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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. You should!
  2. You do know they're referring to the desktop is $99 AR not laptop, right?
  3. Please read the BFFAQ.
  4. Hopefully I'll be sitting in a $10 chair passing time sleeping, playing my GBA or using my laptop.
  5. I love your username, very creative
  6. I'll probably take my small Canon PowerShot S200 with me, fits easily in my pockets.
  7. Please bring your digicam or camcorder with you while BF shopping or even waiting in line!!!
  8. That's a great idea, do you have a link to the official rules, terms and conditions?
  9. That is my biggest concern since I plan on being at CompUSA at Midnight. Then waiting for 4.5 hours in line at Best Buy. Fun fun fun.
  10. Tracy, You should hang out in the GottaTalk Lounge http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=20328
  11. Great price on the Samsung digicam and it comes with 128MB media.
  13. We are looking into this and will hopefully post details tomorrow.
  14. Probably only in your local newspaper, it's just 6 days away.
  15. Great now I gotta make plans to visit KMart, cheap GBA games? I'm there!
  16. BTO = Built To Order The laptops are NOT in the store, you order them from a kiosk (looks like an ATM), they build and then ship the laptop to you in a few weeks.
  17. Sorry to rain in on your parade but wait until you have to refill the ink cartridges. You will be in for a real $$$ shock $$$ they'll cost more than the actual printer does. A few months ago I bought my Canon Pixma MP750 for $99 - $50 rebate = $49 @ Fry's B&M
  18. Julie, Thanks for the tip. Is it the Lexmark X1185 All-in-One for $39.88?
  19. Maybe Village Inn and enjoy a nice brunch, delicious.
  20. No it's not a hint, if it were I would have added a wink
  21. I'd love to see CC and Fry's, I guess we'll just have to wait *fingers crossed*
  22. It varies depending on the location, some are very busy with 300+ people in line by 4AM where as others are dead. It would help if we knew the location of your local Sears (store name, city, state)?
  23. Yes they will however the BF ads have not been leaked yet, when they are we will post them. Please take a minute and read the BFFAQ.
  24. RossMAN

    eMachine Question

    Barely because it's a slow CPU, the motherboard, the RAM and most importantly the video card. Please remember this is a CHEAP ENTRY level desktop PC, not a Dell Dimension XPS or AlienWare PC. Not a bad deal for $149 but I hope you are not expecting to play most modern games without doing some significant upgrades. By the time you upgrade, you just paid the price for a new and better Dell Dimension 4xxx/5xxx PC.
  25. RossMAN

    eMachine Question

    It is a flat CRT which is sometimes confused with flat panel LCD which is what laptops have. Does that help clarify it?
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