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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. Miranda, You already have two similiar threads, I don't think a 3rd repost is necessary? Please continue discussion in one of your previous threads: How do you know what time each place opens? plus other q's I am so cluelesss!!! Exactly how hectic is it to bf in a big City?I'll make it easy for you. Have you ever heard of the saying, it's better to be safe than sorry? I would rather get in line too early than arrive after 100 people are already lined up and you won't receive any tickets for door buster items. So I would get in line between Midnight - 2AM. If you have any other questions please PM me directly. Thanks, Ross
  2. Correct, please read the BFFAQ which answers this question.
  3. Door busters are the loss leaders which are sold first between 5AM-11AM (hours vary according to store). Door busters are items like the laptops for $399, MP3 players for $39.99, etc.
  4. Thanks :)
  5. Toshiba is better. Please continue discussion in our ONE AND ONLY LAPTOP THREAD http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=18507
  6. Hi davidbugs, Your two threads were not deleted, they were merged with existing threads. It's always a good idea to first search before creating a new thread because someone else could have posted your thread. That is what happened in this case. I did a quick search and found these two existing threads: How many GottaPoints do you have? What's your age?
  7. 1) Toshiba 2) Samsung 3) All others
  8. Or you can post the URL here, either way is fine.
  9. This is the correct forum and I edited your thread title to something more accurate.
  10. Really? That is awesome
  11. Please PM Brad, MrsHoneybee or RossMAN with the duplicate post URL and we'll delete it for you.
  12. It's too late, promo has ended http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=14311
  13. Why do you need an external hard drive for your laptop?
  14. Repost http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=14395
  15. I'm happy that the Toshiba laptop is $115 (after $264 BBB) and with no rebates!
  16. Oh darn we accidentally mis-placed the ads and we have a freshman term paper due. We'll get back to you in about 2 days after mid-terms are over with, k? ROTFLMAO
  17. RossMAN

    Staples Acer Laptop

    I would agree and you won't have to get in line at midnight either, maybe 4AM.
  18. I wonder if I should spill the beans or make everyone wait and suffer?
  19. RossMAN

    Big Lot?

    Please read the BFFAQ, your question is answered there.
  20. Thanks for the heads up :)
  21. We have always recommended that you download all the ads to your hard drive for offline viewing. See a complete list of all BF ads here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=15792
  22. Ross is not for sale! j/k
  23. Free soup is always welcome in our house!
  24. Don't you just love those BBB?
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