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Everything posted by childofsolitude

  1. I'm in the Tampa Bay area. dot2x-The only St Ives products that were on clearance were a blemishing cream and an exfoliating scrub.
  2. Hey guys. My store's Christmas things went 30% off this morning (trees went 50%). Also, I was told that on Christmas Eve, the seasonal area will go 50% off (trees will be 75%) and that it would go to 75% off pretty quickly after that because my manager wants everything gone and we have a ton of Christmas stuff left. This might be true for other stores but don't quote me on that. As for other clearance, there are more toys that are 30-50% off. I have to check on those. I will also check on the other clearance that I promised more info on.
  3. I don't believe my store has a lot of the tv's. I even heard one of the managers today say that we don't have a lot of the sale items. If you really want one, I suggest you call your store and ask if they have any in stock. If they do, ask them to put one on hold for you. They can hold it for 24 hours. Get the tv tomorrow and do a price adjustment on Sunday or sometime next week. The problem with Sunday's sales is that a lot of people will be doing last minute shopping and I fear that a lot of the sale items will sell out very quickly. dot2x-I'll check on the St. Ives tomorrow. I know we had two different kinds.. one was a blemish cream and I'm unsure what the other one was.
  4. That must've been a temporary price cut then. Sometimes we have TV on DVD sets for $18.99 on temporary price cut and then they'll go "on sale" for a higher price. Actually TPCs tend to be better deals than the regular sales but they're not advertised and often go unnoticed.
  5. Off the top of my head some are Rascal Flatts, Nirvana, and All American Rejects. At least those were some of the featured ones a couple of months ago. I can make a list of featured cds as well as the artist iTunes cards tomorrow if anyone wants me to.
  6. Just a heads up. Most of you know that the fake Christmas trees are on clearance (30% off) but there are also some Christmas gift sets (mugs, glasses, plates) on clearance (30% off). Also we just put some Dewalt tools and tool bags on clearance for 30% off (it could be more however). Also, some Hello Kitty desk fans (50% off.. can't remember the exact price though.. sorry about that). Also, some St. Ives stuff for $1.xx (50% off). If anyone wants more info on any of these items, let me know. I work again tomorrow.
  7. I ended up getting Without A Trace and ER (plus two books to bring me up to $25 for free shipping). Two TV DVDs plus two books came out to $26.26. Awesome!
  8. Thank you very much!! Another one I found is Murphy Brown Season One for $8.39. Also MadTV Season One-$8.39 The Ben Stiller Show-$8.09 Blue Collar TV, Season 1, Volume 1-$5.99 The Jamie Foxx Show Season One-$8.39 The Wayans Bros. Season One-$8.39
  9. The Target where I work has had them in stock several times over the last few weeks but they sell out pretty quickly. We got some in a couple of days ago and it sold out the same day we got our shipment. I didn't know they were going to be that popular this year. Thankfully I was able to get one a couple of months ago.
  10. Actually I believe this particular controller you're talking about is on price cut for $14 at Target.
  11. Target carries the pink ones. I believe they're $129.99 and if you apply for the Target card, you can get 10% off.
  12. Ok. I was at work today and I walked the endcaps in toys, HBA, and small appliances. We have next to nothing on clearance in HBA (only body wash , hand sanitizer, and a couple 30% off hair straighteners) and absolutely nothing on clearance in toys. The only thing that was on clearance in small appliances were display models. The display models may not go on clearance in every store however. We put a blender and a toaster on clearance today because the colors we carry now are different from what the displays are. I did however see an air compressor on clearance that was going very quickly. We had two tubs of them in the morning and we sold 1 and a half tubs worth of them during my 8 hour shift. Here's the details if anyone's interested: Black & Decker 4 gallon air compressor DPCI: 085 06 0420 Regular price: $149.99 Clearance price: $74.99 I would just like to point out that these same air compressors were on sale a couple of months ago for $99.99 and we couldn't keep them in stock. So if you're interested, I suggest you get one as soon as possible. Also, the price change team was doing markdowns in the clothing area today so other stores will probably be doing the same over the next couple of days as well.
  13. Ok. I'll check those departments tomorrow. The name of the blog that mentions GottaDeal is called Target Culture (I'd post a link but it won't let me. Just google "Target Culture" if you're interested.)
  14. I don't want to say exactly where I live because the Target gods will come find me if I did that. However, I will say that I live in the Tampa area. blssed2bme-I usually don't work in the clothing area so I'm afraid I can't be much help there (so sorry) but I'll check on the toys tomorrow.
  15. Hi everyone! I found this thread through a URL that was posted on a Target-related blog. After reading through all 88 pages, I decided to join. I actually work at Target and have worked there for roughly 1 year and 6 months. I work there 5 days a week. I'm a salesfloor team member (you know, the ones that help the guests, put stuff away, and fix up the store to make it look pretty). I typically work in the HBA department (which includes health and beauty, wellness, cleaning supplies and pets) or the electronics department (which includes electronics, books, movies, music, luggage, hardware, and automotive) although my managers put me in the other departments when they need me there. Because I'm there more often than the average customer, I get to see what goes on clearance and even occasionally get a heads up on when seasonal items will go lower in price. First of all, I've read some posts in this thread about how clearance items aren't coming up on price scanners when you put the DPCI number in. This is because clearance items are usually located on clearance endcaps and not in actual aisles. It won't tell you where to find these items. Also, 99% of clearance items show "In Stock: No" on the scanners because clearance items are supposed to be on the floor, not in the backroom. The only real exception to this is if we have palettes of the same clearance item in the backroom but there are plenty of the same item on clearance endcaps on the salesfloor. Also, items that don't have a salesfloor location (meaning they don't have room on the shelf for the item and can only be pulled from the backroom) may be kept in the backroom. This generally includes some furniture and some tvs. Second, I only cashier if they need backup but I have come across a few salvage items that people try to buy. My store is pretty good with getting rid of salvage items but it is extremely difficult to get rid of ALL of it. So what I do when someone wants to purchase a salvage item that is coming up "$0.00" is I scan the item with my PDA and mark it 75% off the original price for non-seasonal items or 90% for seasonal items (meaning Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc.). If a guest lies to me about the price (and I can tell if they are.. I know the general prices of items we carry), I will put it under my register and tell you that it's not for sale. It isn't the fact that we're not SUPPOSED to sell it that makes me do this. After all, salvage items are not in the system and I could potentially sell even the most expensive salvage item for .01. I just don't like liars who try to "beat the system". Just a heads up for people who try to do this. Not all cashiers are like me but there are quite a few especially where I work who don't like to be disrespected. Also, I've noticed some people ranting about how employees get all the good deals. Can I just say that this is not illegal nor wrong (imo)? Salesfloor team members constantly have carts with them that they use for actual working purposes. If I throw in a bottle of shampoo that I want to buy later and a couple of good clearance deals but don't pay for it while I'm on the clock, why does it matter? We're customers too after all. I actually remember last year during the after Christmas toy sale, one of my managers put a whole cartful of toys aside for herself and paid for it later while she was on her break. Actually, every night, 15 minutes before we close, our manager tells us to run and do some last minute shopping (while on the clock) before the registers close. If my managers think this is ok, I'm not worried about it. One good thing about working for Target is knowing about good deals before anyone else. Does that mean I can't partake in these deals just because I work there? Ok now about these deals you guys want some information on. Do you only want to know about the 75 or 90% off clearance items or do you want to know about the 30% off ones as well? Also, do you prefer certain items over others? Would you prefer to hear about toy deals rather than cosmetic deals? Would you like DPCIs? I'm willing to help if that means we'll get rid of a lot of it. I actually hate clearance because it's always a mess. I go to work tomorrow and I can let you guys know about some good deals if you want. One more thing.. I know you guys generally perimeter peruse for clearance items but there are also some regular price items on back endcaps that are well-priced. Generally, back endcaps don't get shopped too often and my store puts potentially popular items and bonus items on these endcaps because if they were on front endcaps, they'd disappear quickly and the shelves would look bare. So check back endcaps for bonus deals while you're perusing clearance endcaps. HTH.
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