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Great Dane Mom

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Everything posted by Great Dane Mom

  1. I don't see this option. Please help. I waited on Dell chat to ask for help and here is what I got: 7:43:31 PMSystemWelcome Susan R ... 7:43:31 PMSystemConnecting to server. Please wait... 7:43:31 PMSystemThank you for using Dell Chat, a representative will be with you soon. 7:43:31 PMSystemInitial Question/Comment: HI, I am looking at buying the Inspiron B120 laptop and after clicking on the customize button, it doesn't let me upgrade the m (the rest of my question was zapped out) 8:08:24 PMSystemYou are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat 8:08:24 PMSystemConnected with Oliver 8:08:39 PMOliverWelcome to Dell Sales Chat.My name is Oliver.I'll be your personal sales agent.Give me a moment to review you concern please don't go away. 8:09:00 PMYou ok, i see all of it did not show up on the screen 8:10:08 PM Oliverwhat are you trying to upgrade? 8:10:18 PMYou memory 8:11:50 PMYou from 256 to 512 8:14:19 PMYou still there? 8:14:57 PMOliver On the point of sale we cannot do that,but after you have receive the item you can purchase the memory separately. 8:15:29 PMYou Really, so why is there a "customize" button? 8:16:43 PMOliver that includes all items on the configuration,not the warranty only... 8:18:04 PMOliver are you still there? 8:18:57 PMYou I'm not following you. Warranty?... Yes, I'm here 8:20:23 PMYou I thought the option had been there to go one step up from end price from $399 to $449 and get RAM(512MB) and WiFi802.11b/g 8:20:23 PMOliver would there be anything else that i can assist you regarding this/ 8:21:14 PMYou Do you understand what I'm asking? 8:22:00 PMYou Is there someone else who can help me? 8:22:38 PMOliver yes. 8:23:12 PMYou great. Who do I speak with next? 8:23:58 PMOliver but as much as I want to assist you,I have given you all the informations that I know,to further verify you can call our system sales dept at 1-800-915-3355 ext. 7266200 . 8:24:32 PMYou is someone there now? 8:25:27 PMOliver yes. 8:25:46 PMYou thanks Ummmm, help from someone here who speaks English as a first language???
  2. How about something for outside of the house? Say, a birdbath, bird feeder, statuary items, windchime, a garden bench,... Or, when all else fails I like to give (and receive) movie tickets and restaurant gift certificates.
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