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Great Dane Mom

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Everything posted by Great Dane Mom

  1. In my most recent catalog, there is a 10% code: HK3 Good through 12/31/2007
  2. http://www.sfmusicbox.com/results.asp?MGID=2274&TID={796D0440-1556-492D-8035-C0677A9C4B53}&cm_re=CategoryPage-_-Left-_-SEE%20ALL%20SALE%20ITEMS%20andgt&resultType=Browse Up to 75% off!! AFF1X7 - 15% off $75 - Expires 11/30/07 CCFS8 - Free Shipping on any order - Expires 03/31/08
  3. We have this game. It's really fun!
  4. I received the same today. I'm glad I got in on this deal.
  5. Awesome deal on Ratatouille! Thanks!
  6. Found Lego ExoForce 8107 for $12.48 Regularly $49.99 I don't know what I'll do with it...... Maybe I'll find someone on an Angel tree who is asking for Legos for Christmas.
  7. I haven't seen one yet. Sign up for their email list if you haven't already.
  8. $24.99 for the player? Is it worth it? Gimmee the scoop on this thing, please.
  9. Macy's is going to have a Breadman on Black Friday.
  10. They also have a Deluxe Book Pack for $9.95. Had been $39.00 http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?page=llbean-deluxe-book-pack&categoryId=54554&storeId=1&catalogId=1&langId=-1&parentCategory=501997&cat4=501996&shop_method=pp&feat=501997-tn L.L.Bean Deluxe Book Pack® Best in Class for Over 20 Years Sunset Orange Island Zoom OverviewDetails Ergonomically curved shoulder straps are supercomfortable Audio cord port lets you quickly access headphones Designed for ages 10 and up
  11. Hmm, this is cheaper than getting my current comforter dry cleaned.....
  12. Thanks! New stinkies for my husband!
  13. So, what kind of stuff is usually in a box?
  14. Pretty sweet! I just placed my order and used the october20 code. I'm looking forward to my 3 $10 Kohl's cash to come soon!
  15. Stuff it into the legs of your stretchy pants to become "Cellulite Girl" for Halloween.
  16. I just bought a bottle this evening at Marsh! Woot!
  17. I may be wrong, but I think the sale scents are ones that are seasonal or will be discontinued. If this is the case, I don't think exchanging them would work.
  18. Use code: CAT710A for $15 off $45 purchase Coupon code good through October 28, 2007 Hmmm, I can't get the code to work on the sale items. Anyone get this code to work with the sale?
  19. Yup! It is so yummy! Fall is coming!
  20. I don't have mine yet, but we did move over the summer. Does the envelope say anything about "not forwarding"?
  21. My Kroger is running all varieties of Keebler Chips Deluxe BOGO. Slapped onto just about all of the Keebler cookies is a $1 coupon towards the purchase of any Keebler cookie. Regular price of 1 package is $3.49. Here, mine scanned at $1.75 per package and then the $1 coupon applied made the end cost a mere .75 per package. I really like it when the BOGO items scan at 50% off instead of one at regular price and then the 2nd one for free. I can't make cookies for .75!!
  22. Like this? http://www.santasquartersno.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=2581
  23. I bought tickets for my parents. I'm not going to get to go, dang nab it. My youngest daughter has a band concert the night they are in Indy.
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