it. If the estate is worth $30,000 and the administrating fees are a $1000, the funeral is $6000, taxes are $1000, and the illness bills are $30,000 - then once the money runs out it runs out and you are not responsible for coming up for the difference. Instead you simply provide those debt collectors/agencies with the letter showing that the estate was insolvent, detail the situation, and show that by the time it was their turn to get paid there was no money left. You may still get aggressive collectors calling you (in fact I guarantee it). If they do you can cite the FDCPA and provide them with a cease & desist letter (send certified with read receipt). DO NOT give them any of your personal information, including your SSN, your place of work, or even your birthdate these websites may be great resources for you: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt004.shtm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-t-miller/savvy-senior-dying-with-d_b_1414499.html I would get on that Lawyer!!! He/She needs to: 1. Establish Probate (which is true, Ohio made that law in 2009) 2. Petition the court to name an executor/administrator 3. Have the assets vs debt reviewed (should be within 30 days of death) 4. Have the estate/property deemed insolvent by the court
  6. speeddiva.. i work in finance, typically unless the individual who passed away left a will, trust, or estate they can't legally hold you responsible for her debts. trust me. at least once a month i submit paperwork to have thousands of dollars moved to 'uncollectible'. typically all you have to do is provide a death certificate and then that's the end of the matter with the collectors/accounts.
  7. wow.. i wish I had $1000. budget this year is very small. but to dream! 1. Walmart - Nabi 2 Kids 8gb Tablet - $129 2. Best Buy - Madden NFL 13 for XBox - 34.99 3. Toys R Us - Apple iPod Touch 16GB 4th Generation w/ $30 iTunes & $20 Gift Card - 199.99 (i'd get 3!) 4. Toys R Us - Vicks Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier - $32.99 5. Toys R Us - Monster High 30" Acoustic Guitar - 24.99 6. Big Lots - 38" Maxx The Sock Monkey - 19.88 7. Walmart - Flat Panel TV Wall Mount - $39 8. Xbox 360 Wireless Controller - 39.96 (i'd get 2) 9. Walmart - Norelco PT270 Electric Razor w/ Bonus Trimmer - 37.97
  8. i'm sorry that so much has gone on and is putting a damper on your holiday season... just a thought - you might be able to brighten up someone else's christmas if you donate those trees to your local women's crisis center/shelter (same with the toilet paper & pasta - most of those places have very limited funds and they're trying to help women and children who have very little as well)
  9. samisma

    Babies R US

    Don't be blinded by name brand. They have their storebrand diapers on sale for $10 per box. Both of my kids were very allergic to the pampers. The storebrand diapers have been great from BRU/TRU.
  10. I wonder if the Nabi 2 deal will be available online? I don't want to wait in their line for just one item. But that is a must have on my shopping list this year... and best buy isn't exactly close to me.
  11. those of you that got the soda stream party - get at me if you want any tips or recipes. I actually worked for them in NJ when they went by the name "Soda Club" and they had independent stores. I still have and use my machine too. (It's rather ancient at this point, but you'll see when you get yours that it takes a lot to kill the machine!)
  12. favorite thing: meeting other black friday enthusiasts. especially when it's their first time out on BF
  13. samisma

    Babies R US

    I shopped BRU in 2006 and scored on the diaper deal, filling 3 carts and being one of the only people in the store shopping. Last year I also took advantage of the diaper deal - but you are better off shopping it online. In 2006 there was no limit on the amount of boxes you bought in store, but in 2011 they limited it to 4 per customer and they sold out quickly. I was very disappointed when we got home, but when I went online I found they had the same deal ($10/box) with NO limit. I ended up buy 4 of the NB, 4 of the size 1s, and 4 of the size 2s. Last year they also had a deal on the ready-to-feed nursers that are normally $10/case. I believe they were $5/case. I know I bought 3 cases in store of the gerber good start in the single feed glass bottles. Long story short - that is one store that it is more convenient to shop online. You could do it while you're waiting in line at another store if you've one of those "fancy" phones (which I don't, mine is old enough to be in a museum). I would check out last years ad scan, as it hasn't changed much year to year. I know that I'll be taking advantage of the diaper deal again this year, but this time going for some larger sizes!
  14. the Nabi 2 does look very interesting. Netflix is actually important, I hadn't even thought about that. Being able to download books is important as well. So based off the posts here I can eliminate the Tabeo, but now I've to research the Nabi 2! From what I can see not only is netflix available on the Nabi2, but for $3 a month there's 500+ hours of kid friendly/mom-approved shows (not that my kid needs that much tv). I'm really liking the educational apps I'm reading about for this as well. hmm. does anyone else have one of these? curious if anyone else has an opinion on the Nabi
  15. Just curious if anyone has had the opportunity to test the Tabeo out at their local toys r us? DD6 has been harassing me to get her a kindle fire (just like grandma's) for MONTHS. Both of these tablets run for the same price ($150). I get nervous about the kindle because she has accidentally purchased so many games and books that I've had to pay grandma back for.. Plus I don't want her venturing into uncharted territory (facebook, google searches with unexpected results, etc). I'm liking that it comes with a bumper case too. I admittedly am behind on technology. For example, I'm still using a nokia cell phone. One of the old beasts, that my coworkers like to clown on daily. What do you think the best option for a 6 year old would be in this scenario? And although I think 6 is young, I have to keep reminding myself that my daughter was just bumped from Kindergarten to 2nd grade in a matter of 2 months. She has pointed out that her friends have ipods, etc. I'm not willing to go that route as it's just music. If I'm going to invest in something techy I want her to be able to read books on it and learn from some of the apps/games.
  16. Our walmart did this as well in addition to roping off some of the aisles. it was mostly on the side where they had the toys and towells (making an L of pallets). The aisles are already small, and they started doing this after we arrived. I actually got anxious at one point because I couldn't figure out how to get OUT without going near the crowd of people which I managed to avoid almost entirely (and on purpose).
  17. so i heard from a friend who works for the FD that apparently there are some BF shoppers more diehard than I imagined! this took place @ walmart at 83rd & Peoria in AZ and can only be blamed on the shopper(s). -woman injured/broke her leg around 6pm. Rather than use common sense and go to the hospital she decided to tough it out and go wait in line at walmart. -she was jostled in line, causing her leg to give out on her. 911 was called and the fire dept (fd) got there first. - as the firefighters attempted to get through the line with a gurney in hand they had other shoppers heckling them and telling them to go to the back of the line! -they finally get to the woman, and are starting to load her on the gurney. then the doors to the store open (10pm) and they all ended up getting pushed to the ground and stepped on by the rush of shoppers. not sure you can blame the crowd of shoppers, because although those in the immediate area could see what was happening, those further behind who may have been jostling the line could not. the person to blame here is that determined shopper that showed up with an untreated broken leg!
  18. i've black friday'd at that specific walmart every year since they have opened. last year it was the first time it was bad - i got in a bit of a scuffle. this year went somewhere new. thank goodness!
  19. this was probably one of my MOST successful years at BF and I only shopped at two stores! we arrived at walmart at 8:45pm. Later than I wanted. I had my hubby park his butt near the items that we wanted that were wrapped in plastic. While he did that I cruised the regular aisles to see if any of the items were in the normal area not wrapped in plastic. best idea i've had - scored the men's wrangler jeans ($9.97) the men's hanes shirts & boxers, the children's wranglers, the shark steam mop, the monster high doll, the children's underwear, and some towels this way. we went to a walmart in the middle of nowhere and it wasn't packed when we got there, but as 9:15 rolled around it became insane. the employees got to a point where they said "just grab it, i won't tell" to those of us who had been there since before 9. so we were able to snag some other toys, and loaded up on the kids pj sets, as well as that 3 crockpot set, the tupperware, the pyrex, etc. We stayed away from electronics and video games. Sale prices started at 10pm. We were first in line and in our car by 10:07pm. Then it was on to toys r us/babies r us! They were very organized this year - unlike every other year I've gone. Here we scored the vintage cabbage patch doll (unadvertised deal that was emailed in 11th hour for $10 off), Singing & Storytelling Bell ($10 off), a Fancy Nancy Doll & Book set (clearanced at half off), and 10 cases of gerber good start nursers (unadvertised deal, $5 a case - savings of $7 each). They were sold out of diapers and that had me sorely disappointed. When I got home on a whim I checked babiesrus.com and the diapers were for sale online at $10/box!! In store it was a limit of 4 per customer, - online there was no limit. So I bought 10 boxes, plus got a free Disney Plush Blanket, and had completely free shipping (savings of $60) thanks to DealRunner trial. In total after doing the math I saved close to $830 last night, and I spent less than $500. We were done, in home, and in bed by 11:30 which is saying something since the stores we went to were an hour away in the middle of the desert! The only christmas shopping I've left to do is stocking stuffers - and I'll hit cvs for those later today. And here I was worried because I was preggo and would have to train hubby. But he didn't have to work very hard. It was nuts though - I watched women get in catfights over towels and sheets. And I watched two elderly men get in a FIST FIGHT over a pancake griddle!
  20. toys r us & babies r us sent out an email with their unadvertised deals. i took full advantage as they marked the one brand of baby formula down to $5 per 8 pack (of ready made) and it's normally around $12 for that. I cleared out their shelf!
  21. you know i'll be here! but to make it official: I, Samisma, of deal-crazed mind, do declare and pledge that I will stick around all year!
  22. I have one of their recliners, a matching sectional, and a matching storage ottoman - i LOVE them. survive the beating of my dd (now 5) and my nephew (now 3) and I've had them almost 3 years.
  23. got my first card today!
  24. thanks Brad! don't know how I missed that. :)
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